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This overview provides information on Public Health England's mission, structure, local presence, and focus areas in Greater Manchester. It highlights the role of the PHE Centre in facilitating integrated public health systems and addressing key health challenges in the region.
‘Overview of Public Health England in Greater Manchester’ Professor Martyn Regan, Centre Director
PUBLIC HEALTH ENGLAND MISSION • To protect and improve the nation’s health and to address inequalities, working with national and local government the NHS, industry, academia, the public and the voluntary and community sector
Structure – Public Health England Advisory Board Chief Executive Development Advisor Director of Health Protection and Medical Director Director of Health and Wellbeing Chief Knowledge Officer Director of Nursing Director of Communications Director of Strategy Chief of Staff Chief Operating Officer Private Office Secretariat Director of Programmes Regional Directors Microbiology Internal Audit Corporate Governance Centre Directors Finance and Commercial Director Legal Service Director of Human Resources 3
Local presence • Four regions, 15 centres • Eight Knowledge and • Intelligence Hubs • London • South West • South East • West Midlands • East Midlands • North West • Northern and Yorkshire • East • Other local presence • ten microbiology laboratories • field epidemiology teams • Additional support • Local teams can also draw on national scientific expertise based at Colindale, Porton Down and Chilton 4
PHE Centre in Greater Manchester • The PHE Centre will operate as the ‘front door’ to national resources/sources of expertise for local organisations and public health teams in Greater Manchester • The PHE Centre will lead and facilitate the building and supporting of an integrated public health system for Greater Manchester • The PHE Centre will focus clearly and constructively on the key public health challenges and their determinants in Greater Manchester – as evidenced by the data and through regular discussion and debate with key stakeholders • The PHE Centre will review key public health indicators regularly and will consider creating and using programme dashboards
Local focus 15 CENTRES 4 REGIONS • Led by a senior public health professional • Deliver services and advice around the three domains of public health • Support local government and local NHS action to improve and protect health and reduce inequalities with intelligence and evidence • Deliver the local input to emergency preparedness, resilience and response • Led by a senior public health professional • Ensure quality and consistency and responsiveness of centres’ services and advice • Support transparency and accountability of the system • Assurance of emergency planning and response • Workforce development • Contribute to the national public health agenda 6
Place-based approach to public health Non-statutory providers* NHS providers People and communities Health and wellbeing boards NHSE area team PHE centre Local government CCGs • EPPR • Screening and immunisation • Offender public health programmes • Specialised commissioning • Primary care public health programmes and population healthcare Public health advice *Including voluntary and community sector 7
Outcome-focused priorities Helping people to live longer and more healthy lives by reducing preventable deaths and the burden of ill health associated with smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, poor diet, poor mental health, insufficient exercise, and alcohol Reducing the burden of disease and disability in life by focusing on preventing and recovering from the conditions with the greatest impact, including dementia, anxiety, depression and drug dependency Protecting the country from infectious diseases and environmental hazards, including the growing problem of infections that resist treatment with antibiotics Supporting families to give children and young people the best start in life, through working with health visiting and school nursing, family nurse partnerships and the Troubled Families programme Improving health in the workplace by encouraging employers to support their staff, and those moving into and out of the workforce, to lead healthier lives 8 Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer
Supporting priorities Promoting the development of place-based public health systems Developing our own capacity and capability to provide professional, scientific and delivery expertise to our partners 9
Supporting a shared vision for public health service delivery http://www.gmphnetwork.org.uk/ 11 www.gmphnetwork.org.uk
