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EU Delegation role on the EU-Liberian VPA

EU Delegation role on the EU-Liberian VPA. Monrovia, 12th December 2013 Carlos Battaglini European Union Delegation to Liberia . '2 Types of VPA '. VPA Policy P rocess - ( Negotiations , Legislative process , Initialling , Ratification etc. ) 2 . VPA Support Programme

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EU Delegation role on the EU-Liberian VPA

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  1. EU Delegationrole on the EU-Liberian VPA Monrovia, 12th December 2013 Carlos Battaglini European Union Delegation to Liberia

  2. '2 Types of VPA' • VPA Policy Process • -(Negotiations, Legislativeprocess, Initialling, Ratification etc. ) • 2. VPA Support Programme • -17.7 million EUR budget (10 EU – 7.7 DFID) • -VPA Support Unit • -LegalityVerificationDepartment • -FlegtFacilitator • -CSO projects

  3. 1. VPA Policy Process • EUD "Negotiation/PoliticalRole" • (Participation in the negotiationswith the GoL (MoA and FDA) togetherwithHQ duringthreeyears (decidingcontents of the VPA agreement etc.) • -Lobbying for ratification • -Involvement on relevant issues such as PUP saga, CF, Social Agreements, TaxRegime etc. • -ForestrySectorWorking Group currentlyco-charing the FSWG • -Forestrydiscussions (workshops, trainings etc.) • -Organizingimportant VPA eventssuch as the initial signature and VPA ratification eventtogetherwith VSU, FF, EFI etc. • -Importance of the EU Ambassador/HoD (VPA ratification etc.)

  4. 2. VPA Support Programme • Designing the VPA Support Programme • -VPA Support Unit, LVD, Flegt Facilitator etc. • -2 contracts with DFID (subcontracted to HSTP and SGS) • -Contract elaboration, management, encoding, payments etc. • -Coordination withother VPA counterparts (VSU, LVD, FF etc.) • Joint ImplementationCommittee(main VPA monitoring tool) • -Co-chairingwithMoA

  5. 2. VPA Support Programme • CSO projects • -7 recentCSOsprojects • -Currently 2 projects active (SDI, Vosieda) • -One projectwith 4 NGOsunderway (Vosieda, Green Advocates, SAMFU, FCI) • -Goal: Monitoring VPA, VPA raiseawareness, Communityempowerment • -Call for proposals, evaluation, contractselaboration, encoding , bureaucracy, red tape etc. • -CSO ProjectsManagement (reports assessment, fieldvisits etc.) • Miscellaneoustasks • -Administrative issues (sendingletters, notifications, discussions with HQ, partners, visibilityetc.)

  6. EU ROLE on the VPA in a Nutshell • Management • 2) Coordination • 3) PoliticalRole

  7. Thank you Carlos Battaglini EU Delegation to Liberia Carlos.Battaglini@eeas.europa.eu

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