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Learn the basics of relational databases, SQL language, and Oracle database management system. Understand data modeling, normalization, and potential dangers in a relational database.
Department of Computer and Information Science,School of Science, IUPUIFall 2003 Introduction to Relational Databases Dale Roberts, Lecturer Computer Science, IUPUI E-mail: droberts@cs.iupui.edu
Sharing Knowledge and Success • Oracle is a relational database management system (RDBMS). • RDBMSs allow users to... • put data in • keep/manage the data • get data out and work with it
Sharing Knowledge and Success • The Language of Oracle: SQL • Structured Query Language, English like query language • keywords: select, from, where, and order by • Example query:select city, temperature from weather where temperature > 80 order by temperature; • Examples of relational databases • stock tables in newspaper • sports scores • 100 year example in book
Database Management • Disadvantages of traditional file processing systems… • uncontrolled redundancy • inconsistent data • inflexibility • limited data sharing • poor enforcement of standards • low programmer productivity • excessive program maintencancefrom Database Management, McFadden and Hoffer, pp. 8-14
Database Management: Data Models • Hierarchical Data Model (IMS) • nested sets of 1:1 or 1:M relationships • Network Data Model (IDMS, TOTAL) • multiple sets of 1:1, 1:M, M:1, or M:N relationships • Relational Data Model (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2) • relationships are NOT physically implemented • uses primary keys to represent associations • terminology: relations (tables), columns, tuples (rows), domain, degree, cardinality, primary keys, concatenated keys, alternate keys, foreign keys, Referential Integrity or R.I. • relational algebra, three main operators: select, project, join • normalization theory:1NF, 2NF, 3NF
Database Management: Normalization • First Normal Form (1NF) • Each column contains values about the same attribute, and each table cell value must be a single value. • Each column has a distince name, order of columns is immaterial. • Each row is distinct, rows cannot be duplicate for the same key • The sequence of rows is immaterial. • Second Normal Form (2NF) • All non-key attributes must be fully dependent on the whole key. • Third Normal Form (3NF) • Each nonkey attribute should be dependent only on the relation’s key, not on any other nonkey.
The Dangers in a Relational Database • It looks very easy to use a RDBMS • learning about normalization, SQL, etc. make for instant “experts.” • lack of experience with major production systems can create catastrophic project failures. • Testing cycles are getting shorter • newer development tools make software development quicker, usually systems testing gets shortened. • Recent college grads... • least experienced developers usually have more training with relational database technology. • veteran developers are busy with older projects.
The Dangers in a Relational Database • How to reduce the confusion… • Normalization1NF:2NF:3NF: English names for tables and columns, English code names
The Dangers in a Relational Database • Bad Examples of Table and Column Names: • TablesDEPT EMP EMPS MYEMPSPE PROJ TITLES PERSONNEL • ColumnsAD1 AU_LNAME AU_ORD BLOC CDLEXP DEPTNO DNAME DISCOUNTTYPEEMPNO ENAME ENUMBER ESALHIGHQTY HIRANGE LORANGE LOWQTYNOTE ORD_NUM PNAME PROJNOPUBDATE QTYOH SLSTAXPCT WORKHRS • Reasons • abbreviation used without good reason • inconsistent abbreviations, underlines, and use of plurals • purpose not apparent from name • name rules have limitations
Chapter 2: The Dangers in a Relational Database • Use English Name for Data: • Poor Example:Better Example:
The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • SQL is a language. Oracle7 SQL is a superset of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) SQL92 standard at entry level conformance. • PL/SQL is Oracle’s procedural language extension to SQL. It allows you to link several SQL commands through procedural language. • SQL*Plus (SQLPLUS from command line) is a tool that allows users to interact with Oracle. SQL*Plus enables you to manipulate SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks, and to perform many additional tasks as well. Through SQL*Plus, you can: • enter, edit, store, retrieve, and run SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks • format, perform calculations on, store, and print query results in the form of reports • list column definitions for any table • access and copy data between SQL databases • send messages to and accept responses from an end user
The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • SQL*Plus,… very quick overview • first, create/run a script to start an Oracle database instance • from the command line:sqlplusSQL> • Common commands in SQL*Plus: • get <filename> • @<filename> • save <filename> • list or l • change or c • edit • save • ! (shell to OS) • Capitalization generally doen’t matter
The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • Relational Algebra: • manipulates 1 or 2 relations (tables) and returns 1 new relation as a result. • basic relational algebra operators are SELECT, PROJECT and JOIN. • SELECT returns a horizontal subset of a relation. • PROJECT returns a vertical subset of a relation • JOIN returns the combination of 2 relations based on common attributes.from Database Management, McFadden and Hoffer, pp. 214-216
The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • Select, Project, Select and Project • Join
The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • Simple Select Examples • Select statement, single table query, all rows: • SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST, BALANCE • FROM CUSTOMER • ORDER BY CUSTOMER_NUMBER; • ... specific rows (where clause): • SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST, BALANCE • FROM CUSTOMER • WHERE CUSTOMER_NUMBER > 500; • ... with a calculation: • SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, (CREDIT_LIM - BALANCE) • FROM CUSTOMER • WHERE CUSTOMER_NUMBER > 500; • ... multiple where conditions (and): • SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST, BALANCE • FROM CUSTOMER • WHERE BALANCE >= 500 • AND BALANCE <= 1000;
The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • The SELECT clause: • can be a list of columns, • an asterik * for all columns, • a calculation (or other expressions), • group functions (chapter 9), • distinct keyword -- removes duplicates. • SELECT DISTINCT SUPPLIER • FROM PRODUCTS; • column names can be renamed in the output with an alias.SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST, (CREDIT_LIM - BALANCE) AS REMAINING_CREDIT • FROM CUSTOMER; • The FROM clause: • in single tables queries, just provide your table’s name …. more on this in multi-table queries.