Reducing Dependency and Demand • Taking a Greater Manchester-wide approach which clearly adds value to reform at district level, particularly to those issues identified in our Community Budget proposals to reduce current and future dependency; early years, troubled families and transforming justice. • Reform of the health and social care system based on significantly improving outcomes from specialist acute services and delivering a substantial reduction in unplanned admissions to hospital and other care institutions • Deployment of common tools and techniques to support cross public service leadership at scale, including cost benefit analysis, investment agreements and data sharing
Working Well (Work Programme Leavers) • Substance misuse has been identified as a significant issue for the c 5,000 Working Well cohort. • PHE is currently in the process of setting up a data sharing protocol with the Working Well programme that will allow for the programme to monitor the effectiveness of its substance misuse referrals including; the volume of Working Well substance misuse treatment starts, waiting times and treatment outcomes. 13
A Greater Manchester Alcohol Strategy • Councils now have considerable power to influence decisions made on alcohol licensing, but the process can be difficult and resource intensive. • Evidence suggests that limiting availability through times of sale and outlet density can have a positive impact on levels of harm particularly violence and disorder. • PHE and partners across GM are working to produce a toolkit to support LAs in being more active in their action on alcohol control through licensing, through improved intelligence, promoting a more consistent approach that leads to better enforcement. 14
Digital technologies in alcohol treatment • Working with Greater Manchester Public Health Network to scale up the use of persuasive digital technologies within alcohol treatment services across GM. • Following a successful trial in Bolton the aim of this project is to utilise a software/SMS text system that better engages clients in treatment and apply it to a cohort of clients that includes Working Well and to those seeking to sustain their employment. 15
Improving Oral Public Health • Several Local Authorities have highlighted poor oral health of very young children as a priority. • The PHE Dental Health team is coordinating oral health needs assessments and evidence on effective action to all 10 LAs. • Working directly with Oldham on a focussed project of action with local partners, with plans to share this approach with other LAs in Greater Manchester with the most severe dental disease levels. • Health checks being delivered in primary dental care settings: innovative approach to improve take-up in hard to reach groups in Manchester and Salford, facilitated by PHE Health Improvement Manager and Consultant in Dental Public Health 16
Protecting the Public’s Health - Waste Sites - Risk Management • Background: Large waste piles- risk of fire. Difficult to extinguish. Potential for long term (weeks) burn with PH Risk. • Events: Bredbury Fire, August 2013 • Duncan St Fire, March 2014 • Effective joint working in response • DPH: Liaison with LA SMT, CCG, PHE • PHE: -Notification & updates to DPH, AGMA CCRU, Health Partners • -Specialist PH advice via CRCE (e.g. AQC data interpretation) • AGMA risk analysis to GM LRF, December 2013: • >30 Sites with 3 sites immediate fire risk • GM Multi agency strategic programme- work streams • Prevention: Combining agency resources and regulatory powers • Prevention: Dynamic risk assessment • Response: template + site specific multi-agency plans for highest risk sites (PHE involvement) 17
PHE Business Plan 2014/15 • Business Plan published along with PHE remit letter from Department of Health • “eight PHE knowledge teams and intelligence networks provide trusted intelligence and help local systems with interpretation and insight to translate knowledge into practice” • Health and Wellbeing Framework for England to be published in August • Big Ambitions announced with the focus most likely to be on: • Best start in life • Tobacco • Obesity • Alcohol • TB • Dementia https://www.gov.uk/government/news/phe-business-plan-published-for-2014-to-2015 18 PHE/NICE event
Closing Remarks Our Resources Closing Remarks Our Resources Closing Remarks Where are we now with our health and wellbeing? • The audience • The narrative is aimed at national and local politicians , policy makers and senior officials. The aim is to tell the story on how health is created in people, communities and places, and to galvanise action to improve health at all levels • The content • Why we need change • Where we want to be • How do we get there? • Creating health • The prize • Format: Document Key questions • How can we tell the story of health in a way which resonates with both local and national audiences? • How can we tell a new story of the wider determinants and inequalities in health? Being productive Healthy People Building a strong society 19
CONTACT DETAILS: Professor Martyn Regan Centre Director PHE Greater Manchester Martyn.regan@phe.gov.uk 0161 625 7455 20 PHE/NICE event