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Lecture #8. Patterns. Enumerating Mapping Filtering Accumulating. (integers-between 2 4) (cons 2 (integers-between 3 4))) (cons 2 (cons 3 (integers-between 4 4))) (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 (integers-between 5 4)))) (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 nil))) (list 2 3 4). 2. 3. 4. Enumerating.
Lecture #8 מבוא מורחב
Patterns • Enumerating • Mapping • Filtering • Accumulating מבוא מורחב
(integers-between 2 4) (cons 2 (integers-between 3 4))) (cons 2 (cons 3 (integers-between 4 4))) (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 (integers-between 5 4)))) (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 nil))) (list 2 3 4) 2 3 4 Enumerating (define (integers-between hi lo) (cond ((> lo hi) nil) (else (cons lo (integers-between (+ 1 lo) hi))))) מבוא מורחב
6 children or subtrees root 4 2 2 6 8 4 8 Trees We can view a list of possibly other lists and atoms as a tree. (define tree (list 2 (list 6 8) 4)) (length tree) 3 מבוא מורחב
Enumerate-Leaves • Goal: given a tree, produce a list of all the leaves • Strategy • base case: list of empty tree is empty list • base case: list of a leaf is one element list • otherwise, recursive strategy: build a new list from a list of the leaves of the first child and a list of the leaves of the rest of the children מבוא מורחב
Enumerate-leaves (define (enumerate-leaves tree) (cond ((null? tree) nil) ;base case ((leaf? tree) ) ;base case (else ;recursive case ( (enumerate-leaves (car tree)) (enumerate-leaves (cdr tree)))))) מבוא מורחב
5 7 4 2 4 2 5 7 Enumerate-Leaves (define (enumerate-leaves tree) (cond ((null? tree) nil) ;base case ((leaf? tree) (list tree)) ;base case (else ;recursive case (append(enumerate-leaves (car tree)) (enumerate-leaves (cdr tree)))))) מבוא מורחב
Append 5 7 2 ap (el 4) (el ((5 7) 2) ) ap (cl (5 7)) (el (2)) ap (el (7)) (el 5) (el 2) (el nil) ap (el 7) (el nil) Enumerate-leaves (el (4 (5 7) 2)) (4 5 7 2) (5 7 2) (4) (5 7) (2) ap (7) (5) (2) () (7) ()
countleaves • Strategy • base case: count of an empty tree is 0 • base case: count of a leaf is 1 • recursive strategy: the count of a tree is the sum of the countleaves of each child in the tree. (define (countleaves tree) (cond ((null? tree) 0) ;base case ((leaf? tree) 1) ;base case (else ;recursive case (+ (countleaves (car tree)) (countleaves (cdr tree)))))) (define (leaf? x) (not (pair? x))) מבוא מורחב
5 my-tree 4 (cl 4) (cl ((5 7) 2) ) + + (cl (5 7)) (cl (2)) + + (cl (7)) (cl 2) (cl 5) (cl nil) + 7 2 (cl 7) (cl nil) countleaves – example (define my-tree (list 4 (list 5 7) 2)) (countleaves my-tree) (cl (4 (5 7) 2)) 1 1 1 0 1 0
Your Turn: scale-tree • Goal: given a tree, produce a new tree with all the leaves scaled • Strategy • base case: scale of empty tree is empty tree • base case: scale of a leaf is product • otherwise, recursive strategy: build a new tree from a scaled version of the first child and a scaled version of the rest of children מבוא מורחב
Scale-tree (define (scale-tree tree factor) (cond ((null? tree) nil) ;base case ((leaf? tree) (* tree factor)) (else ;recursive case (cons (scale-tree (cdr tree) factor ))))) (scale-tree (car tree) factor) מבוא מורחב
Alternative scale-tree • Strategy • base case: scale of empty tree is empty tree • base case: scale of a leaf is product • otherwise: a tree is a list of subtrees and use map. (define (scale-tree tree factor) (cond ((null? tree) nil) ((leaf? tree) (* tree factor)) (else ;it’s a list of subtrees (map (lambda (child) (scale-tree child factor)) tree))))
Mapping (define (map proc lst) (if (null? lst) nil (cons (proc (car lst)) (map proc (cdr lst))))) (define (square-list lst) (map square lst)) (define (scale-list lst c) (map (lambda (x) (* c x)) lst)) (scale-list (integers-between 1 5) 10) ==> (10 20 30 40 50) מבוא מורחב
