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FISIOLOGI PENYEMBUHAN LUKA. MOIST WOUND HEALING. George D Winter (1962): proved that wounds that were kept moist, healed better than those that were exposed to the air. THE FATHER OF MOIST WOUND HEALING. Home WORK : Why MOIST ?. Justifikasi.
MOIST WOUND HEALING • George D Winter (1962): proved that wounds that were kept moist, healed better than those that were exposed to the air. THE FATHER OF MOIST WOUND HEALING Home WORK : Why MOIST ?
Justifikasi • Fibrinolisis : fibrin cepathilangpadasuasanalembab • olehnetrofildanselendotel • Angiogenesisi : prosesakanlebihterangsangpadasuasanalembab • Infeksi : lebihrendahdibandingkansuasanakering ( 2.6 % vs 7.1 % ) • Percepatanpembentukanselaktif : invasinetrofi yang diikutiolehmakrophag, monositdanlimfositkedaerahlukaakanberfungsilebihdini. • Pembentukan growth factor : lebihcepatpadasuasanalembab * EGF, FGF dan Interleukin1 dikeluarkanolehmakrophaguntukproses angiogenesis danpembentukan str. Korneum * Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF) dan Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-beta) dibentukoleh platelet untukprosesproliferasi fibroblast.
Types of Wound Healing • Healing by First Intention • Healing by Second Intention • Healing by Third Intention
Inflammatory Stage • Tanda : kemerahan, panas, nyeri dan bengkak • Last approximately 4 to 5 days • Permulaan terjadinya proses penyembuhan luka : aktifitas platelet untuk STOP perdarahan dan triggers the immune response • 24 jam pertama saat terjadi perlukaan, neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages mengontrol pertumbuhan bakteri dan membuang jaringan mati ( mempersiapkan dasar luka ) • Characteristic red color and warmth is caused by the capillary blood system increasing circulation & laying foundation for epithelial growth
Proliferation Stage • Begins within 24 hours of the initial injury and may continue for up to 21 days • It is characterized by three events: • Epithelialization • Granulation • Collagen synthesis • Formation of new capillaries that generate and feed new tissue • Granulation tissue is the beefy red tissue that bleeds easily
Proliferation : Epitheliazation • Formation of an epithelial layer that seals and protects the wound from bacteria and fluid loss • It is essential to have a moist environment to foster growth of this layer • It is a very fragile layer that can be easily destroyed with aggressive wound irrigation or cleansing of the involved area
Proliferation : Collagen Synthesis • Creates a support matrix for the new tissue that provides it with its’ strength • Oxygen, iron, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium & protein are vital for collagen synthesis • This stage is the actual rebuilding and is influenced by the overall patient condition of the wound bed
Maturation • FINAL stage of wound healing • Begins around day 21 and may continue for up to 2 years • Collagen synthesis continues with eventual closure of the wound and increase in tensile strength • Tensile strength reaches only about 80% of pre-injury strength
Refference • Idral Darwis.2008.Perawatan luka diabet.WOCARE publishing. Indonesia • Aida S.D. Suriadiredja.2007. History of wound healing and moist wound healing. Indonesian ETNEP paper.(not publication) • Carville Kerylin.1998. Wound care manual. Silver chain foundation.Australia • Bryant Ruth.2007. Acute and chronic wound. Mosby.USA