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Porting phase optimization and productivity maximization. Eric Thommerot. Introduction:. Why is it an important topic?. Critical phase at the end of the project (on which all the rest has the biggest impact) Commitments to final customers (carriers) taken and launch slots reserved
Porting phase optimization and productivitymaximization Eric Thommerot
Introduction: Why is it an important topic? • Critical phase at the end of the project (on which all the rest has the biggest impact) • Commitments to final customers (carriers) taken and launch slots reserved • Credibility of your company is in question • The product quality might be altered by this phase if it is not prepared/done correctly
Introduction: What are we going to talk about? • This is the presentation of a mobile product life cycle within a standalone studio (dev & portingdone in the same studio) • Various small tips that will help you prepare and secure your porting phase • How to organize your teams in the best way • How to maximize the exchanges between your porting and QA teams • How to avoid miscommunication between those two teams • How to measure that your project is healthy
Introduction: What will not be covered in this session and why? • This presentationis a bit European-centric BUT the sameprinciplesapply to the US. • We will not talk about why is it difficult to port a game over 300+ handsets (you are all supposed to be familiar with this) • We will not talk about handset bugs (you are all supposed to know most of the handsets are buggy) • We will not talk about porting factories, their strengths and weaknesses (I’m not here to impose my vision and you are all supposed to have your own porting tools)
“ Project preparation How can I prepare the project to ensure that the porting phase of my product is going to be easy and secured? 50% of the riskcanbecreatedhere…
Identify the mainstreams correctly • Select yourmainstreamsdepending on the projectconstraints: • Time • Humanresources • Expectedquality • Project complexity Defineyourportingstrategy (seeAppendix 1)
Create a genericporting plan based on yourownexperience • Whatis a porting plan (seeappendix 2)? • Knowledgebased on pastprojects • Group phones per familiesbased on screen size, heapmemory and speed • Sort the phone familieseasyat the top, hard at the bottom • Logicalway to addressdevices by proximity (avoiddoingtoobigstepsfrom one phone to anothertypicallydon’tjumpfromSonyEricssons to Motorola triplets in a single step)
Create a genericporting plan based on yourownexperience • How to use it? • It’s a living document as long as itis not targeting a project (add new phones in betweenporting phases) • Freezeitwhen a porting phase starts and cutomizeitdepending on marketneeds. • Customizeitbased on the specificities of yourproject (itmight change from one project to anotherdepending on the projectcomplexity) • Use it to progresssafely and manage risksduring the porting phase (willbeexplained in the followingslides)
Answer all potential questions youcanthink about at the design stage • Answer the basic questions: • What’sgoing to happen if I want to target a phone withlessmemory? • What’sgoing to happen if I want to target a phone acceptingsmallerbinaries? • What’sgoing to happen if I want to target a phone with a smallerscreen size? • Basicallywhat’sgoing to happen if mytargetedplatform changes significantly, whatshallwe do? • Writeit in the game design…
Porting technology selection • Select a portingtechnologynow (and think about the future): • Don’t select ittoolatewhen the developmentis more thanhalfdone Avoid a 1st portingfrom a technology to another • Can beyourownportingtool but think about ittwicebeforeinvesting, don’tre-invent the wheel • Capitalise yourexperiencefrom one project to another Improveyourefficiencysoreduceyourcosts
“ Interlude How shall I organize my team efficiently to reach the maximum productivity? (Serial VS Parallel organisation)
Team organization • Serial: Product 1 Product 2 Team A Team A Team A • Parallel: Product 1 Dev Team A Port Team A Product 2 Dev Team A Port Team A Dev Porting Dev Dev Porting Dev Porting
Team organization • Serial VS Parallel: • Serial probably more efficient on the short term (the team knowsits code sothey are faster in reducing the product to more restricteddevices) • Serial is more cost effective if you do not produceenoughgame per year. • Serial probablyless efficient on the long runbecause of the lack of specialisation (youcanforgetthis or that bug or workaround in betweenprojectswheresomeonedoingit all the time will not forget) • If the two teams workregularlytogether, then the Serial organizationadvantagedisappearssincethey ‘ll know eachother’s habits If possible select a parallelorganization.
