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Departmental Performance Report on Human Settlements (April to December 2014)

This confidential report outlines the non-financial performance of the Department of Human Settlements for the first to third quarters of 2014. It includes information on expenditure vs. performance, communication and outreach programs, delivery agreements, international and intergovernmental relations, accreditation of municipalities, and job creation.

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Departmental Performance Report on Human Settlements (April to December 2014)

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  2. PRESENTATION OUTLINE • DEPARTMENTAL THIRD QUARTER NON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE • DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE V/S PERFORMANCE (TARGETS/OUTCOMES) • COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH PROGRAMME • DELIVERY AGREEMENT( OUTCOME 8) 4.1 Performance as at September 2014 4.2 MTSF Actions 4.3 Interventions to address low delivery 4.4 Challenges identified 4.5 Corrective Actions/ Remedial Measures Confidential


  4. 1. DEPARTMENTAL FIRST QUARTER NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE (APRIL TO JUNE 2014) • The overall achievement by the National Department of Human Settlements during first quarter of 2014/15 is seventy nine (79%) (According to the approved APP). • Out of one hundred and forty three (143) targets which were planned for the period under review, one hundred and thirteen (113) targets were achieved whilst thirty (30) targets were not achieved. Confidential


  6. DEPARTMENTAL SECOND QUARTER NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE (JULY TO SEPTEMBER 2014) • The overall achievement by the National Department of Human Settlements during second quarter of 2014/15 is seventy four (74%) (According to the approved APP). • Out of one hundred and twenty nine (129) targets which were planned for the period under review, ninety six (96) targets were achieved whilst thirty three (33) targets were not achieved. Confidential


  8. DEPARTMENTAL THIRD QUARTER NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE (OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2014) • The overall achievement by the National Department of Human Settlements during third quarter of 2014/15 is sixty six percent (66%) (According to the approved APP). • Out of 119 targets which were planned for the period under review, 79 were achieved whilst 40 were not achieved. Confidential


  10. DEPARTMENTAL NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE (APRIL TO DECEMBER 2014) • The overall achievement by the National Department of Human Settlements for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2014/15 is seventy four (74%) (According to the approved APP). • Out of three hundred and ninety one (391) targets which were planned for the period under review, two hundred and eighty eight (288) targets were achieved whilst hundred and three (103) targets were not achieved. Confidential


  12. QUARTER ONE TO THREE 2014/15(Total Targets Approved and Total Achieved) Confidential

  13. 3. COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH PRGRAMME • The Department participated in various outreach programmes. • During these campaigns, face-to-face communication was done with communities. • The roll-out was done in partnership with Municipalities, Provincial Departments of Human Settlements and Entities • During most of the visits publications with departmental information were distributed and face to face communication was done where questions where answered about the department. • The Public Information unit managed to produce the 1st draft of the publication that is meant to cater for beneficiaries who have received houses Confidential

  14. COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH Minister Connie September Public Outreach Programme: Confidential

  15. COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH CONTI… Minister Connie September Public Outreach Programme: Confidential

  16. COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH CONTI…Minister Lindiwe Sisulu Public Outreach Programme Confidential

  17. COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH CONTI…Minister Lindiwe Sisulu Public Outreach Programme Confidential

  18. OUTREACH PROGRAMMEMinisterial Events: Confidential

  19. COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH Deputy Minister Zou Kota Fredericks Public Outreach Programme: Confidential



  22. COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH CONTI… Other Events: Confidential

  23. 4. DELIVERY AGREEMENT (OUTCOME 8) Background Objective of Outcome 8 is to manage a comprehensive human settlements programme with multiple projects that covers extensive geographical spread aiming to improve the workings of the space economy. This will be achieved by: • Providing poor households with adequate housing in better living environments; • Supporting the development of functionally and equitable residential property market; • Improving the institutional capacity & coordination for better spatial targeting Confidential

