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Chapter 15 pt. 2: Personality and the Trait, Humanistic, and Social Cognitive Perspectives

Chapter 15 pt. 2: Personality and the Trait, Humanistic, and Social Cognitive Perspectives. Pg. 513 picture. The Trait Perspective. The father of the trait perspective of personality is Gordon Allport .

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Chapter 15 pt. 2: Personality and the Trait, Humanistic, and Social Cognitive Perspectives

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  1. Chapter 15 pt. 2: Personality and the Trait, Humanistic, and Social Cognitive Perspectives Pg. 513 picture

  2. The Trait Perspective • The father of the trait perspective of personality is Gordon Allport. • The trait perspective looks to DESCRIBE personality in terms of fundamental traits:pattern of behavior or disposition to feel or act as assessed by self-reported inventories or peer reports.

  3. Myers –Briggs Type Indicator • 126 questions which ask patients for preferences • Example- Feeling or Thinking Type • Used in the business world

  4. Method used For Measuring Personality for Trait Perspective • Personality Inventory: a questionnaire that is usually true/false in which people respond to items designed to gauge a wide range of feelings and behaviors; used to assess selected personality traits. • Weakness of This Measuring Device?

  5. Example of Personality Inventory • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory:most widely used personality test. Purpose was to identify emotional disorders but is also now used for screening purposes for employment. • Test is an example of being empirically derived test: having pool of test questions that discriminate between groups. (Ex: Certain questions Depressed vs. Normal were likely to answer differently)

  6. Most widely used method Simply asking friends and family about you Self Reports

  7. UNSTABLE Moody Touchy Anxious Restless Rigid Aggressive Sober Excitable Pessimistic Changeable Reserved Impulsive Unsociable Optimistic Quiet Active choleric melancholic INTROVERTED EXTRAVERTED Passive phlegmatic sanguine Sociable Careful Outgoing Thoughtful Talkative Peaceful Responsive Controlled Easygoing Reliable Lively Even-tempered Carefree Calm Leadership STABLE Dimensions of Personality • Through factor analysis, the Ensencks identified dimensions of personality were as introverted (keep to yourself)/ extroverted(outgoing) and stable/unstable.

  8. The “Big Five” Personality Factors Trait Dimension Description Emotional StabilityCalm versus anxious Secure versus insecure Self-satisfied versus self-pitying ExtraversionSociable versus retiring Fun-loving versus sober Affectionate versus reserved Openness Imaginative versus practical Preference for variety versus preference for routine Independent versus conforming Agreeableness Soft-hearted versus ruthless Trusting versus suspicious Helpful versus uncooperative Conscientiousness Organized versus disorganized Careful versus carel Disciplined versus impulsive The Big Five Expands Upon The Dimensionsof Personality

  9. Big 5 Research Explores These Questions • 1. How Stable are these Traits? • In adulthood quite stable • 2. How heritable are they? • About 50% • 3. How well do they apply to other cultures? • Reasonably well • 4. Do the Big Five traits predict other personal attributes? • Yes • Highly conscientious people tend to also be morning people

  10. Evaluating the Trait Perspective • Person-Situation Controversy • Traits exist. We differ. And our difference matter • Averages in traits are consistent • Consistency of Expressive Style • Traits ( level of expressiveness) can remain hidden • But in most situations a person’s true personality will come through

  11. The Humanistic Perspective • The two founders of the Humanistic Perspective are Abraham Maslowand Carl Rogers. • The Humanistic Perspective focuses on the growth potential of healthy people. They focus on the power of free will and how people view themselves as a whole in pursuit of growth. Maslow Rogers

  12. Maslow’s Main Idea • 1. Self Actualization: ultimate goal in hierarchy of needs; meet one’s potential.

  13. Carl Rogers’ Person Centered Approach • Believed all humans had potential for growth; just need climate that has: • Genuineness (truthful/sincere) • Acceptance (unconditional positive regard) • Empathy (try to understand others) • Unconditional Positive Regard:attitude of total acceptance towards another person.

  14. Humanistic Perspective’s Central Concept to Understanding Personality • Self-Concept: all thoughts and feelings about ourselves: “Who am I?” • Related terms to understand Self Concept: • Self Esteem: feelings of self-worth. • Self-Serving Bias: a readiness to perceive oneself favorably.

  15. Criticism of Humanist Perspective • Maslow’s concepts are vague and might just be his own values. • Too much focus on individual. • Ignores human capacity for evil.

  16. Astrology and Palm Readings • 1996- 300 million dollars on psychic hotlines • Palm reading, horoscopes and handwriting analysis DO NOT WORK

  17. Astrology and Palm Readings • How do they do it? • 1. People are similar in many ways – “ I sense you’re nursing a grudge against someone” • 2.The Barnum Effect-ppl have a strong tendency to believe that traits apply specifically to them especially if these traits are favorable and stated in a general way • 3. They read our clothing, physical features, nonverbal gestures and reactions to what we say • 4. John Edwards- “Throws many things at the wall, sees what sticks and goes with it”

  18. Social –Cognitive Approach

  19. Social Cognitive Perspective • Father of Social Cognitive Perspective is Albert Bandura. • Social Cognitive Perspective:emphasizes the importance of external events (society) and how we interpret them (cognition). • Conditioning • Modeling

  20. Personality is Made Up of Interlocking Forces • Reciprocal Determinism: is the idea that environment influences personality AND personality influences the environment. • Same environment can have completely different effects on different people because of how they interpret and react to external events. • You choose your environment and it then shapes you

  21. Social Cognitive Perspective Focuses on Personal Control • Personal Control: sense of controlling the environment rather than feeling helpless. • Study Personal Control in 2 ways: • 1. Correlates ppls feelings of control with their behaviors and achievements • 2. Experiment- raise and lower ppls sense of control and rate the effects

  22. Achievement is highest when people have: Internal Locus of Control: idea that one control’s their own destiny. Locus of Control

  23. External Locus of Control Can Lead to Learned Helplessness • External Locus of Control: perception that chance or outside forces beyond one’s personal control determines one’s fate. • Learned Helplessness: hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events. • Ex: Dog being uncontrollably shocked for period; will not later escape when time arrives.

  24. Do you view yourself as optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic ppl are more productive, health and happy Excessive optimism can be bad Optimism

  25. Evaluating the Social Cognitive Perspective • Most widely accepted approach by current psychologists since it takes aspects from learning and cognition. • Criticized by some because it fails to consider possible unconscious motives and focuses too much on environment not enough on inner traits.

  26. Exploring the Self • Possible Selves • Visions and goals we have for ourselves • Dreams led to achievements • Spotlight Effect • PPl are less aware of us than we think • Self Esteem- • PPl who feel good about themselves are better off • Low Self Esteem comes in a variety of forms

  27. Exploring the Self • Self Serving Bias • Our readiness to perceive ourselves favorably • People accept more credit for goods things more than bad things • Most ppl see themselves as better than average • Survey Question: Who is most likely to go to heaven? Who beats out Princess Diana, Gandhi, MLK Jr., and Mother Theresa?

  28. If Self Serving Bias prevails why do ppl put themselves down? 1. Strategy for compliments 2. Prepare for possible failure 3. Pertains to “old” self Exploring the Self

  29. Individualism vs. Collectivism • Individualism • giving priority to one’s own goals over group goals and defining one’s identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications • Collectivism • giving priority to the goals of one’s group (often one’s extended family or work group) and defining one’s identity accordingly

  30. Value Differences

  31. Know Summary of Perspectives:

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