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שינוים בעולם הידע והמהפיכה המדעית. 1. התערערות העולם האריסטוטלי (מבפנים). 2. התערערות סמכות הכנסיה (כגורם בלעדי). 3. עלייתם של גורמי ידע אלטרנטיביים (הומניזם, ידע נסתר). 4. עלייתה של התורה ההליוצנטרית (עדיין מהוסס). episteme vs. techne. שינוים נוספים בעולם הידע והמהפיכה המדעית.
שינוים בעולם הידע והמהפיכה המדעית 1. התערערות העולם האריסטוטלי (מבפנים) 2. התערערות סמכות הכנסיה (כגורם בלעדי) 3. עלייתם של גורמי ידע אלטרנטיביים (הומניזם, ידע נסתר) 4. עלייתה של התורה ההליוצנטרית(עדיין מהוסס)
episteme vs. techne שינוים נוספים בעולם הידע והמהפיכה המדעית 1. עליית קרנו של "החדש" 2. עליית האמפירציזם(מובנים חדשים ל"תצפית" ו"ניסוי") 3. עלייתו של ה"מכניציזם" 4. מתמטיזציה במרכז הבמה התערערות העולם האריסטוטלי
episteme vs.techne • episteme - scientia(theoretical knowledge – knowledge of causes) • techne - ars(crafts,know-how: knowing by doing)
episteme vs.techne • scientia(theoretical knowledge)ars(crafts) Bringing techneinto the scholarly world
Paracelsus (1493-1541)Philippus Theophrastus AureolusBombastus von Hohenheim Bringing medicaltechneinto the scholarly world
Hippocrates of Kos (BC 460–370) (by Rubens) • Claudius Galenus(AD 129–c.200)
The Hippocratic Tradition • The Canon of Medicine(1025)القانون في الطب al-Qānūnfī al-Ṭibb • IbnSīnā, Avicenna (980–1037) • The Book of Healing(1027) القانون في الطب کتاب الشفاءKitab Al-Shifa
The Hippocratic Tradition • Galenus(AD 129–c.200) Humours – ליחות מרה אדומה (דם) מרה לבנה (ריר) מרה צהובה (מרה) מרה שחורה • IbnSīnā(980–1037)
The Hippocratic Tradition • Galenus(AD 129–c.200) • Illness:not displeasure of the gods, but an imbalance (dyscrasia) of bodily fluids which were naturally equal in proportion (pepsis) and which had to be restored to balance (eucrasia - wellness, balance) in order for a person to be free from illness. • IbnSīnā(980–1037)
The Hippocratic Tradition • Galenus(AD 129–c.200) • Temperaments: (temperare - to mix). In the ideal personality, the complementary characteristics or warm-cool and dry-moist were well balanced. In four less ideal types, one of the four qualities was dominant over all the others. • IbnSīnā(980–1037)
The Hippocratic Tradition • Galenus(AD 129–c.200) • Temperaments: • Sanguine • Choleric • Melancholic • Phlegmatic • IbnSīnā(980–1037)
The Hippocratic Tradition • Galenus(AD 129–c.200) • Healing: • Herbs, • Diet, • Bloodletting • IbnSīnā(980–1037)
Paracelsus (1493-1541) • “Hippocrates had the true medical spirit but Galen and other sophists perverted his views.”
Paracelsus (1493-1541) • “Hippocrates had the true medical spirit but Galen and other sophists perverted his views.” Medical Knowledge: God Apollo Machaon Podalirius Hippocrates “In them the light of Nature shone forth. But the Evil One interfered and caused medicine to fall into the hands of the antiphysicians so that it became entangled with persons and sophistries.”
Paracelsus (1493-1541) • “Hippocrates had the true medical spirit but Galen and other sophists perverted his views.” • Also - New diseases: • Syphilis • Imported from the new world
Paracelsus (1493-1541) • “Sickness and health in the body rely on the harmony of man (microcosm) and Nature (macrocosm).” • Typical Hermetic View
Robert Fludd, (1574 –1637) • Paracelsian • Astrologer • MathematicianCosmologistQabalistRosicrucian
Leonardoda Vinci (1490) • Vitruvian Man
Paracelsus (1493-1541) • “Microcosm and Macrocosm” as a practical principle: humans must have certain balances of minerals in their bodies, and hence illnesses of the body can be cured with chemical remedies and minerals.
