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An Implicit Feedback-based Approach for Text Analysis Techniques Evaluation in Software Engineering

This study evaluates text analysis techniques in software engineering through an implicit feedback-based approach. It addresses issues with traditional evaluation methods like "gold sets" and proposes a taste-test method inspired by web search engine evaluations. The approach involves humans testing competing techniques and tracking user preferences through click counts to determine effectiveness. The study seeks to validate the approach, compare lexical and IR-based methods, and explore variations in technique evaluation. The Sando Search tool is utilized for data collection and comparison.

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An Implicit Feedback-based Approach for Text Analysis Techniques Evaluation in Software Engineering

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  1. An Implicit Feedback-based Approach to the Evaluation of Text Analysis Techniques for Software Engineering KostadinDamevski, David Shepherd, Lori Pollock

  2. Evaluating Code Search…

  3. Common Approach: Eliminate developers from the evaluation

  4. Common Approach: Eliminate developers from the evaluation • The problem with “gold sets”… • Time consuming to create • Created by researchers, not developers • Subjective and context dependent

  5. LET’S CREATE A GOLD SET for “save auctions” JBidMouse.DoSave(Component)JBidMouse.DoAction(Object, String, AuctionEntry)AuctionServer.registerAuction(AuctionEntry) AuctionsManager.saveAuctions()AuctionsManager.backupByDate(String, File) AuctionsManager.preserveFiles(String)AuctionsManager.ensureDirectories(String) AuctionsManager.buildSaveBuffer(XMLElement, XMLElement) AuctionsManager.needSwapSaves(String) AuctionsManager.makeBackupFilename(String String) from jBidWatcher (183 classes)

  6. Our Approach: Humans “Taste-Test” Competing techniques* • *Used to evaluate web search engines

  7. A Taste Test for Code Search A B

  8. A Taste Test for Code Search The interface does not betray which FLT (A or B) the results Originated from

  9. A Taste Test for Code Search Count clicks to determine a statistically significant preference

  10. Next Steps Verify approach works Use paired interleaving to compare lexical approach to IR-based approach, knowing that the IR-approach should perform better. Widespread data collection* Compare variations on approaches, such as use of different splitters, via widespread distribution and data collection. * Use our Sando Search tool (http://sando.codeplex.com)

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