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Abteilung Messnetze und Daten

Abteilung Messnetze und Daten. Building and Operating a Station Network for Climatology and Hydrology K. Klapheck, S. Alsen, R. Bauer, A. Bungenstock Deutscher Wetterdienst Hamburg. E-mail: Karl-Heinz.Klapheck@dwd.de Sönke.Alsen@dwd.de Rainer.Bauer@dwd.de Andre.Bungenstock@dwd.de.

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Abteilung Messnetze und Daten

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  1. Abteilung Messnetze und Daten Building and Operating a Station Network for Climatology and Hydrology K. Klapheck, S. Alsen, R. Bauer, A. Bungenstock Deutscher Wetterdienst Hamburg E-mail: Karl-Heinz.Klapheck@dwd.de Sönke.Alsen@dwd.de Rainer.Bauer@dwd.de Andre.Bungenstock@dwd.de Adress: Jenfelder Allee 70a D-22043 Hamburg

  2. Abteilung Messnetze und Daten • - Introduction • - Progress in building up the network • - Station description • - Facilities of the network • - Maintenance of software and hardware • - Final remarks

  3. Need for modernizing the ‚voluntary Observer network‘ for climatology/hydrology : by using new measurement- and information-technology and redesigning the net (locations, numbers, equipment of stations): achieve - automizing the readings of instruments - prompting eye observations into electronic data processing

  4. Other objectives of the new network - Improve data quality: same level as data from synoptical stations - fast availability of data - central archiving of data - remote monitoring and remote configuring of stations

  5. Building the network: working routines Providing hardware & software for station & network - fixing user requirements - writing specifications - procurement procedures - acceptance tests of prototypes - tests of series production - system modifications Activities at the site: - searching for station locations - granting contract with site owner - pre-installation of the measurem. area - provision of ISDN connection - installation of the measurement system - starting up and instruction

  6. Monitor program

  7. Service Programm Station scheme

  8. Station area

  9. Precipitation sensor Ott ‚Pluvio‘

  10. Observer‘s terminal: main menue Input met. Information actual values time series sent messages display/change system parameters quit

  11. Observer‘s activities send messages at fixed time of the day: - precip. height (control measurem.), snow depth, - state of the ground - estimation of wind, cloudiness, visibility send messages of continuous weather with general time indications or exact time intervals: - falling precipitation: y/n, type, intensity, frequency - deposited precipitation: dew, rime, slippery ice/snow - extraordinary weather appearances: electrical / optical phenomena, turbidity, extreme wind,... Display data, messages and system information Simple maintenance of sensors, set sensor status

  12. Features of the station network center - Calling data sets of time averages / sums of 1 min, 10 min, 1 h, 24 h of met. quantities Calling intervals: 1 h for ‚S‘ and ‚W‘ stations, 24 h for ‚N‘ stations, other intervals: configurable, and immediate calls - Receiving data on: incidents of exceeding thresholds of wind or precip. or certain weather penomena, system errors - Network monitoringfrom any site of DWD intranet: software update, configuration of station groups, survey of individual stations - Central data base - Backup System - Provisions for IT safety

  13. Landes- Zentralen Lokale Nutzer Scheme of the network composition

  14. Quality assurance of data 1. Provisions at the station: - Range check - Variability check - Generation of a quality byte for each value sent to the network center - Alarm generation 2. Provisions at the network center - Off-line quality control and monitoring system (see Spengler, R., Proc. TECO2002, Dibbern, J., Proc. TECO2005)

  15. AMDA III / N stations: 24 h sums of precipitation region: NW-Germany date: 20 Nov 06, 05.50 Screenshot ofQUALIMET

  16. System modification and maintenance From the view of resources : expected long lifetime of the network (but no more support from system provider) Station software: Station hardware: - components on store - test new marketable components and implement existing software Network center: merging with synopt. network center in preparation new requirements from users, remove faults modifications: who can do it ? Developers ? (if at hand) DWD staff: keeps system knowledge

  17. Final remarks Benefits of the new network : Improvement of climatological / hydrological data - less expenditure for observers: less errors - fast availability, time resolution of data - increased quality by on-line algorithms, monitoring programs, new hardware Profits for additional users: availability of actual data - AMDA III / S data: complement the synopical station network - AMDA III / N data: useful for flood modelling/forecasting - AMDA III / W data: warning management

  18. Thank you for attention

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