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Universidad Técnica del Norte Ibarra - Ecuador

The study aims to characterize traditional childbirth practices in the Cofán-Dureno nationality in Sucumbíos, Ecuador, highlighting sociodemographic data, preferences during childbirth, and reasons for choosing traditional care over medical procedures.

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Universidad Técnica del Norte Ibarra - Ecuador

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  1. Universidad Técnica del Norte Ibarra - Ecuador Characterization of the traditional birth in the Nationality Cofán-Dureno, Sucumbíos 2016 Castillo Andrade Rocío, Rosales Rivadeneira Sara María; Álvarez Moreno Maritza; Espinel Jara Viviana Margarita, Vega Palacios Cinthya Estefanía

  2. Characterization of the traditional birth in the Nationality Cofán-Dureno, Sucumbíos 2016 The World Health Organization has been disseminating home delivery in order to reduce maternal-neonatal morbidity and mortality, with relevance in rural areas where more childbirths are attended with this characterization.

  3. OBJETIVE • The main objective was to characterize the traditional birth in the Cofán-Dureno nationality, Sucumbíos 2016

  4. METODOLOGY It is a qualitative and non-experimental study; Descriptive and cross-sectional study included women of childbearing age and caregivers resident in the Cofán community of Dureno Parish, who, prior informed consent, conducted a survey; the information obtained was tabulated in a database in Microsoft Excel.




  8. Discussion • Thesociodemographic data of thepredominantlyindigenousgroup shows a veryhighpercentage of free union, evidencedalso a lowschoollevel, peculiaritiesthat are similar to thosefound in othergroups of Amazonianethnicgroupssuch as Secoyas, Achuar, etc. • Thepreferences of theCofaneswomenduringchildbirthcare are similar to thosefound in otherstudiescarriedout in the Amazon region of Peru and theAndeanpeoples of Bolivia.

  9. Conclusions • Unnecessary medical procedures accompanied by the low economic resources, lead them to choose the attention in the traditional childbirth. • As Cofanes customs highlight the accompaniment during childbirth, freedom in food and drink intake, choice of clothing and position of delivery, delivery of the placenta; and the importance of empirical practice that fosters early attachment

  10. Gratitude To women of childbearing age in the Cofan Dureno parish community for allowing the realization of this study

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