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2020 DA-100 Real Exam - Pass DA-100 Exam - Realexamcollection

<br>With the introduction of the DA-100 Dumps. It was considered a very difficult exam because of its extensive course outline. But now it is not so difficult if you prepare yourself from the DA-100 exam dumps pdf. It is the most reliable material available for preparation. You can simply ace your exam with the help of this study material.Realexamcollection has achieved a high status among students as an exam study material provider. It gives you an idea of the actual configuration<br> of the exam.

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2020 DA-100 Real Exam - Pass DA-100 Exam - Realexamcollection

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  1. MICROSOFT DA-100 Dumps PDF https://www.realexamcollection.com/microsoft/da-100-dumps.html Implementing Cisco E Web: www.exams4sure.com

  2. Q uesti on:1 You ne ed to addre ss the da ta conce rns be fore cre ati ng the da ta m ode l. W ha t shoul d you do in Pow er Q ue ry Edi tor? A . Select C ol um n di stri buti on. B. Se le ct the sal es_am ount col um n and appl y a num be r fil te r. C . Se le ct C ol um n profil e, and then se le ct the sal es_am ount col um n. D. Tra ns form the sa l es _a m ount col um n to re pl ace ne ga ti ve va l ue s wi th 0. Answer :A Q uesti on:2 You ne ed to cre ate a cal cul ate d col um n to di spl ay the m onth base d on the re porti ng re qui re me nts. W hi ch DA X expressi on shoul d you use? A . FOR MAT('Date '[date ], "MMM YYYY") B. FORMAT(, Date , [date _i d], "W M YYYY") C . FOR MAT('Date '[date ], "M YY") D. FORMAT(‘ Date ’ [date _i d]-‘ ’ MM") & " " & FOR MAT ( 'Da te ' [ye ar], "# ") Answer :D Q uesti on:3 You ne ed to cre ate the re qui re d re l ati onshi p for the exe cuti ve 's vi sual . W ha t shoul d you do be fore you can cre ate the re l ati onshi p? A . C hang e the data ty pe of Sal es[regi on_i d] to W hol e N um ber. B . In the Sa l es ta bl e, add a m ea sure for sum (s al es _a m ount). C . C hang e the data ty pe of sal es[sal es_i d] to Text. D. C hang e the data ty pe of sal es [re gi on_i d] to De ci m al N um be r. Answer :C Q uesti on:4 D R A G DR OP

  3. You ne ed to cre ate a DA X m easure in the data m ode l that onl y al l ow s use rs to se e proje cti ons at the a ppropri a te l ev el s of g ra nul ari ty. H ow shoul d you com pl e te the m easure ? To answ e r, dra g the appropri ate va l ue s to the corre ct targ e ts. Each val ue m ay be used once , m ore than once , or not at al l. You m ay ne ed to drag the spl it ba r be tw ee n pa ne s or s crol l to vi ew conte nt. N OTE : Each correct selecti on is w orth one poi nt. Answer: Q uesti on:5 You ne ed to cre ate a re l ati onshi p be tw ee n the We ek l y_ Re turns tabl e and the Date tabl e to m ee t the re porti ng re qui re m e nts of the re gi onal m anag e rs. W hat shoul d you do? A. In the We ek l y. Re turns tabl e, cre ate a ne w ca l cul ate d col um n na m ed da te -i d in a form at of y yy ym m dd and use the cal cul ate d col um n to cre ate a re l ati onshi p to the Date tabl e. B . A dd the We ekl y_ Re turns data to the Sal es tabl e by usi ng re l ate d DA X functi ons. C . C re ate a ne w tabl e base d on the Date tabl e w he re date -i d is uni que , and the n cre ate a m any -to- m any rel ati onshi p to Weekl y_Return. Answer :A https://www.realexamcollection.com/microsoft/da-100-dumps.html

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