“ Project development What can help me during the development phase to ensure that the porting phase of my product is going to be easy and secured?
Charge everybodywithresponsability & accountability • The pro-activity of the developers is crucial • Prepare the project and ease the life of the porting guys if they see something obvious (50% of the necessary settings to reduce the basic binary might be identified by the developers) • The development team needs to be educated and rigorous (comment the code, do not allow unexplained magic numbers) • Involve the porting guys a bit before the porting phase • Organize a pre-porting session somewhere around the Beta phase of the project (may allow to identify bottleneck and things that can be done better) • Involve the porting guys to help the original team with the screen size targeting (will be useful to be familiar with the code)
Be careful yourself • Do not do stupid supposed savings during the development phase that you might pay for during the porting phase (i.e. avoid creating an editor that takes time, hardcode something)
“ Porting phase What can I do now to maximize the performance?
The main problem Porting plan Delivery Validations Porting team X resources QA team Y resources
The main problem • 2 teams: • Differentresourcenumbers • Differentcapabilities • But: • Must beused to their real capabilitieseveryday • Must synchronise themselves the best possible way Provide the best performance at the end
Mainstream test & preparation • The orginalmainstream test is crucial. Not allowed to find a significant bug whenyou have 100 gold devices. • Request all necessary art assets (screen size & bit depth) fromyour art team in advance (during the validation of the mainstreamis a good scheduleso the porting team can move full speed withoutwaiting for anyelement) Prepare a document containing all the necessaryscreensizes for your art team
What about BREW • Brewis a separatetechnology if you’redoingitmanually. • Get the Brewscreensizesimplementedalongwith the basic mainstreams • Split the projectwhen the mainstreams are gold • Brewcanbeseen as someadditionalhandsets if you do itusingsomeknown conversion tools in that case addthem as extra handsets to yourporting plan.
Deliverystrategy • Do not deliver more thanyour QA team needs to keepthembusy for half a day to a day (itisgenerallyconfusingtheydon’t know what to beginwith if yougivetoomanythings) • Use a clearway to communicateyourdeliveries. Sometoolscan help you (seeappendix 3). Poor communication cancreate confusion and lostdays (especially if you’reworkingwithremote locations in different time zones) • Drive the deliveries in such a waythat the « strategic » binaries are tested first. • CARE… CARE… CARE… bepresent and adaptyourselfveryquickly to anywrong feedback (binarycrashing for instance freeing a slot thatyouneed to fillasap).
Risk management • With your porting strategy defined earlier, move: • Down (if top-bottom) • Up’n down (if bottom & low-top to middle) • Up (if bottom to top) • Every step is a potential risk to break the system and have the QA team waiting for some deliveries. • Coordination between your porting team and your QA team will result in the success of the porting phase (if the teams are compatible & everybody is used all the time).
Risk management • But move wisely… • You can move on more than 1 front at the same time (QVGA & MidRes for instance). It willallowyou to manage the difficultyeveryday. • Do not assigneverybody on hard thingsat the same time. Manage the difficultydepending on the number of deliveriesyouneed. • Use a step by stepprocess, do not do a toobig single jump • Use the compatibilities to fill the gaps between the deliveries • Alwayskeep one resource (at least) to deal withdebugatanytime Example
Communication • Communicateclearly: • Where the project stands (progression, they must see the end of the tunnel to increase the motivation) • Giveappropriate objectives on a weekly basis soeverybodyknowswhat to do • Don’thesitate to saywhenthings are good (avoid a tooEuropeanbehaviour) • Communicatewhen the goal isreached • Takecredible actions if the goal isn’t • Show you are withthem and not againstthem…
“ Project health How can I measuremyprojecthealth?
Project Health • Measure the projectschedule on an average basis (being late one week isn’t dramatic if you are not late all the time). Use a projectschedulingtool to check if the situation is good • If the situation is good you’llsee: • The objective of everyweekisreached • Lowlevel of conflicts • Teams are used at the max of their capacity (will allow you to measure the compatibility of the teams, 1 porting guy cannot give enough work for 20 QA guys alone) • The bug database is not growing dramatically without decreasing (organize “debug sessions” in that case to reduce it).
THE END Questions?