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ATLAS Detector Update - May 2007

Latest updates on ATLAS detector components including toroids, calorimeters, and inner detector progress. Detailed schedule and commissioning phase status. Summary of field mapping and next steps.

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ATLAS Detector Update - May 2007

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  1. Overall ATLAS Status – May 07 • Status of the detector Barrel Toroid End-Cap Toroids Field Mapping Mu Barrel and End-Caps Calorimeters Inner Detector • Schedule • Phase 2 Commissioning • News from Atlas Italy • Conclusions L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  2. BT: • October 06 BT excited to the nominal current of 20.5kA. No training. Fast and slow quench ok. • After left idle: T ↑ 150K. • Upgrade of Main and Shied refrigerators. • April cool down restarted T ~ 63K (24th April) • New Excitation (all toroids) in November • ECT-A • Recall: • Vacuum pumping before Xmas • Move in front of B180 to cool down at 85K (sufficient to check vacuum tightness, cooling lines, electrical insulation after thermal shrinkage). • Installation in UX15 was planned in March - June 07 • - Toroids L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  3. ECT A Schedule respected !: • Vacuum pumping started 22nd December • Transport 5-6 February. • Cold at 80K in three weeks • No leakeage, No shorts • Warm up in two weeks. NOW RFI • Lowering in the pit 4 June • 250 tons, 15m height, 5m wide L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  4. Next steps……ECT-C • Vacuum Vessel Closed • Vacuum tests • Cool down ~ 20 May • RFI > half June • Descent July • Cool down both ECT end August L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  5. Lot of work in UX15 before and after ECT are lowered: • Install a platform of 6x10m2 for cryo and services • Two chains supporting the flexible lines needed to put the ECT’s in working and parking position. L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  6. Mapping the BT Field Partial Full Coil reconstructed Target: give the Field DB≤ 20 G During November BT exitation only 40% of the Hall probes were operational. Most in Sectors 2-4-6 Philosophy is to fit a model considering: Coils deformations, dispacement and perturbations introduced by: • HS structure ( 5-50 mT) • Air pads, jacks, iron in concrete.. in sectors 12-14 (4-100mT) • Tile calorimeter (80-120mT). L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  7. Mapping the BT Field-2 Preliminary Sector 4 • Coil position and deformation is fitted • by minimization using only (at present) probes on BMS and BOS which are far from the feet perturbation region. • Displacements of the order of 3-5 mm are obtained in agreement with the surveys done during coils integration. • Residuals of the order of 4mT • Next step: • Improve the model of the perturbed regions • Improve geometry of the probes • When possible use the full set of probes L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  8. Solenoid: B Field Mapping • Recall: • Two arms at 90° rotating and moving in z bring 48 Hall probes • Four NMR probes are fixed on the warm wall of the cryostat for permanent monitor (BT field,JT shield) • The tracker plans for a precision of 5 10-4 on the bending power requiring a precision of the order of 10 G on the field (2T). • At nominal current (7.73 kA): • 181 (z) X 16(phi) x 48 = 139k meas/ B component (6/dm3) • More: special runs (middle and end) + runs at 5kA,7kA and 7.85kA L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  9. Fitting Solenoid Field Map After that all corrections due to surveys, probe calibrations and probe alignments data are fitted to a model. 95% of the field is directly due to the solenoid currents. A conductor geometry model using the known current and integrating the Biot-Savart law is used 7 free parameters: geometry of the conductor and the coil, position and orientation respect to the Inner Warm Vessel of the calorimeter. 5% of the field is due to magnetised iron (TileCal, girders, shielding disks etc). For the moment 4 free parameters are used: coefficient of a Fourier-Bessel series. RMS of residuals ( Bmeasured-Bfitted) is ~ 5G for each Field Component Residual problem at large z. L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  10. Residuals on Bz at various radius and different F. Outside 10G at high z possibly due to (~0.2 mrad) rotation of the mapper carriage as it moves along the rails. Next steps will be to correct for this effect. L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  11. Status of the Barrel Stations installation 4 6 3 • 673/682 (98.5%-it was 64%) installed. The 9 left are in sectors 12,13 and 14 • 85% in final position • 80% cables in place • All gas pipes manifold installed. No more on the critical path Phase 2 Commissioning started: • Integrate sectors in general system. Sequence: 5-6, 3-4,1-2,7-8, 9-10, … 7 2 8 10 L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  12. Mu spectrometer EC Inner/Small Wheel