  24. DELIVERY AGREEMENT (OUTCOME 8) • Housing delivery: In terms of the Outcome 8 MTSF for Human Settlements, a total number of 1,5 million housing opportunities will be delivered over the MTSF period of five years. The 1,5 million housing opportunities will consist of: • 750 000 households in informal settlements upgraded; • 563 000 individual units for subsidy market; • 110 000 loans (70 000 FLISP plus 40 000 DFIs) • 27 000 social housing; • 10 000 CRU; • 35 000 affordable rental • Other targets • 2 200 informal settlements will be assessed, • 10 000 ha of well-located land will be rezoned and released for new developments targeting poor and lower to middle income households, Confidential

  25. DELIVERY AGREEMENT (OUTCOME 8) • 50 catalytic projects will be implemented, 563 000 title deeds will be issued to new homeowners in the subsidy market; and • The title deeds backlog of 900 000 will be eradicated. • For purposes of the Delivery Agreements, the targets of each Provincial Department in terms of the various objectives will have to be formally agreed and approved by Human Settlements MINMEC; • Provincial Departments need to revise their business plans to focus on the priorities as set out in the MTSF; Confidential

  26. DELIVERY AGREEMENT (OUTCOME 8)4.1 PERFORMANCE AS AT END OF SEPTEMBER • Objective: number of additional households living in adequate housing through the subsidy & affordable housing segments • 2019 target: 745 000 households • Performance as on 30 September 2014: 51 903 BNG houses • Represents 34.8% of annual target • Objective: improved housing conditions for households living in informal settlements • 2019 target: 750 000 households upgraded • Performance as on 30 September 2014: 16 020 households in informal settlements • Represents 10.7% of annual target Confidential

  27. DELIVERY AGREEMENT (OUTCOME 8)4.1 PERFORMANCE: Cont.. • Objective: number of catalytic projects implemented demonstrating spatial, social and economic integration • 2019 target: 250 projects • Performance as on 30 September 2014: 149 proposals received at National Department • The best 50 projects will be implemented • Objective: increase in the volume of loans granted by private sector and DFI’s to affordable market • 2019 target: 582 238 loans by DFI’s & Banks • Performance as on 30 September 2014: 35 635 loans issued • Represents 30.6% of annual target Confidential

  28. DELIVERY AGREEMENT (OUTCOME 8)4.1 PERFORMANCE: Cont.. • Objective: percentage of sales transactions of properties worth less than R 500 000 • 2019 target: 20% increase in transactions • Performance as on 30 September 2014: The Department is currently developing a system for measuring of indicator • Objective: growth & distribution of value in the residential property market • 2019 target: increased number of ratable properties entering the rates roll of municipalities • Performance as on 30 September 2014:The Department is currently developing a system for measuring of indicator Confidential

  29. DELIVERY AGREEMENT (OUTCOME 8)4.1 PERFORMANCE: Cont.. • Objective: number of metros accredited with the housing function • 2019 target: 8 metros & 12 secondary cities/municipalities/district municipalities • Performance as on 30 September 2014: The Accreditation Process (especially of Metros for possible assignment and devolution of human settlements functions) is currently being reviewed • Objective: number of municipalities accredited with level 2 and provided with post accreditation support • 2019 target: additional 21 municipalities accredited to level 1 and additional accredited to level 2 • Performance as on 30 September 2014:The Accreditation Process (especially of Metros for possible assignment and devolution of human settlements functions) is currently being reviewed Confidential

  30. DELIVERY AGREEMENT (OUTCOME 8)4.1 PERFORMANCE • Objective: investment decisions in human settlements improves spatial efficiency • 2019 target: annual reports demonstrating changes in urban efficiency • Performance: Master Spatial Planning Framework been developed & adopted by MINMEC • Action: number of existing informal settlements assessed • 2019 target: 2 200 informal settlements assessed • Performance: 1 153 informal settlements assessed or assessment in process • Action: hectares of well located land released • 2019 target: 10 000 ha • Performance: total released for human settlements developments in 2014/15: 2 274.3 ha Confidential

