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ACDU Acanthurus dussumieri

Acanthurus xanthopterus 65 cm (30 cm avg). ACXA. Yellow pectoral fins. Frequently white ring at tail base. Often pale blue area around caudal spine. Largest surgeon. ACDU Acanthurus dussumieri. ACMT. Black spine. Upper lip yellowish. Small blackish spot at upper end of gill opening.

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ACDU Acanthurus dussumieri

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  1. Acanthurus xanthopterus 65 cm (30 cm avg) ACXA. Yellow pectoral fins. Frequently white ring at tail base. Often pale blue area around caudal spine. Largest surgeon. ACDU Acanthurus dussumieri ACMT. Black spine. Upper lip yellowish. Small blackish spot at upper end of gill opening. Acanthurus mata 50 cm (30 cm avg) NAAN Naso annulatus

  2. Naso caesius 62 cm (40 cm avg) Naso hexacanthus 75 cm (35 cm avg) NAHE. Black band marking and black margin on gill cover. Margin of lower lip white. Blue caudal fin. NACA. Can change to pattern of indistinct round to vertically elliptical blotches on upper half of body. No dark margin on gill cover.

  3. Naso brevirostris 50 cm (30 cm avg) Naso unicornis70 cm (40 cm avg) Naso vlamingii 60 cm (35 cm avg) NABR. Broad based tapering horn. NAVL. Blue lips and blue band in front of eye. NAUN. Tail spines blue. Horn short; does not project past mouth.

  4. ACLU. Acanthurus leucocheilus45 cm (26 cm avg) Pale lips and pale band on chin. Yellow sub-border on pectoral fin, white tail spine. ACPY. Acanthurus pyroferus25 cm (18 cm avg.) Curving black band from chin to upper edge of gill cover; orange patch above pectoral fin base. ACNI. Acanthurus nigricauda40 cm (23 cm avg) Long black bar behind eye to above pectoral fin, thin streak on rear body to tail spine.

  5. ACMC. Black streak behind upper edge of gill cover. Black margin on tail spine. Often white ring at tail base. ACMA Acanthurus maculiceps 20 Acanthurus maculiceps40 cm (30 cm avg) Ctenochaetus marginatus 22 cm (15 cm avg) Acanthurus nigrofuscus23 cm (10 cm avg) ACNF. Head, nape, chest with small orange spots. Lips blackish Black spot at rear base of last dorsal and anal fin rays. CTMA. Pale blue margin on base of anal fin. Fins finely striped, except pectorals, which have spots. Small blue spots on head and body

  6. Ctenochaetus cyanocheilus20 cm (13 cm avg) Ctenochaetus strigosus18 cm (13 cm avg) Ctenochaetus striatus 28 cm (11 cm avg) Nape and around eye with small, orange-yellow spots. May display small black spot at rear base of dorsal fin. CTCY. Blue lips, chest with a bluish cast. Narrow yellow ring around eye.

  7. Ctenochaetus flavicauda16 cm (9 cm avg) Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis28 cm (25 cm avg) CTFL. Conspicuous white to yellowish tale. Rim of posterior half of eye bright yellow. CTHA. Fine pale-greenish lines over the head and along the body, but appear almost black at a distance.

  8. CTST CTFL CTSR Juveniles

  9. ACPY CEVR ACPY CEFL Mimics Acanthurid Model Lack of gill cover spine. Lack of gill cover spine.

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