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JISC HE Academy. Issues to address in contextualising learning resources; some heuristics fred.garnett@becta.org.uk Community Learning - Becta. JISC HE Academy. TOPICS Background Context Modelling Metadata for Community Content Learner Modelling Community Content Design Principles
JISC HE Academy Issues to address in contextualising learning resources; some heuristics fred.garnett@becta.org.uk Community Learning - Becta
JISC HE Academy TOPICS Background Context Modelling Metadata for Community Content Learner Modelling Community Content Design Principles Context; an Ecology of Resources Context Tools; ELTI & Scenarios Issues (who owns learning)
JISC HE Academy Background University teaching 1979 – 1981 FE Teaching 1982 – 2000 Social Impact of IT 1984-2000 eLearning Resource Development 1997-2001 Community Content Development 2002-2004 Metadata for Andragogy; Socially Inclusive Learning for the Knowledge Democracy
JISC HE Academy Context Modelling CALL Initiative; UK online centres Community Grids for Information NOF-DIGI Resources – EnrichUK Socially Inclusive Learning providing; “Additionality & Progression” How do (those) people learn? LTRI Grounded Theory – “Lifecycles” Model
JISC HE Academy Metadata for Community Content Project 1. Best Practice in Community Learning 2. How People Learn in UK online Centres 1. Andragogic, Follow interests 2. Learning Community, “Lifecycles” 3. Animateurs, Timely Interventions 3. Learning Context - Lifecycles model of “supported development”
JISC RSC Northwest Learner Modelling (see handout) “Goal-seeking” motivated learners Animateurs as “Trusted Intermediaries” provide “timely interventions” Animateur build learning communities & mentors Learners respond to social needs Animateurs suggests resources (from links page)
JISC HE Academy Learner Modelling (see handout) “Goal-seeking” motivated learners Animateurs as “Trusted Intermediaries” provide “timely interventions” Animateur build learning communities & mentors Learners respond to local needs build centre “lifecycle” Infomediaries develop learning resources (from toolkits) for “second-tier” hosting resources (VLE’s?)
JISC HE Academy Community Development Model of Learning Attractor Stage; Open, welcoming Locations, Learners follow interests Self-supporting “learning community” Engagement Stage; Timely Interventions, Goal Articulation, Discussion Counselling and Courses Needs “Trusted Intermediaries”
JISC HE Academy Digital Divide Content Debate From Access to Content Online Content for Underserved Americans Contentbank.org, CGfL’s, Cybrarian Conclusions; Local Content for Local People Tools and Skills Approach Content Creation Toolkits and Training “Context is King”
JISC HE Academy Summary Socially-inclusive Community Learning is interest-driven Learner-modelling needs to adapt to learning context Animateurs use interest information to develop learners; Community Development Model of Learning Community Content is about Context,Tools & Skills Content-creation toolkits; hosted, andragogic, adaptable Interoperability & Standards must account for Andragogy, Accessibility, Inclusive socially & digitally
JISC HE Academy Design Principles (Content Creation Toolkits) 1. Process-based (Andragogic) 2. Interest-driven learning 3. Learner-model defined (webquests) 4. Templates developed mapped to Learner model 5. Content contextualised by animateurs 6. Learners use resources, with peer support 7. Animateur review resources with info-mediaries
JISC HE Academy Context & Issues Broaden out debate looking at an HE approach Context; an Ecology of Resources Categories of resources that form a Learning Context Content; the Stuff to be learnt Process; the ways Stuff can be learnt Location; places in which learning takes place Organising Activities; a set of dynamic activities such as;
JISC HE Academy Organising Activities; The representation and communication of the teacher/expert/more able peer's situation definition The representation and communication of each learner's situation definition A means of making the situation definition representation accessible to the learner, other people and devices within and beyond a single location A means to identify and represent the range of qualities and quantities of assistance that can be made available to the learner The provision of mechanisms through which individuals can communicate and negotiate Assistance to support participants to collaborate in their formulation of a shared situation definition (scaffolding) A mechanism to ensure that assistance is targeted to the learner's needs The provision and allocation of resources to accomplish tasks
JISC HE Academy Context Modelling Use the ELTI Tools to review institutional readiness Use the “Key institutional factors” to personalise review Develop Scenarios future modelling use scenarios Use Matrix tool as a heuristic? Incorporate Context-Modelling in to Organisational Reviews (Public Value issues add Networked approaches?)
JISC HE Academy Issues (who owns learning?) 1. What definition of e-learning (Learner-centric?) 2. Context Modelling; ELTI, Ecology of Resources (Static and Dynamic Elements, User Scenarios 3. Learner Modelling; Pedagogic, Andragogic, Heutagogic 4. Resource Design; Lesson Plans, Learning Objects, Learning Pathways or Objective-matched Template design? 5. Staff Development; Best contextualising resource, skills? ? Is Contextualising provided by LAMS “Saved Learning Paths and “Saved Learning Paths”?
Learners and Pedagogy A = Zone of Available Assistance B = Zone of Proximal Adjustment ZPD learner more able partner
JISC HE Academy Links Community Content Design Issues and Resources http://www.contentbank.org/homepage.asp http://www.contentbank.org/addition_tools.asp http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/ltri/research/informal.htm http://neukol.org.uk/comchall/ - online pub quiz (community challenge) http://www.enrichuk.net/ (see Showcase and Multikulti) www.learners.org.uk Community Centre Development Principles www.bctpartners.com/resources/CTCs_as_Catalysts.pdf Context Resources http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=project_elti http://jime.open.ac.uk/2005/22/luckin-2005-22-03.html http://www.sussex.ac.uk/elearning/strategy.php http://www.elearningeuropa.info/extras/new_learning_env.pdf www.liv.ac.uk/ccr/2005_conf/subject_areas/education_complexity/full_papers/VargaAtkinsFullPaperweb2.doc