  31. 4.2 MTSF ACTIONS • Action: Single Development Finance Institution (DFI) • 2019 target: 1 DFI • Performance: NDHS in the process of revising the business case for the consolidation to align content with MTSF targets • Action: title deeds issued to home owners in the subsidy market • 2019 target: 560 000 • Performance: 9 471 title deeds issued to new home-owners • Action: backlog on title deeds eradicated • 2019 target: 900 000 title deeds • Performance: 10 000 title deeds issued as part of the eradication of the title deeds backlog Confidential

  32. 4.2 MTSF ACTIONS • Action: M & E System to track and assess effectiveness of spatial targeting in human settlements • 2019 target: track progress and assess the effectiveness of spatial targeting in human settlements between 2015 – 2019 • Performance: A Land and Property Spatial Information System (LAPSIS) has been developed which incorporate environment, human settlements, transport and related development functions. • RECOMMENDATION:It is recommended that the Portfolio Committee takes note of the progress on the implementation of the Programme of Action for Outcome 8 Confidential


  34. PROGRESS TO DATE: SUBSIDY MARKET Delivery as percentage of total planned for 2014/15 Confidential

  35. 4.3 INTERVENTIONS TO ADDRESS LOW DELIVERY • The National Department held individual one-on-one meetings HODs of Provinces with a delivery of below 40% at the end of the second quarter; • National Department to disburse technical teams to all Provinces to conduct thorough assessments of what is still feasible to be delivered this financial year; • The technical teams will assess and validate project readiness taking into account all risks factors for a project to still realise delivery in the current financial year; • Slow performing Provinces to indicate in their revised business plans the amount from their allocation that can be moved to better performing Provinces; and • Better performing Provinces to indicate their absorption capacity and resources, e. g specific projects, status, contracting and implementation readiness Confidential

  36. 4.4 CHALLENGES IDENTIFIED • Ineffective coordination between sector departments in planning for the provision of services and amenities, poor alignment of funding to ensure coordinated planning in service delivery in the mining towns and catalytic projects. • Lack of capacity • Coordinating NUSP in new Mining Towns • Managing NUSP activities in all relevant municipalities • Delivery data not captured on HSS or significant lag in capture process - intention to collaborate with the Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Unit • Extension of monitoring capacity to reach 50% target of running projects over MTSF period • Slow delivery of Bucket Eradication Programme • Municipalities benefitting from RHIP submitted business plans not complying with RHIP Framework • Non compliance in terms of sanitation norms and standards in some instances Confidential

  37. 4.5 CORRECTIVE ACTIONS/ REMEDIAL MEASURES • Need for a champion department to ensure alignment occurs between various sector departments at national, provincial and municipal level. • HDA involvement in the mining towns and with catalytic projects. • Fast-tracking the filling of vacant posts • Appoint Housing Development Agency to undertake all work in Mining Towns • Extend the NUSP Core Team and appoint NUSP Contract Managers in provinces • Municipalities supported to develop credible business plans and submit on time • Strengthen the M&E to ensure compliance with norms and standards • Fast-track the assessment and evaluation of last year Bucket Eradication Programme Confidential

  38. 5. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS International Relations: • The Department played the lead role in co-ordinating inputs and writing South Africa’s National Report for Habitat III • The report takes stock of achievements and challenges experienced in implementing the Habitat Agenda since 1996, and identifies issues we would like to see included in a new international agenda on human settlements • The report was widely consulted on and incorporates inputs from a wide range of stakeholders • The report was approved by Cabinet and submitted to the United Nations ahead of the 1st meeting of the Preparatory Committee for Habitat III in September 2014. • Habitat III takes place in October 2016 in Ecuador, and ongoing preparations and stakeholder consultations will inform and shape South Africa’s position and participation in this major United Nations Human Settlements conference (which takes place every 20 years) Confidential

