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Terms . Mohamed Sultan Sama abdelmohsen Cherine Mahmoud. Reflection. Reflection is the technique in which an object is mirrored on a reflective surface. These pictures are examples of reflection as the object is mirrored on the water. Rule of Thirds.
Terms Mohamed Sultan Samaabdelmohsen Cherine Mahmoud
Reflection Reflection is the technique in which an object is mirrored on a reflective surface. • These pictures are examples of reflection as the object is mirrored on the water.
Rule of Thirds The frame is divided into into nine imaginary sections. This creates reference points which act as guides for framing the image. The frog is centered in the lower left intersection making a better emphasis The boat is centered in the lower right intersection of the intersections. This picture has two emphasis which are both on the intersections creating a balanced picture
Balance Is the arrangement of shapes, colors, or areas of light and dark that complement one another. • In these pictures there is both light and dark and a colorful object with a simple back ground
Avoiding Mergers A merger is a when the object in the background is merged into the focus subject. For this picture the girl and the pole are both focused which brings distraction to the emphasis of the photograph, the girl. For this girl we get the intention that she is Going to fall off.
This picture is an example for avoiding mergers because the background is Blurred so we focus on the man.
Citations • http://www.brighthub.com/multimedia/photography/articles/57923.aspx\ • http://2expertsdesign.com/images/reflections-in-photography/rf-ph3.jpg • http://iphonephotographyschool.com/wp-content/uploads/iPhone-Reflection-Photo-01.jpg • http://www.photographymad.com/files/images/lighthouse-rule-of-thirds.jpg • http://www.mediacollege.com/video/shots/rule-of-thirds.html • http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/design/eight-photography-effects/ • http://digitalphotographylive.com/rule-of-thirds/ • http://www.mir.com.my/rb/photography/companies/nikon/nikkoresources/AFNikkor/AF-Nikkor_28mm/AlexCarothers_flashillus.jpg • http://davidnaylor.org/blog/2007/01/photography-tip-of-day-warmer-flash/ • http://www.photographyblog.com/images/sized/images/uploads_ee1/david_noton_white_balance-550x367.jpg • http://tech.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/FindingYourBalance.jpg