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SAP P-TSEC10-75 Dumps PDF https://www.realexamcollection.com/sap/p-tsec10-75-dumps.html Version: Demo Implementing Cisco E outing and Services (ENARSI) Web: www.exams4sure.com
Q uesti on:1 W hat is C entral U se r A dm i ni strati on used for? A . To adm i ni ste r passw ord for SA P use rs ce ntral ly B . To m ai ntai n pri nte r l andscape s ce ntral ly C . To adm i ni ste r user m aste r re cords ce ntral ly D. To cre ate authori zati on profil es ce ntral ly Answer :C Q uesti on:2 W hat are the 3 m ai n source s of ri sks? A . Persons B. Te chnol ogy C . E nv i ronm ent D. I m pl e m e n ta ti on & s upp ort Answer: A, B,C Q uesti on:3 W hat is the m easure for each s ource of ri sk? A . Organi zati onal Measures B . Te chni cal Me asures C . E nv i ronm e ntal m easures D. A cce ss C ontrol E . Sy stem A ccess C ontrol Answer: A, B,C Q uesti on:4 W hat is the di ffe re nce be tw ee n Sy ste m A cce ss C ontrol and Rol e base d A cce ss control? A . Organi zati onal Measures B . Te chni cal Me asures C . E nv i ronm e ntal m easures
D. A cce ss C ontrol E . Sy stem A ccess C ontrol Answer: D,E Q uesti on:5 W ha t are the 3 m ai n com pone nts of a SA P rol e? A . Rol e Me nu B . A uthori za ti on C . U ser D. A cce ss C ontrol Answer: A, B,C Q uesti on:6 W hat are the 5 ste ps of the A SA P Me thodol og y? A . P roje ct pre parati on B . B usi ne ss bl ue pri nt C . Im pl em entati on D. Fi nal pre parati on E . Go live a nd s upport F. A nal y si s and C once pti on Answer:A, B, C, D,E Q uesti on:7 W hat are the 5 ste ps of the authori zati on conce pt conce pti on? A . P reparati on: B . A nal y si s and C once pti on C . Im pl em entati on D. Q ual i ty assurance and Te sts E . C utov er F. A uthori zati on profile Answer:A, B, C, D,E Q uesti on:8 W ha t are the m ai n com pone nts of the authori za ti on conce pt?
A . A uthori zati on object cl ass B . A uthori za ti on obje ct C . A uthori zati on fie ld D. A uthori za ti on E . A uthori zati on profile F. C ons ul ta nt Answer:A, B, C, D,E Q uesti on:9 H ow shoul d be the nam i ng conv enti on for ne w de ve l opm ents? A . A uthori zati on and authori zati on profil es B. A uthori zati on cl asse s, obje ct, fie l ds C . A nal ysi s and C oncepti on D. Q ual i ty assurance and Te sts Answer : A ,B Q uestion: 10 W hat is a characte ri sti c of the pre -del iv e re d 'sy ste m -l ocal ' packag e wi thi n the SA P HA NA re posi tory? A . It can be assi g ned to a del iv e ry unit B. It is used for de ve l opm ent te sti ng C . It contai ns the SA P HA NA I nte racti ve Educati on (SH IN E) D. It is us ed as a conta i ne r for the SA P HA NA li ve conte nt Answer :B https://www.realexamcollection.com/sap/p-tsec10-75-dumps.html