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Nevada Educator Evaluation

Nevada Educator Evaluation. Presented by: The Nevada Teachers and Leaders Council. Nevada Responds to the Need. Legislature passed Assembly Bill 222 in 2011. New system to be based on four-tier rating scheme: highly effective, effective, minimally effective or ineffective.

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Nevada Educator Evaluation

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  1. Nevada Educator Evaluation Presented by: The Nevada Teachers and Leaders Council

  2. Nevada Responds to the Need • Legislature passed Assembly Bill 222 in 2011. • New system to be based on four-tier rating scheme: highly effective, effective, minimally effective or ineffective. • Created Teachers and Leaders Council (TLC) to work out details of teacher and site-based administrator systems. • First draft of recommendations due June. • Final recommendations due December 6, 2012. Brief Overview Version 2: April 24, 2012

  3. Teachers and Leaders Council • Linda Archambault • Public School Administrator Representative • Rorie Fitzpatrick • Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction • Barbara Surritte – Barker • Public School Teacher Representative • Sharla Hales • School District Board of Trustees Representative • Christine Cheney • Dean and Professor UNR • Robert McCord • Public Policy Representative • Kathleen Galland – Collins • Public School Teacher Representative • Theo Michael McCormick • School District Board of Trustees Representative • Theresa Crowley • Public School Teacher Representative • Heath Morrison • School District Superintendent Representative • Dale Norton • Public School Administrator Representative • Mary Peterson • Public Policy Representative • Pam Salazar • Professional Development Representative • Theodore Small • Public School Teacher Representative • Kimberly Tate • Nevada Parent Teachers Association Representative Brief Overview Version 2: April 24, 2012

  4. Goals of a New System • Foster student learning and growth. • Improve educators’ effective instructional practices. • Inform human capital decisions. • Engage stakeholders in continuous improvement and monitoring of the system. Brief Overview Version 2: April 24, 2012

  5. What the TLC is Developing • The evaluation frameworks for teachers and administrators: • The categories of performance to be measured. • The performance or evidence to be measured in each category. • The weights to be assigned to each category have not been determined. • Categories for teachers and administrators that are aligned with each other. Brief Overview Version 2: April 24, 2012

  6. Some Important Factors • Fairness is a value the Council is committed to upholding in the design of all elements of the system. • The model for administrator evaluation will be developed first. • The Council is likely to recommend a phased implementation. • Parent and student input will be part of both teacher and administrator evaluations. Brief Overview Version 2: April 24, 2012

  7. Some Important Factors • Test scores will be a part of every evaluation. • The Nevada Growth Model will play a role. • Other factors such as attendance, college readiness, and failure rates will have a role in the evaluation. • Addressing the impact of all learners is a focus of the Council’s work. Brief Overview Version 2: April 24, 2012

  8. Some Realities The Public May Believe Council Faces Certain Demands Recommend v. Compel Loose v. Tight System Local Control v. State Control – 17 Loose Systems v. Statewide System State Capacity to Provide Assistance Dollars for Professional Growth Non-Tested Evaluation • The system will be fully implemented in the coming school year • Wholesale removal of ineffective teachers and administrators • Data is available to fairly assess all teachers regardless of their discipline Brief Overview Version 2: April 24, 2012

  9. Your Input is Essential! Questions…. • Do you have a better understanding now about the work of the Council and educator evaluation? • What unanswered questions do you have? • Please be sure to complete the feedback form and turn it into us before you leave today. • If you want to contact us directly, bhbarker@washoeschools.net Note: To the extent possible, the Council will post the questions and responses on the FAQ of the newly-designed Council website. Brief Overview Version 2: April 24, 2012

  10. A Work in Progress The work of the Teachers and Leaders Council is a work in progress and will continue to evolve based on the recommendations of the council and stakeholders’ input. For meeting dates and progress, please visit TLC.nv.gov for the most current and up-to-date information. Brief Overview Version 2: April 24, 2012

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