  39. 5. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CONT… • Urban Development and Human Settlements have become officially recognised development issues by the African Union through the establishment of a Specialised Technical Committee on Public Service, Local Government, Urban Development and Decentralisation. • The Specialised Technical Committees are official organs of the African Union. • The Department has been actively working towards achieving this recognition for a number of years • At its inaugural meeting in Brazzaville in November 2014, it was decided that a Sub-committee of African Ministers responsible for housing, human settlements and urban development would discuss challenges facing the continent • Efforts are being made to ensure that human settlements and urban development are addressed in the African Union’s Agenda 2063 Confidential

  40. 6. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS • Provincial visits: • HSDG Performance: The Department provided support during the DG’s visits to Provinces. Presentations were made during such visits so as to inform Provinces on how they planned to spend the HSDG in relation to national priorities. • Provincial Quarterly Performance Reviews: The Department also participated in the Provincial Performance Reviews. During these sessions, inputs were provided to Provinces with regards to their performance of the financials and non-financials during the sessions. The quarterly performance template was revised and submitted to IGR for circulation to provinces. Confidential

  41. 6. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Conti.. • HSDG Framework: The Department participated and provided leadership in the development of the Grant Framework for the 2015/16 financial year. This looked at both improving the content of the Framework so as to align it to the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), the processes regarding the development, submission and approval of the HSDG Business Plans for 2015/16 DoRA. Support in evaluating the Performance of the Urban Settlement Grant in Metros: The Department conducted 2014/2015 BEPP quarterly performance verification engagements led by the Department’s Chief Directorate: Monitoring and Evaluation. The quarterly performance verification is a requirement in terms of Division of Revenue Act (DoRA) 2014. The verification process is only about the spending versus deliverables. Confidential

  42. 6. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Conti.. • USDG Framework: There was participation in the sessions that aimed at improving the USDG framework. This was done in terms of providing inputs regarding the content of the USDG to be part of the 2015/16 DoRA. Further, comments were inserted in the draft framework regarding the submission of the BEPPs to the NDHS so as to assist the Department to track how the USDG responds to human settlement development. During the period under review, the following activities in advancing the self- built methodology were embarked upon: Western Cape • The Department participated in a PHP Workshop hosted by the City of Cape Town on the 3rd October 2014 in Cape Town • Met with the City of Cape Town to engage on the implementation of PHP projects within the City’s jurisdiction and conducted site visits Confidential

  43. 6. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS CONT… • In preparation for the upcoming western Cape PHP Imbizo, the Team met with officials from the Deputy Ministers office and thereafter conducted site visits to Masimanyane, Siyifumene, MasikhanayeMandela Park and SilvertownMzomhle PHP groupings to discuss their challenges regarding PHP implementation Kwa Zulu Natal • Conducted a visit to the Vulindlela project between 26-28th November 2014 to gather information on the lessons learnt on the implementation of Cooperatives within the project Gauteng • The Department participated in two meetings with City of Johannesburg (CoJ) Metropolitan Municipality regarding a proposed PHP project to be implemented in Ennerdale. CoJ is currently busy with project preparation and planning for this project as it would only be implemented in the 2015-2016 financial year Confidential

  44. 6. INTERGOVERMENTAL RELATIONS CONT… North West • The Department had an engagement with the Province (Bojanala District) to discuss FEDUP, Hlabanganiand Habitat blocked project in the District Mpumalanga: • The Department visited Thembisile Municipality projects (VlaklaagteNo.1 & 2) and engaged beneficiaries regarding the project. The project is still in its initial stage, only eight (8) houses have been built until the roof level Supporting the establishment of community-based housing Cooperatives within PHP During the reporting period, the following activities were undertaken towards achieving the above: Confidential

