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Learn about how Softswitch technology enables connectivity between various networks, including the traditional telephone network, internet, and more. Understand its role in network convergence, call setup and teardown processes, and how it integrates with different gateways. Explore the components and functions of Softswitch in facilitating communication across different platforms.
PENGENALAN NGN Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom 2007
Latar Belakang Kehadiran Softswitch • Jaringan yang ideal adalah jaringan full packet (mulai dari tingkat access hingga core network), terintegrasi (PSTN, PLMN, data), multi service dengan protokol open standard, multi vendor dan mudah dikembangkan. Jaringan ini dikenal sebagai NGN (Next Generation Network) • Untuk menuju NGN, pembangunan gerbang-gerbang VoIP dianggap solusi yang bersifat parsial (tambal sulam) karena tidak dirancang untuk jangka panjang (long term) dalam tahapan evolusi/migrasi menuju NGN • Teknologi baru sebagai pengembangan VoIP yang dirancang mampu mengawalmenuju NGN, baik secara smooth (bertahap) maupun radikal adalah teknologi softswitch.
Mengapa Softswitch ? Berikut adalah beberapa kelemahan mendasar dalam elemen switch pada jaringan circuit switched (TDM), yang kemudian diperbaiki oleh teknologi softswitch
Overview • Definisi (Sun Microsystem) The precise definition of a Softswitch is somewhat controversial due to its numerous service offerings and implementation options. Here is one general definition: The Softswitch is a collection of products, protocols, and applications that enable any device to access telecommunication and/or Internet services over an IP network.
Overview • Softswitch technology enables connectivity between the Internet, wireless networks, cable networks and the traditional telephone networks. • The network convergence that can be achieved using Softswitch. • Softswitch enables the Telephone network to communicate with the internet world, and vice versa. • The scheme of connectivity, directory numbering system and billing mechanism of the telephony world is made available to other networks (including the internet) using Softswitch.
The traditional telephone network uses Class 5 and Class 4 circuit switches along with Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) technology to transport voice data. It also uses the SS7 signaling network to handle call setup and teardown, plus other functions. • The traditional telephone network is integrated with the IP network by using certain Softswitch components, including Media Gateways (which move voice data between dissimilar networks) and Signaling Gateways (which move call signaling data between dissimilar networks). • Typically, a privately managed IP network is used to handle voice data. • A privately managed IP network is similar to the public Internet, except it provides a higher quality of service for voice data, and is usually implemented with IP over ATM technology.
The International Softswitch Consortium (ISC) is a body represented by various technology leaders, telecommunication equipment manufacturers, ITU and IETF. ISC views Softswitch as a collection of technologies (not a specific product) that enable next generation telecommunication services based on open standards. • This is quite different from the traditional model where services, call control and transport hardware are proprietary.
Tipe Koneksi Panggilan • The telephone network follows the 10 digit numbering plan in the US, while the IP network uses naming conventions like Someone@Sun.com. • Some of the types of call connections that Softswitches can support, for example : • From a telephone to another telephone. Both the calling party and the caller is part of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). • From an IP telephone or a multimedia computer to a (PSTN) telephone. For example, Person@Sun.com might call 925-555-9360. This call traverses the IP network as well as the PSTN, and might be made with an Internet application such as Net2Phone. In such cases the IP network connects to the PSTN using gateways. • From a multimedia computer or IP telephone to a multimedia computer For example, Someone@Home.com might call a Person@Sun.com. This call remains within the IP networks, and might be made with applications such as NetMeeting, Internet Chat, or Instant Message. In this case the (PSTN) Telephone network is not used
Tipe Koneksi Panggilan • From a video conferencing terminal to a regular telephone or a wireless phone. • From a PC to a two-way pager or a WAP-capable wireless phone. • There are many other possible types of call connections or message delivery mechanisms supported by Softswitch technologies. • In the IP network, the Signaling information is carried over the TCP/IP for its reliable delivery, and the digitized voice is carried over UDP/IP for its delivery with low overhead.
Komponen Utama • A Softswitch can consist of one or more of thesecomponents.These functions can reside in one system or span across several systems. The laterchapters in this paper will look at implementation decisions in more detail. • The Gateway Controller is one of the key functional units of the Softswitch. The GatewayController holds the call processing rules, but uses the Media Gateway and Signaling Gateway toperform the job. It is the responsibility of the Signaling Gateway to perform call set-up andteardown. In addition, it interfaces to the OSS and BSS systems. Often this unit is referred as CallAgent or Media Gateway Controller interchangeably. Sometimes the Call Agent by itself is referredas a Softswitch. This component communicates within other parts of the Softswitch and also theexternal networks using different protocols. • The Signaling Gateway serves as the gateway between the SS7 Signaling network and the nodesmanaged by the Softswitch in the IP network. A Signaling Gateway requires physical connectivity tothe SS7 network and must be aware of the required protocol suites.
Komponen Utama • 3. The Media Gateway handles the voice media data payload (the digitized samples of speechduring conversation). In the future, video data will also need to be supported. In the current model,the Media Gateway must support connectivity to a TDM bus carrying voice media data to the Telcoswitch side. Applicable voice data encoding, decoding, and compression are also performed by theMedia Gateway. It also supports legacy telephony (PSTN) interfaces and protocols such as CAS andISDN. • 4. The Media Server performs peripheral functions, to enrich the Softswitch with media capabilities.If required, it supports digital signal processing (DSP) resources. If IVR functionality is needed (eg:to prompt voice responses), those tasks would be performed by the Media Server. Video Media alsowould be served by a Media Server when applicable. • 5. The Feature Server provides all the revenue generating features and services such as billing,multi-party conferencing, etc. The Feature Server uses the resources and related services located onother components of the Softswitch. It may also support certain services to meet certainimplementation necessity e.g.: GateKeeper.
Summary • NGN • Jaringan VoIP • PLMN • ISDN • ATM • Jaringan IP • IN