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Tallinn. During the Viking age , it was not necessarily a good idea to live by the coast …. Two cities separated only by 80km of open water . Founded 1550 by the king of Sweden . Failed attempt to compete with Tallinn .
During the Viking age, itwasnotnecessarily a good idea to live by the coast…
Twocitiesseparatedonlyby80km of open water. • Founded 1550 by the king of Sweden. • Failedattempt to compete with Tallinn. • Onlyafter Russian invasion in 1809 Helsinki started to gainimportance. • Founded 1219 byinvadingdanes. • Becamesoon an importanttrade city betweengermanHanseaticleaguecities and the east. Helsinki Tallinn
Helsinki metro area : 1 000 000 (Finland has a population of 5,5 million) • The city hasbeencontrolledbySwedes and Russians. • Became capital of independent Finland in 1917. • Tallinn metro area: 500 000 (Estonia has a population of 1,4 million) • The city hasbeencontrolledbyDanes, Germans, Swedes and Russians. • Became capital of independent Estonia in 1918. Helsinki Tallinn
Earliestsettlement in Tallinnwas a fortress on Toompeahill, around 1050. • Toompeaforms the upperpart of the historic city centre. • It is a UNESCO worldheritagesite.
Dannebrogfallingfrom the skyduring the battle of Lyndanisse, 1219 • Danishpaintingfrom 1809 (Statensmuseum for kunst)
In the 13th century, the BalticregionwascolonisedbyGermans, whothenformed the political, economic and culturalelite of the regionall the wayuntil the russianrevolution (1917)! • Germansalsointroduced the feudalsystem to Balticregion, which is a major social differencecompared to Scandinavia.
Helsingion Soomepealinn ja Uusimaa ajalooline keskus. HelsingipaiknebSoomelõunarannikulSoomelahekaldal. • HelsingikliimadiagrammPindala on 715,55 km², millest 213 km² on maismaad ja ülejäänud 500 km² veealad. Helsingis on üle 300 saare. • Helsingiselab 605 523 inimest. KoosEspoo, Kauniaise ja VantaagamoodustabtaSuur-Helsingi, kuselab 1 059 060 inimest • Helsingi on Soomesuurimlinn ja riigihaldus-, äri-ningkultuurikeskus. See on paljudesuurteettevõtetekodulinnaks ja riigisuurimtööandja. • Linna pikimtänav on Mannerheimintie (5420 m).
Recenthistory • From 1940 to 1991 Estonia wasoccupiedbySoviet Union (and brieflybyNazi Germany). • From 1991 Estonia hassystematicallytried to distanceitselffromRussia, but the long shadow of Kremlin stilllingers… • In 2004 Estonia joinedboth EU and NATO. • Estonia hasbeenpart of the EURO since 2011.
25% of the populationareethnicRussians. • A legacyleftby Stalin and hispopulationtransfers. • An uneasysituation, consideringMoscowsvows to protect the interest of ethnicRussianswherevertheymightreside. • Ukraine…
The meager80km of waterthatseparate Finland and Estonia is actuallyquite a divideeconomically. • Finnishaveragewage: 3000€/month • Estonian averagewage: 900€/month • Veryinteresting to compare food prices in a local supermarket. Sadcomparison for Estonians.
In 2013, 60 000 Estonianswereofficiallyworking in Finland. • Manyhave no choiceand commutebetweenTallinn and Helsinki weekly. • For Finnishpeople, the boatridebetween the cities is a place to party and buycheapalcohol. • AlsovisitingTallinnmakes a Finn feelrichbecause of lowerprices. Just watch!