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Welcome to Watton at Stone Primary and Nursery School. Our vision is to nurture and support children to be happy, healthy, and have a love for learning. We believe in developing confident, respectful, and responsible citizens who make a contribution to the wider community. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) provides the right foundation for good progress through school and life. We focus on communication, language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding of the world, and expressive arts and design. We work together with parents to ensure children's learning and progress.
Welcome to Watton at stone primary and Nursery schoolOur VisionWe nurture and support children so that they are happy, are healthy in body and mind and have a love for learning, enabling them to achieve their potential. We believe in developing confident, respectful and responsible citizens who make a contribution to the wider community and beyond. We provide an environment where everybody is included and everybody matters.As a school, we have high aspirations for all, built on a solid foundation of self-belief, motivation and resilience.We will all be the best that we can be.
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)?“The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.” Statutory Framework March 2014
Learning and development is set out in the EYFS document and children work towards early learning goalsThere are 3 prime areas of learning and development which are; Communication and Language (CL) Physical Development (PD)Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
Making friendsBeing confident with both adults and children Being aware of boundaries Coping with change Sharing resources Taking turns Accepting needs of others Solving problems calmly Listening with attention Following directions Concentrating Listening and respondingUnderstanding ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions Following a story Using language to pretend Making up stories in their play Using talk to connect ideas, recall past events. Retelling events in order Widening vocabulary Making conversation Using simple tools, constructing and malleable materials with control Using pencils effectively and beginning to draw and form lettersMoving freely with confidence and control in a range of ways Using balancing and climbing equipment Control with balls and bats, throwing , catching, kicking Dressing and undressing Independence in toileting and hygiene Understanding of safety and being healthy
Listening and joining in with storiesUnderstanding how a book worksKnowing that print carries meaning Understanding about rhymingHearing the sounds in words Hearing the rhythm in words Beginning to read names and words Giving meaning to marks they make as they draw, write and paint. Linking sounds to letters Naming and sounding letters Writing own name Counting objects up to 10 Recognising numbers to 10 Naming and describing flat and solid shapes Ordering objects by size Using positional language Recognising and making patterns Talking about features of environment Observing and understanding about natural growth change Asking questions about their world Completing a program on a computer Using technological toys with interest Singing songs Making music and dances Working creatively to make models and pictures with different resources, tools and techniques Using imaginative role play to act out stories and express feelings
Effective learning Being proud of how they accomplished something Playing and exploring Showing curiosity Open-ended activity Having own ideas Making links and noticing patterns Showing particular interests Using senses to explore Seeking challenge Enjoying achieving Testing ideas Choosing, planning and changing strategy Bouncing back after difficulties Taking risks Representing their experiences in pretend play Initiating activities Persisting Showing a ‘can do’ attitude Solving problems
How can we work together to help your children learn and make the best progress?
1. You keep us informed about your children’s interests and learning at home.. All about me information sheet. Home-school activities. WOW moments. Stay and chat in the morning during busy fingers or after the session.
2. We keep you up to date with what we are doing in the school.. Information leaflets. . Notice boards in cloakroom. Blogs wattonROBINS.wordpress.com. School website. Learning journals . Half termly Stay and play sessions. Termly Parent/Teacher Consultations). Photos/information on displays in the classroom. Termly “Unique Child Summaries”
More information Available to download or displayed on the cloakroom notice boards. http://www.4children.org.uk/Resources/Detail/What-to-expect-when
Nursery Staff Miss Chatman EYFS Lead Reception Teacher Miss Merry Teaching Assistant Miss Dell Teaching Assistant Mrs Goodman Nursery Teacher
Daily routine Doors open at 8:45Am – COME IN THROUGH GREEN NURSERY GATES Busy fingers A mixture of adult led activities and child initiated learning. Hometime/lunch 11:45am LUNCHCLUB 11:45 TO 12:45 30 hours funded children –mindfulness and“In the moment planning” Home time 3:15pm – Big playground
Things you will need • Uniform • Grey trousers, skirt, pinafore dress • Green jumper and cardigan • Green or grey tights • Grey, black or white socks • Green PE shirt, black shorts • Trainers Please ensure all items of clothing are named!
Things you will need Book Bag! Please name everything!!
Food • Snack of fruit and vegetables plus milk or water – all provided. • Packed lunch or school dinner.
Medication and Illness • Asthma • Allergies • Epipens • Antibiotics • Contact school in case of absence • Contact phone numbers up to date • Accident forms
Extras • Home visits – Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th September • Term starts - Friday 6th September 8.45am • Forest School • 30 hours funding
30 Hours at Watton at Stone • Q: What’s the 30 hours? • A: An additional 15 hours of free childcare funded by the Government • Q: Do I get it? • If both parents work and earn a certain amount. Go to the government’s new website: Childcare Choices and complete the eligibility checker • Q: How do I book? • A: Sign up today or go to the school office (with your URN, if it’s funded) • Important date….if you already have your code, you must reactivate by 31st August in order for your child to be funded in the Autumn term
Transition dates • Parent Information Evening • Stay and Play (with parents) 3rd July 9am-10am • Meet the teacher 12thJuly • Story time 17th July 11.15am