Paracelsus (1493-1541) • Chemical remedies and minerals – sympathies between materials and parts of the body • Hermetic and occult knowledge • Alchemy • Astrology
Paracelsus pioneered the use of chemicals and minerals in medicine. Hishermeticalviews Paracelsus (1493-1541) • Chemical remedies and minerals – sympathies between materials and parts of the body
Paracelsus (1493-1541) • Hermetic and occult knowledge • Alchemy • Astrology • Opposition to (and scorn for) scholasticism • Directobservation of nature as the source of uncovering knowledge (occult: macro-micro) • Knowledge of nature driven by practical needs • Vernacular texts (German)
episteme vs.techne • scientia(theoretical knowledge)ars(craft) Bringing techneinto the scholarly world
Paracelsus (1493-1541) • Some opposed his cosmological views, but accepted his treatments. • Grosse Wundartzney (1536): how to cure wounds created by gunshot
Paracelsus (1493-1541) • Vom Holtz GuaicogründlichenHeylung (1529); FranzösichenKranckheit (1530) • A critic of herbal treatments of syphilis
Paracelsus (1493-1541) Bringing medicaltechneinto the scholarly world Vesalius' Fabrica(1543): problems with Galen’s anatomical observations William Harvey (1578-1657): circulation of blood (1628): problems with Galen’s physiology
Paracelsus (1493-1541) • Von der Bergsucht oder Bergkranckheiten drey Bücher(1530) • On the Miners' Sickness and Other Diseases of Miners
Georg Agricola (1494-1555) De Re Metallica (1530) Bringing techneinto the scholarly world
Georg Agricola (1494-1555) De Re Metallica (1530) • Certainly, if mining is a shameful and discreditable employment for a gentleman because slaves once worked mines, then agriculture also will not be a very creditable employment, because slaves once cultivated the fields, and even to-day do so among the Turks; nor will architecture be considered honest, because some slaves have been found skilful in that profession; nor medicine, because not a few doctors have been slaves; nor will any other worthy craft, because men captured by force of arms have practised it.
Georg Agricola (1494-1555) De Re Metallica (1530) • Yet agriculture, architecture, and medicine are none the less counted amongst the number of honourable professions; therefore, mining ought not for this reason to be excluded from them. But suppose we grant that the hired miners have a sordid employment. We do not mean by miners only the diggers and other workmen, but also those skilled in the mining arts, and those who invest money in mines. Amongst them can be counted kings, princes, republics, and from these last the most esteemed citizens. And finally, we include amongst the overseers of mines the noble Thucydides, the historian, whom the Athenians placed in charge of the mines of Thasos.
Georg Agricola (1494-1555) De Re Metallica (1530) • New Latin technical terms (like in botany): • Changing accepted meanings of existing terms • Combining existing terms into new ones • Translation from German to Latin • Adding Latin post or pre-fixes to German terms
The space between two veins is called an intervenium; this interval between the veins, if it is between venaedilatatae is entirely hidden underground. If, however, it lies between venaeprofundae then the top is plainly in sight, and the remainder is hidden.
Georg Agricola (1494-1555) De Re Metallica (1530) Bringing techneinto the scholarly world A truly new trend: knowing nature in order to dominate nature
M N A B O ארכימדס מסירקוזה(287-212(BC N:M::AO: OB
Federico Commandino (1506–1575 ( On Floating Bodies • On the Equilibrium of Planes (Law of Lever)
Philosophers-Engineers Dissolving the traditional distinction: episteme vs.techne
William Gilbert (1544-1603) De Magnete (1600)
William Gilbert (1544-1603) De Magnete(1600) • The Earth as a giant magnet • A decidedly “experimental” approach • Distinguished between electricity and magnetism
William Gilbert (1544-1603) De Magnete(1600) • Adopted heliocentrism(unlikely that the planetary spheres can circle the earth in one day) • The planets are driven by souls (the Earth has a magnetic soul) • Believed in cosmic harmonies and astrology
William Gilbert (1544-1603) De Magnete(1600) • Totally opposed to Aristotelian philosophy of nature • Hostile and dismissive of university culture:
William Gilbert (1544-1603) De Magnete(1600) “As for the causes of magnetic movements, referred to in the schools of philosophers to the four elements and to prime qualities, these we leave for roaches and moths to prey upon.”