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Africa Famine & Drought Response

Join us in supporting families affected by severe famine and drought in Africa. Your donation can make a difference in providing vital food assistance. Act now and help those in need!

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Africa Famine & Drought Response

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Famine & Drought Response in Africa

  2. A widespread drought is affecting over 20 million people across the African continent, primarily in Eastern Africa.

  3. The level of famine and drought is unprecedented.

  4. It is the most vulnerable – young children and the elderly – who are suffering the most.

  5. Families are experiencing malnourishment and sometimes even death due to lack of food.

  6. World Renew is responding to the needs of those affected by famine and drought.

  7. In South Sudan, we are supporting a program providing nutrient-rich food to malnourished children, helping 1,000 families.

  8. This food is helping kids return to better health.

  9. In Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Nigeria, World Renew is providing food assistance to 40,417 people who are facing severe food insecurity.

  10. Monthly rations of maize flour, beans and cooking oil are giving strength and hope to families in Uganda.

  11. Please give generously. Even though thousands of families are receiving assistance in their time of need, there are still many who go to bed hungry.

  12. Your gifts and prayers are urgently needed.

  13. From March 17 to June 30, all donations made to organizations responding to this crisis will be matched 1:1 by the Canadian Government.

  14. Through World Renew’s membership at the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, your donations are eligible for a further match, up to 4:1!

  15. That means that by donating before June 30, your gift is eligible to be matched up to five times!

  16. Please donate today to help hungry families have enough food today and strength for tomorrow.

  17. "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” Matthew 25:35a

  18. To learn more about World Renew’s famine and drought response in Africa, visit www.worldrenew.net. Thank you! Image credits: CIA World Fact book, World Relief Canada / Tearfund

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