  45. INTERGOVERMENTAL RELATIONS6.1 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENTS • The Department met with the members of Grassy Park community in the Western Cape and discussed their experiences in forming Housing Cooperatives. The outcome of the initial engagement led to the delivery of a detail workshop on Cooperatives in partnership with Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to this community • The Department captured the lessons learnt and best practice from the Cooperatives model implemented within the Vulindlela Rural PHP project  Support to Provinces and Municipalities in the upgrading of informal Settlements through PHP • The Department participated at a meeting convened by the Ministry with the Federation of the Urban Poor (FEDUP) to discuss their proposal to be involved in the informal settlements upgrading programme Confidential

  46. INTERGOVERMENTAL RELATIONS6.2 STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS Inter-sectoral implementation task team on the departmental 2014-2019 Medium Term Strategic Framework • On the 14 October 2014, the -Department coordinated and facilitated an inter-sectoral implementation task team following a request of nomination of a senior officials from Sector Departments (Director level and above) to serve on the Departmental Inter-Sectoral implementation task team on Human Settlements on the implementation of 2014-2019 Medium Term Strategic Framework. • The purpose of the Inter-Sectoral implementation task team is to foster Intergovernmental Relations and coordinated efforts to achieve vision 2030 of the National Development Plan through 2014-2019 MTSF activities Confidential

  47. INTERGOVERMENTAL RELATIONS6.2 STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS Conti.. Human Settlements Developers Forum/ Construction Sector Dialogue In preparation for the national human Settlements Developers Forum, the Department and HDA held several preparatory meetings leading to a consultative process through the developer’s forum to share information with the leaders and associations of developers in the construction sector. The developer’s forum ensured that stakeholders re-commit to the 2nd Social Contract and partner with the Department in the delivery of 1.5 million housing opportunities in the next 5 years. Meeting with the Chamber of mines • In preparation for the National Human Settlements Indaba, the -Department coordinated and facilitated a meeting with the Chamber of mines on the 29 September 2014. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the following: • Chamber inputs on the Social Housing Contract Confidential

  48. INTERGOVERMENTAL RELATIONS6.2 STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS Conti.. • Constraints and challenges relating to housing and accommodation in the • mining industry • Partnership between NDoHS and individual mining companies Human Settlements Indaba In preparation for review of the impact of the Social signed in 2005, the Department wrote letters to institution to provide the Department with challenges and successes experienced following the signing of the Social Contract; the Department also requested their commitments to a second social contract towards achieving 1.5 Million housing opportunities by 2019. Shelter Afrique • The Department held consultations with National Treasury the South African Affordable Residential Developers Association (SAARDA), Basil Read, and Africa Rising Capital Confidential

  49. INTERGOVERMENTAL RELATIONS6.2 STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS Conti.. • In the most recent meeting held with these stakeholders in September 2014, the participants agreed that further due diligence on Shelter Afrique needs to be undertaken by National Treasury and DHS. The due diligence will outline the benefits and costs of South Africa joining Shelter Afrique. • A note on assessing South Africa’s participation in Shelter Afrique was circulated by the -Department internally as well as to other external institutions for inputs/ comments. • The purpose of the note is to assess the possibility of South Africa acceding to the membership of Shelter Afrique. A series of consultation have been held to obtain views on the benefits that would accrue to South Africa joining Shelter Afrique Confidential

  50. INTERGOVERMENTAL RELATIONS6.2 STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS Conti.. Consultation meeting with Built Environment Sector (Developers Forum) The Department was responsible for the coordination of the Developers Forum within the Built Environment aimed at sharing information about human settlement policies, direction and focus areas, activities, proposed projects and to assess where and how the commercial developers can assist government to meet the MTSF five year target of 1.5 million houses over the next five years. The outcomes of these consultation meetings where adopted and presented at the Indaba for adoption by all stakeholders as Sector Stakeholder Commitments that supports the 1.5 Million Houses National Human Settlements Indaba, Preparations for the Human Settlements Indaba • During the period under review the Department was responsible for the coordination of the Social Contract Sector Stakeholders target audience and responsible for coordination of Sector Commitments. Confidential

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