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EUCLCORP: Multilingual Legal Corpus for EU Case Law Analysis

EUCLCORP is a standardized, multidimensional corpus of EU Court of Justice & EU member states' constitutional/supreme courts' case law. It provides linguistic and metadata annotation tools for empirical legal linguistics studies.

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EUCLCORP: Multilingual Legal Corpus for EU Case Law Analysis

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  1. The European Union case law corpus (EUCLCORP) Aleksandar Trklja University of Birmingham

  2. What is EUCLCORP? • The European Union case law corpus (EUCLCORP) is a standardised, multidimensional and multilingual corpus of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and of eight EU member states’ constitutional/supreme courts.

  3. Project development • The project has been developed in the following phases: • Phase one: project application • Phase two: data compilation • Phase three: data annotation • Phase four: web-interface • Supported by a European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept grant • Based at the University of Birmingham (July 2016 - December 2017).

  4. Not just another legal database

  5. Not just another legal database • Unlike conventional legal databases EUCLCORP contains the following corpus tools: • monolingual concordance lines • parallel concordance lines • collocations • frequency lists • n-grams • simple search • CQP-based search

  6. Annotation • The corpus has been annotated with linguistic and external metadata information. • Linguistic information: tokenization, lemmatization, parts-of-speech tags, sentence and paragraph boundaries and enumeration of sentences and paragraphs.

  7. Annotation • Non-linguistic metadata for CJEU subcorpus: text sections (Summary, Parties, Grounds, Costs, Operative Part and Subject), language of the case, case name, case number, date and cellar number. • Non-linguistic metadata for national judgments: language of the case, name of the court, date, case name and names of judges. • Sentences from ECJ judgments: aligned at the sentence level to enable the search on parallel concordance lines.

  8. ECJ judgments

  9. National judgments

  10. Web interface and corpus tools User-friendly interface for the search query [lemma="increase" & tag="V.*"] ]{0,2}[ tag="N.*"] ::match.meta_date="1980.*" within grounds

  11. Web interface and corpus tools N-grams associated with the token ‘capable’

  12. Web interface and corpus tools

  13. Contribution • EUCLCORP has been created with the aim to foster the development of empirical legal linguistics studies.

  14. Contribution • EUCLCORP allows users to investigate in a systematic way: • the history of the meaning(s) of a particular legal term; • features that distinguish legal language from languages used in other registers; • in the case of ambiguous terms – the senses in which they are most frequently and most typically used; • the influence of national legal languages on EU case law (and vice versa); • the impact of translation on the development of EU case law; • discourse relations and argumentation patterns.

  15. Thank you for your attention!

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