Big wheel 1 MDT 3 TGC EO Wall Wheel L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  13. The Big Wheel installation is progressing very Well: Side C should be completed beginnig of June Side A 1TGC and 1MDT installed. All wheels in the pit end September . L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  14. Last but not least: • Small Wheels • JD shield ready • Mechanical structure ready • JD + Small Wheel will be lowered toghether and will be the last piece to go in the beam line. • EOAll chambers at CERN. Integration started Installation from middle August • EIL4(Stations with 1 MDT and 2/3 TGC) all installed L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  15. Calorimetry The commissioning continued as planned. Main news: EC-A: Cooled down and filled with LAr (3 months). EC-Ccooling started. Filling in June LAR HV – Good progress. Retrofitting campaign in full swing. LAR LV – Intense retrofitting campaign. 1 LVPS tested 1m at 125% load. 12 at CERN. Tiles LV Retrofitting ongoing Finished in July Tiles Read Out. Problems of instabilities traced back to connectors. Repair going on 120K L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  16. ID-Barrel Memento: • In September the B-ID (TRT&SCT) was at the IP. Connections to services and commissiong phase1 was forseen to take about 4 months. • ECA and B forseen to be lowered end December. • Things were progressing well when a serious problem with the SCT heaters screwed up the schedule: • Services connected and qualified (800 man-month of work ! • TRT barrel signed-off 03/11/06 . 1.8% dead channels Noise and occupancy as in SR1. • SCT going to be signed off. 0.39% (/ 3.244Mchs) dead. 99% efficiency on cosmics • Pixel well advanced ( See Chiara report) TRT Cosmic in UX15 L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  17. ID-EC’s Both EC’s integrated and ready for insertion Both EC’s integrated and commissioned with CR. L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  18. Heaters – What they are Power leads out of body Thermocouple inserts Heating element inside Power connections here • Heater evaporates residual liquid after the detector. Heating element is a 10 W NiCr resistor inside. Isolation is through a MgO powder. • Control of power is through two Thermocouples embedded in the powder and measuring the fluid temperature. • There are 44 heaters in the barrel SCT, 72 in SCT EC’s and 88 in Pixel. Fluid ~50cm cm long, ~2cm dia. 1mm wall inox tube with 10 W resistance coiled in L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  19. MI cable Actual connector 5 mm 5 mm Heaters: The problems 1- The position of the thc’s had to be changed. 2- Resistivity between conductor and ground lowering with time down to 1kW. Reason traced back to humidity in MgO. Solution was to close the unions between heating wire and power supply wire with rad hard cealing. One heater actually blown up with a spark. 3- Heaters control system reviewed and modified 4 - All heaters retrofitted and X rays scrutinized in Genoa and at CERN (Pixel) L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  20. Heaters the problems-2 5- Position of EC heaters modified to improve access 6- All B heaters installed and checked IDB heaters remain not accessible once EC in place 7- Lowerind EC-A forseen half May. EC-C 20June and Pixel 28 June 8- Last Monday a new problem. 1 B heaters went in short L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  21. Heaters the problems-3 April 3rd Heater Brought to Genoa and X-ray analized. The short is in the union but the reason is unclear 9- Decision: Move all B heaters on the cryo flange ( replace heaters with new piping ) and subsequently install new heaters, cabling, piping 10- In this scenario it is not excluded that the ID-EC and pixel could be lowered before the ECT but we will see Anyhow the Phase1 commissioning will take months and the heaters problem will have to be fully understood. May 9th L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  22. ATLAS Installation Schedule Version 9.1 on WWW/EDMS ?? L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  23. Integration: Phase 2 Parallel to the assembly and the phase1 commissionig of the detectors an intense integration activity (Phase 2) is going on. The aim is to: -Integrate the detectors and the Central System (Trigger; DAQ;DCS etc.) -Learn how to operate -Take Cosmics; -Start training Up to last year detectors alone or sometimes combine Eg: Tile+Larg, Muon +Tile+LAr, TRT+SCTwere operated From now ”ATLAS commissioning runs” are planned M1 week (December 06) M2 week (February-March 07) ......... Mx weeks = adiabatic transition to ATLAS operation... L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  24. A V A I L A B L E F O R U S E L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  25. L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  26. Subdetectors involved in February-March run BIL BML LArg y BOL BOF BOF Tile MDT & RPC μ BIL 1 BIL 3 BIL 2 BML 3 h=0 BOL 3 L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007 5

