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2020 AZ-104 Actual Tests - AZ-104 Actual Dumps PDF - Realexamcollection

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  1. RealExamCollection MICROSOFT AZ-104 Dumps PDF https://www.realexamcollection.com/microsoft/az-104-dumps.html

  2. Question: 1 A com pa ny ha s de pl oye d an e -com m e rce we b appli ca ti on in a ne w AW S account. An Am azon R DS for M y SQLMu l ti -AZDB instanceis pa rt of th is de pl oy me ntwitha database -1. xxxxxxxxxxxx. use ast1. rds. am azonaws. com endpointlistening on port 3306. The com pany ’s Database Speci al ist is abl e to l og in to My SQ L and run queries from the basti on host using the se de tai l s. W he n use rs try to utilize the applicati on hoste d in the AW S account, the y are pre se nte d with a ge ne ric e rror m essa g e. The appli ca ti on se rv e rs are l ogging a “coul d not conne ct to se rver: C onnecti on times out” e rror m essa g e to A m azon C l oudWatch Log s. W ha t is the ca us e of thi s e rror? A . The user nam e and password the applicati on is using are incorre ct. B. The se curity g roup as si g ne d to the appli ca ti on se rv e rs doe s not hav e the ne cessaryrules to al l owinboundconnections from the DB instance. C . The se curity g roupassi g ne d to the DB instance doe s not hav e the ne cessaryrules to al l owinboundconnections from the appli ca ti on se rv e rs. D. The us erna m e and pa ss w ord a re corre ct, but the us er is not authorize d to us e the DB instance. Answer :C AZ-104 Dumps AZ-104 Question Answers

  3. Question: 2 A n AW S CloudFormati on stack that include d an Am azon R DS DB instance was acci de ntally de le te d and re cent data was l ost. A Database Speci al ist ne e ds to add R DS se tting s to the CloudFormati on te m pl ate to re duce the chance of a cci de ntalinstance data l oss in the future. W hi ch se tting s will m ee t thi s re qui re m ent? (C hoosethre e.) A . Set DeletionProtecti on to True B . Se t Multi A Z to True C . Set Term inationProtecti on to True D. Se t De le te A utom ate dB ackups to Fal se E . Set DeletionPoli cy to Delete F. Se t De le tionPoli cy to Re ta in Answer : ACF AZ-104 Dumps AZ-104 Question Answers

  4. Question: 3 A Database Speci al ist is troubleshooting an applicati on connecti on fai l ure on an Am azon A urora DB cluste r with m ulti pl e A urora Re pl i ca s that ha d be en runningwith no issue s for the pa st 2 mTohneths. connecti on fai l ure l aste d for 5 mi nute s and correcte d itsel f afte r that. The Database Speci al ist re vi ewed the Am azon R DS ev e nts and de termi ne d a fai l overev e ntoccurre d at that tim e. The fai l overprocess took around 15 se conds to com pl e te. W hat is the MOST likely cause of the 5-m inuteconnecti on outag e? A . A fte r a database crash, A urora ne e de d to re pl ay the re do l og from the l ast database che ck poi nt B. The client-si de appli ca ti on is ca chi ng the DN S data and its T TL is se t too hi gh C . A fte r fai l ov e r, the A urora DB cluste r ne e dstim e to warm up be fore acceptingclientconnections D. The re we re no active A urora Re pl icas in the A urora DB cluster Answer :C AZ-104 Dumps AZ-104 Question Answers

  5. Question: 4 A com pa ny ha s an on-pre m i se s syste m that tra ck s variousdataba se operations that occur over the l ifeti me of a database , including database shutdow n, de le ti on, creati on, and backup. The com pany re centl y m ovedtw o database s to Am azon RDS and is l ooking at a sol uti on that w ouldsatisfythes e re qui re m ents . The datacoul d be us ed by other syste m s withi n the com pa ny. W hi ch sol uti on will me et these re qui re me ntswith mi ni m al e ffort? A . C re ate an Am azonCloudwatchEv e ntsrul e with the operations that ne ed to be tracke d on Am azon R DS. C re ate an AW S Lam bdafuncti on to act on these rules and w rite the output to the trackingsyste m s. B. C re ate an AW S Lam bdafuncti on to tri gger on AW S CloudTrai l AP I cal l s. Fi l te r on specific R DS AP I cal ls and w rite the output to the track ingsyste m s. C . C re ate RDS eventsubscriptions. H av e the trackingsyste ms subscri be to specific RDS eventsy stem notifications. D. Write RDS l og s to Am azonKi ne si s Data Fi re hose . C re ate an AW S Lam bdafuncti on to act on these rules and w rite the output to the track ingsyste m s. Answer :C AZ-104 Dumps AZ-104 Question Answers

  6. Question: 5 A com pa ny is running an Am azon R DS for Postg e SQ L DB instance and wants to mi g rate it to an Am azon A uroraPostg re SQ L DB cluste r. The current database is 1 TB in size . The mi g rati on ne e ds to hav e mi ni m al d ownti m e. W hat is the FA STE ST way to accom pl ishthi s? A . C re ate an A uroraPostg re SQ L DB cluste r. Se t up re pl icati on from the source RDS for Postg re SQ L DB instanceusing AW S DMS to the targ et DB cluster. B. U se the pg _dum p and pg _ re store utilities to ex tra ct and re store the R DS for Postg re SQ L DB instance to the A uroraPostg re SQ L DB cluste r. C . C re a te a database snapshot of the R DS for Postg re SQ L DB instance and use thi s snapshot to cre a te the A uroraPostgreSQ L DB cluster. D. Mi g rate data from the R DS for Postg re SQ L DB instance to an A uroraPostg re SQ L DB cluste r using an A urora Re pl i ca . P romote the re pl i ca during the cutov e r. Answer :C AZ-104 Dumps AZ-104 Question Answers

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