Chapter 3: The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • The WHERE Clause: • this is a logical, boolean expression which must evalute to true for each row in the query’s output. • where clause comparison operators: • = equal to • <, > less than, greater than • <=, >= less than or equal, greater than or equal • <>, != , ^= not equal • compound conditions are built with the boolean operators AND, OR. • AND is evaluated first by default. Use parenthesis ( ) to force the order of OR/AND. • a compliment of a condition can be evaluated with NOT. Examples below are equivalent: • SELECT PART_DESCRIPTION FROM PART WHERE WAREHOUSE_NUMBER != ‘3’; • SELECT PART_DESCRIPTION FROM PART WHERE NOT (WAREHOUSE_NUMBER=‘3’);
The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • The WHERE Clause (continued): • BETWEEN keyword is the same as >= and =<. For example, these 2 statements are the same: SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST, BALANCE • FROM CUSTOMER • WHERE BALANCE >= 500 AND BALANCE <= 1000; • SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST, BALANCE • FROM CUSTOMER • WHERE BALANCE BETWEEN 500 AND 1000; • LIKE keyword is used for pattern matching. ‘%’ is for any number of characters.‘_’ (underscore) is for one character. • SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST • FROM CUSTOMER WHERE LAST LIKE ‘JONE%’; • SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST • FROM CUSTOMER WHERE LAST LIKE ‘JONE_’;
The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • The WHERE Clause (continued): • IN keyword provides a list of numbers or strings to compare to. This is similar to using OR with =. For example, these 2 statements are the same: SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST, BALANCE • FROM CUSTOMER • WHERE CUSTOMER_NUMBER IN (10, 11, 12); • SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST, BALANCE • FROM CUSTOMER • WHERE (CUSTOMER_NUMBER = 10) • OR (CUSTOMER_NUMBER = 11) • OR (CUSTOMER_NUMBER = 12); • NULL and NOT NULL keywords:NULL does not mean 0, null means no value!Example- this statement only gets customers whom we have a complete name for: SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST FROM CUSTOMER WHERE (FIRST IS NOT NULL) AND (LAST IS NOT NULL);
The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • The WHERE Clause (continued): • Values can also be compared to another query in the where clause. This is called a subquery. For example: SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST, BALANCE • FROM CUSTOMER • WHERE CUSTOMER_NUMBER IN (SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER FROM CUSTOMER WHERE BALANCE > 500); • This however may not work sometimes with a subquery: SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER, LAST, FIRST, BALANCE • FROM CUSTOMER • WHERE CUSTOMER_NUMBER = (SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER FROM CUSTOMER WHERE BALANCE > 500);because subqueries return sets of values, not a single value.
The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • The WHERE Clause (continued): • Tables can be joined by common attributes. This is done in the where clause. SELECT WEATHER.CITY, CONDITION, TEMPERATURE, LATITUDE,. . . FROM WEATHER, LOCATION WHERE WEATHER.CITY = LOCATION.CITY; • A shortcut (not in book). Tablenames can be aliased to save typing, reduce wordiness. SELECT W.CITY, CONDITION, TEMPERATURE, LATITUDE,. . . FROM WEATHER W, LOCATION L WHERE W.CITY = L.CITY; • Joining data from different tables is one of the more powerful parts of SQL. It is not without its dangers. • Joining tables the wrong way (not on common attributes), the wrong data comes back. • Forgetting to specify common keys in the where clause returns a “cartesian product” (each row of both tables joined to each other, m times n rows)
The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • The ORDER BY Clause: • Specifies the ordering of the returned data. • Multiple columns can be selected to sort on. • ASC is ascending order order, default. • DESC is descending sort order. SELECT FEATURE, SECTION, PAGE • FROM NEWSPAPER • WHERE SECTION = ‘F’ ORDER BY PAGE DESC, FEATURE ASC; • Views: • Makes a query act similar to a table. • Views are “describe”-able, “select”-able • The view’s select statement is ran everytime rows are selected from the view--ie data is not saved somewhere (like a table) • CREATE VIEW INVASION AS • SELECT W.CITY, CONDITION, TEMPERATURE, LATITUDE FROM WEATHER W, LOCATION L WHERE W.CITY = L.CITY;
Acknowledgements • These slides were originally prepared by Tony Teal as part of the IUPUI’s N311 Advanced Database Programming course.