  27. February run setup Data network Control room SLIMOS DAQ DCS DQ ... SFI SFI LARG Muon Tile CASTOR Muon RPC Final trigger chain Mu-CTP-Interface LArg Barrel Tile Barrel Muon MDT Central Trigger Processor 2 partitions 12 ROS, ~70 RODs 2 partitions 4 ROS, up to 16 RODs 1 partition 2 ROS, 2 ROD 1 partition 2 ROS, 2 RODs L1A RODs CTP MuCTP ROS Event builder CDR L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007 3

  28. ATLAS : News P.Jenni è stato confermato Spokesman fino a Febbraio 2009 F.Gianotti e Stapnes deputies In ATLAS Italia Maria Curatolo è il Responsabile Nazionale dal 1° Giugno É’ stata istituita la carica di “Coordinatore delle Analisi” con il compito di aiutare la comunità italiana a organizzarsi nella analisi dei dati. G.Polesello è stato eletto per i prossimi due anni In sincronia con il rinnovo del Responsabile Nazionale sono in corso le procedure per il rinnovo delle cariche di Coordinatori dei vari sottososistemi : LAr (Costa); MDT (Pontecorvo); Tiles (Cavasinni) L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  29. Conclusioni • Il rivelatore procede rapidamente verso il completamento. • Gli ECT non sono più fonte di preoccupazione ed in Giugno-Luglio saranno calati in UX15 • E’ iniziata la fase di integrazione dei rivelatori nel sistema centrale (TDAQ, DCS,etc) di ATLAS. Raggi cosmici sono acquisiti con sistemi integrati di complessità crescente ☹Il punto oggi più critico: • : Heaters dei rivelatori a Si. Quest’ultimo problema impedisce oggi di programmare con precisione la sequenza delle operazioni di assemblaggio degli EC. Lezione: Cosa fatta capo ha La pressione sui tempi va mantenuta con intelligenza. Ogni operazione può riservare sorprese....e ritardi L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  30. SPARES L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  31. ID Heaters • Problem 1: • The ThC’s inside the gas volume were not able to drive the system in some operational regimes. Forget them, add ThC’s on the body of the heater (for interlock) and on the outlet pipe (for control) and all heaters work fine under all flow/p/T conditions. This gave about 6 weeks delay. • Problem 2: • Corrosion noticed in the region of the ThC’s insert holes due to flux not being removed correctly at thermocouple braze. • Solution drill the holes out, weld over since ThC not in use anymore. • Problem 3: • All heaters have insulation resistance > 1 GW at production but 25% were found with lower resistance (few down to kW) after some months. • Reason is ingress of moisture in the power unions and then in the MgO powder (hygroscopic) that insulates the heating wire from the inox sheath. This effect is reproducible. Unions should be water tight L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  32. ID Heaters • Baking for 16h at 120C cures most of the faulty heaters but one was not cured and on Friday Feb 16 had a catastrophic failure which blow-up the union. A spark was seen at that time. • Diagnostic: If moisture is trapped in the powder in the union region resistence to ground is lowered and a large current can be driven. This can produce a stem explosion generating a large pressure which brought the wire in contact with the envelope producing a spark. Cure: Avoid moisture to go into the union inserting it in a tube and potting at the ends with rad-hard sealant. Option to mount more far away to make them accessible when EC are in considered, but time.!! L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  33. SS tube 6*1 mm MI cable Actual connector 5 mm 5 mm 40 mm • Humidity in union must be avoided. • Thermocoax proposes potting with rad-hard sealant. Technique already successfully used in other applications. Implemented on 5 Pixel heaters, which now have to go through a standard moisture test. Thermocoax accepts to do the retrofit here at CERN. Plan to have heaters installed on barrel by 15/4 (the time consuming part is the QC) . EC heaters available soon after. RTV 734 Kapton leads L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  34. Detail of union 1 on April 3rd (before short) Same orientation (as visible from the soldering profile) Detail of union 1 on May 9 (after short) 6 mm Small difference visible there L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

  35. This is if we blow-up more (@130 KeV and 140 mA current) Damage to the end of jacket Some less dense region in front of the cable end L.Mandelli CSN1 14 Maggio 2007

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