(define (filter pred lst) (cond ((null? lst) nil) ((pred (car lst)) (cons (car lst) (filter pred (cdr lst)))) (else (filter pred (cdr lst))))) Filtering (filter odd? (square-list (integers-between 1 10))) (1 9 25 49 81) מבוא מורחב
Accumulating (define (add-up lst) (if (null? lst) 0 (+ (car lst) (add-up (cdr lst))))) (define (mult-all lst) (if (null? lst) 1 (* (car lst) (mult-all (cdr lst))))) (define (accumulate op init lst) (if (null? lst) init (op (car lst) (accumulate op init (cdr lst))))) מבוא מורחב
eln eln-1 init el1 …….. op op op ... op Accumulating (cont.) (define (accumulate op init lst) (if (null? lst) init (op (car lst) (accumulate op init (cdr lst))))) (define (add-up lst) (accumulate + 0 lst)) מבוא מורחב
eln eln eln-1 eln-1 lst2 0 el1 el1 …….. …….. +1 +1 +1 ... ... +1 Length and append as accumulation (define (length lst) (accumulate (lambda (x y) (+ 1 y)) 0 lst)) (define (append lst1 lst2) (accumulate cons lst2 lst1) מבוא מורחב
More examples (define (fib n) (cond ((= n 0) 0) ((= n 1) 1) (else (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))) (map fib (integers-between 10 20)) ==> (55 89 … 6765) מבוא מורחב
Multiply all fibonacci values for even integers between hi and lo Using our tools: (define (easy lo hi) (accumulate * 1 (map fib (filter even? (integers-between lo hi))))) Without: (define (hard lo hi) (cond ((> lo hi) 1) ((even? lo) (* (fib lo) (hard (+ lo 1) hi))) (else (hard (+ lo 1) hi)))) מבוא מורחב
Even-fibs • Enumerates the integers from 0 to n • Computes the Fibonacci number for each integer • Filters them selecting the even ones • Accumulates the results using cons • Sum-odd-squares • Enumerates the leaves of a tree • Filters them, selecting the odd ones • Squares each of the selected ones • Accumulates the results using +
tree 0 + square odd? enumerate leaves accumulate map filter 0, n cons nil even? fib integers between accumulate filter map even-fibs sum-odd-squares in a tree Flow along horizontal arrows. מבוא מורחב
0, n cons nil even? fib integers between accumulate filter map Implementation (define (even-fibs n) (define (next k) (if (< n k) nil (let ((f (fib k))) (if (even? f) (cons f (next (+ k 1))) (next (+ k 1)))))) (next 0)) (define (even-fibs n) (accumulate cons nil (filter even? (map fib (integers-between 0 n)))))
tree 0 + square odd? enumerate leaves accumulate map filter Implementation (define (sum-odd-squares tree) (accumulate + 0 (map square (filter odd? (enumerate-leaves tree))))) (define (sum-odd-squares tree) (cond ((null? tree) 0) ((leaf? tree) (if (odd? tree) (square tree) 0)) (else (+ (sum-odd-squares (car tree)) (sum-odd-squares (cdr tree))))))
How does the interpreter prints lists and pairs ?? מבוא מורחב
2 1 3 1 3 List notation (1 (5 7) 3) 5 7 Dot notation (1 . ((5 . (7 . ())) . (3 . ())) Printing List Structures List notation (1 2 3) Dot notation (1 . (2 . (3 . ()))) מבוא מורחב
Simple Dot Notation (define (print-list-structure x) (define (print-contents x) (print-list-structure (car x)) (display " . ") (print-list-structure (cdr x))) (cond ((null? x) (display "()")) ((atom? x) (display x)) (else (display "(") (print-contents x) (display ")")))) (define (atom? z) (and (not (pair? z)) (not (null? z)))) מבוא מורחב
1 2 1 Pairs Dot notation (1 . 2) List notation Not every pair is a list!!!!! List notation (1) Dot notation (1 . ()) מבוא מורחב
Print List Notation (define (print-list-structure x) (define (print-contents x) (print-list-structure (car x)) (cond ((null? (cdr x)) nil) ((atom? (cdr x)) (display " . ") (print-list-structure (cdr x))) (else (display " ") (print-contents (cdr x))))) (cond ((null? x) (display "()")) ((atom? x) (display x)) (else (display "(") (print-contents x) (display ")"))))
2 3 (cons 1 (cons 2 3)) 1 More examples How to create the following output ? ( 1 2 . 3) (1 . 2 3) cannot מבוא מורחב