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God Loves You

God Loves You. The darkest clouds often bring the heaviest showers of blessing. Unknown. What do you imagine a utopian society would look like (heaven)? How can God balance “fantastical wishes” with what seems to be His more down to earth reality?

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God Loves You

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Presentation Transcript

  1. God Loves You

  2. The darkest clouds often bring the heaviest showers of blessing. Unknown

  3. What do you imagine a utopian society would look like (heaven)? • How can God balance “fantastical wishes” with what seems to be His more down to earth reality? • Why do humans act stupidly with regards to violence against each other? • If you were stranded somewhere, what 3 things would you absolutely “have” to have? • Have you ever done something right/good only to have someone else get the credit?

  4. Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers? Malachi 2:10 (KJV)

  5. Have we not all one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we profane the covenant of our fathers by breaking faith with one another? Malachi 2:10 (NIV)

  6. The gods must be crazy 25 min

  7. Journaling Describe the two societies being depicted (the bushmen and the “normal” one). Describe them in detail by comparison/contrast. Why do you think the director of the movie has given the power of the narrator’s voice to the bushmen society? Why would the director give the “sped-up action” sequences to the “regular” society?

  8. God Loves You

  9. Christianity is not a formula, but the Person of Jesus Himself. Never think that Christianity is a matter of adjusting behavior, but rather, of letting Christ live through us in His strength and power. Malcolm Smith

  10. The gods must be crazy 25 min

  11. Journaling Have you ever been a missionary somewhere primitive? What was it like? Would you ever consider being a missionary somewhere primitive? Where would it be? What would you do? For how long would you stay? How is the bushman’s view of good/evil different as compared with the “normal” society? Which do you find more appealing? Why?

  12. God Loves You

  13. As long as we think we can save ourselves by our own will power, we will only make the evil in us stronger than ever. Heini Arnold

  14. The gods must be crazy 25 min

  15. Journaling The scientist tries hard to make a good impression but he fails pretty badly. Have you ever tried to do what was right and nothing seemed to work? What about the “suave” safari guide’s character? Have you ever met someone who was so rude and full of themselves? Describe. The bushman gets in trouble and locked away for a simple misunderstanding. But he can’t speak the language to explain his ways/culture. Why was it important that Jesus come to learn our language and culture?

  16. God Loves You

  17. Evangelization is a process of bringing the gospel to people where they are, not where you would like them to be. Vincent Donovan

  18. The gods must be crazy end

  19. Journaling How does the director handle the age old issue of brains vs brawn? What do you think the lesson is supposed to be here? How does Xi get rid of the “evil gift” from the gods? Why is this significant to the redemption of the tribe? How is this similar/different to the story of the Great Controversy? What was the most memorable part of the movie for you and why?

  20. God Loves You

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