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Morae. Teppo Räisänen http://www.oamk.fi/~teraisan/ Teppo.raisanen@oamk.fi. From: Morae – Getting Started. TechSmith Corporation. General Information. Morae is used for the usability testing of software 3 Components: Recorder Remote Viewer Manager. Recorder.

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  1. Morae Teppo Räisänen http://www.oamk.fi/~teraisan/ Teppo.raisanen@oamk.fi From: Morae – Getting Started. TechSmith Corporation

  2. General Information • Morae is used for the usability testing of software • 3 Components: • Recorder • Remote Viewer • Manager

  3. Recorder • Recorder saves and synchronizes the UI actions and data inputs of a user • Recorder is installed in the same computer as the software to be tested • During testing Recorder will run in the background

  4. Remote Viewer • With RV the members of testing group can observe the actions of the user • Audio channel • Video connection (e.g. WebCam) • Screenshots • Notes and comments can be added for a further analysis and viewing • RV does not have to be used in all test sessions (if e.g. pen and paper will be enough)

  5. Manager • Manager is used for creating project in which the test sessions are imported from the Recorder component • By using Manager’s search function a spesific kind or user actions can easily be found

  6. Manager • Manager can be used for (e.g.): • Searching, editing and classifying RV users’ notes and comments • Calculate the time the user needed to complete a spesific task • From the notes and user actions video compliations can be exported using Manager

  7. Testing Process

  8. Technical Environment • Components communicate using wired/ wireless network • The basic setup can be expanded: • Several Remote Viewer –components for multilple viewing • Several Recorder/Manager-components for testing multiple users of analyzing multiple cases simultaneously

  9. Technical Environment

  10. Technical Environment

  11. Some Hardware Requirements • Win2000, XP, (Vista, Win7?) • Pentium min. 1,5 GHz • Min. 500 MB RAM • Min. 10 MBps connection

  12. Testing • Configuration of the technical environment • Feeding in the data of test & test users • Configuration of shortcut keys to the RV (e.g. ’N’ = navigational error) • Choosing the input sources

  13. Users, Notes, Sources

  14. Testing • Configuration of the start and endpoints of the saving (E.g. user opens/closes browser application) • Testing the environments • Start the application to be tested • Make sure that the Recorder starts

  15. Testing • Establishing a connection between the Recorder- ja Remote Viewer –components • Make sure that the camera and mic are working properly • Running the test • User starts up the software • Recorder starts up and starts to pass data to the Remote Viewer(s)

  16. Initial Stages of the Testing Session

  17. Procedures After Testing • Analyzing of the results e.g. • Time user for the subtasks (start/end markings) • The navigational paths user chosed to use • The difficulties experienced by the user • Search for a specific actions by the user (e.g. mouse & kb events)

  18. Search & Results

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