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The Courage of Ezra & the People

Confronting Unscriptural Marriages. The Courage of Ezra & the People. Introduction. The marital relationship, ordained of God, was established in the Garden of Eden for man’s good (Gen. 2:18-24; Eccl. 9:9). Domestic happiness is dependent upon following the divine pattern (Psa. 127:1-5).

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The Courage of Ezra & the People

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  1. Confronting Unscriptural Marriages The Courage of Ezra & the People

  2. Introduction • The marital relationship, ordained of God, was established in the Garden of Eden for man’s good (Gen. 2:18-24; Eccl. 9:9). • Domestic happiness is dependent upon following the divine pattern (Psa. 127:1-5). • Accordingly, let us fear the Lord, walk in His ways, and enjoy His manifold blessings (Psa. 128:1-6).

  3. The Courage of Ezra & the People • Ezra was a scribe and priest who led those Jews who returned from Babylonian captivity to a renewed commitment to God’s Law. • Arriving in Jerusalem, he discovered that many of the Hebrew men had married foreign wives from the surrounding nations (Ezra 9:1-4).

  4. The Courage of Ezra & the People • During the Mosaic dispensation, Israelites were forbidden from intermarrying with their idolatrous neighbors (Exod. 34:11-17; Deut. 7:1-6).

  5. The Courage of Ezra & the People • After a period of fasting and prayer (Ezra 9:5-15), he evidenced courage in confronting the issue of unscriptural marriages, insisting that these men divorce their wives, fearing that intermarriage with pagans would drag God’s people back into idolatry (Ezra 10:1-17, esp. vs. 2-4).

  6. The Courage of Christ & His Disciples • When questioned about divorce, Jesus Christ stressed the exclusivity and permanence of marriage; sexual immorality is the only divinely-approved exception allowing for divorce and remarriage (Matthew 19:3-9; cf. 5:31-32).

  7. Objection #1 • Some would object by saying, “Requiring those in unscriptural marriages to put away their spouse would break up a loving relationship.” • However, such reasoning would justify unmarried couples living together. It could also be used to justify polygamy, and long-term homosexual relationships. Yet, these practices violate Gal. 5:19-21, Rom. 1:26-27 & Matt. 19:4-6.

  8. Objection #2 • Some object by saying, “If those who are in an unscriptural marriage ask for forgiveness, they can stay in the relationship.” • God is willing to forgive any sin, but repentance (i.e., a change of heart followed by a change of life ) is always a prerequisite to divine pardon (1 Cor. 6:9-11; 2 Cor. 7:5-11; Eph. 4:25-32).

  9. Objection #3 • Some object by saying, “If you require individuals in an unscriptural marriage to put away their spouse, you are forbidding marriage, as per 1 Timothy 4:1-5.” • No, every individual has the right to be scripturally married; no one has the right to be unscripturally married. • An adulterer who has been put away for the reason of sexual immorality forfeits his/her right to another divinely-approved relationship (Matt. 19:10-12; cf. 13:10-16; Heb. 13:4).

  10. Conclusion • Recognizing the blessings of marriage, let us build our homes according to the divine pattern; • Acknowledging the exclusivity and permanence of marriage, let us cultivate loving, life-long relationships (Eph. 5:25-33; 1 Pet. 3:1-7).

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