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Stay informed about the latest regulatory projects led by the Vessel and Facility Operating Standards Division (CG-5222) at USCG Headquarters. Explore the current regulatory initiatives focusing on the Outer Continental Shelf activities, inspection of towing vessels, commercial diving operations, crane regulation standards, MARPOL Annex I update, and OSRV inspection and certification standards. Get insights into proposed rulemaking for life safety standards, dynamic positioning systems, floating installations, lifesaving equipment, and more. Have a comprehensive overview and status update on these essential projects.
Vessel & Facility Operating Standards Regulatory Projects CDR Rob Smith Vessel & Facility Operating Standards (CG-5222) USCG Headquarters
Objective • Provide a summary and update of regulatory projects led by the Vessel and Facility Operating Standards Division (CG-5222).
Outer Continental Shelf Activities • Proposed rulemaking to update Subchapter N; 33 CFR, including: • Life safety standards for electrical & machinery installations for hazardous locations on OCS units. • Design, installation and inspection standards for Dynamic Positioning Systems. • Standards for Floating Installations. • Lifesaving and fire fighting appliances for all OCS units. Status: Drafting Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Inspection of Towing Vessels • Proposed rulemaking to add a new Subchapter M in Title 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations that would establish safety regulations governing the standards, inspection, and safety management systems of towing vessels. • Pursuant to the authority granted in section 415 of the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2004. Status: NPRM in Federal Register Vol 76 No. 155, Thursday August 11, 2011
46 CFR Subchapter L Update for Large OSVs greater than 6000 GT ITC Proposed rulemaking to comprehensively update 46 CFR subchapter L. Regulations are being revised to account for this fast growing and ever changing section of the domestic maritime industry. Additionally it will address the requirements to the anticipated larger and longer range vessels. Status: Under Review
Commercial Diving Operations Proposed rule to revise regulations on the inspection and certification of commercial diving operations identified in 46 CFR 197 Subpart B. The commercial diving industry has experienced substantial changes in the application of new procedures and the introduction of new technology, since the last update in applicable USCG regulations. Status: Drafting Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Crane Regulation Standards Proposed rulemaking to revise regulations in 46 CFR parts 107, 108, and 109 related to design, certification, inspection, and testing of cranes on mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs), floating Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) facilities, and Offshore Supply Vessels (OSVs). The revision would update two referenced industry standards with more recent versions. Status: Regulatory project work plan completed
MARPOL Annex I Update Proposed rulemaking to amend the requirements in 33 CFR parts 151, 155, and 157 to align with recent amendments to MARPOL Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78). Status: Under Review
OSRV Inspection and Certification Standards Proposed rulemaking to add a new subpart in 46 CFR subchapter I-B for the inspection and certification of domestic oil spill response vessels (OSRVs). Regulations will provide adequate protection from shipboard hazards and pollution risks, as well as from fire and explosion risks associated with the handling of combustible and flammable liquids for crew and other personnel involved in oil spill removal. Status: Developing regulatory project work plan
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