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Caso de Rhus-Gabra . Paciente: 41 anos, casada, 1 filho. Início do caso: 25/04/2011 Queixa principal: dores nas articulações há
Paciente: 41 anos, casada, 1 filho. Início do caso: 25/04/2011 Queixa principal: dores nas articulações há 2 anos com edema, tomando corticoíde altas dosagens sem melhora clínica, as dores pioram no início do movimento e melhora com continuação do movimento tanto nas articulações maiores e menores.
Início do processo há 2 anos com insucesso num concurso que prestou e sentiu injusticada. Natureza de ser da paciente: sou muito ansiosa, sensível as injustiças, briga, xinga, fica chorosa, compra briga pelos outros.
Me toca à pobreza, menino abandonado, doente, idoso. Sonha com um mundo melhor, com trabalho, conversa que vai ter com pais de alunos. Ansiedade o que vai acontecer, me envolvo muito com crianças.
Quero contribuir para um mundo melhor, formar crianças cidadões dignos. Exames Laboratoriais: Fator antinuclear: 1/80- padrão nuclear pontilhado fino.
06/06/2011 – Apóstomarrhus-toxico 12ch nãotevemelhoraclínica e mental. Passeirhus-glabradevido à ser da mesmafamília de rhus-toxico das anacardiaceae e muitosensível as injustiças.
11/07/2011- muitamelhoraclínica e mental com rhus-glabra, maistranquila, com maisqualidade de vida e passandopelosproblemas com maissuavidade.
#100. MIND AND DREAMS SYMPTOMS OF PURE MATERIA MEDICA • 1 - Distaste for society; no desire to speak to any one, or to be spoken to (sixth day) • 2 - The sensorium was affected; weakness of memory, much indifference to surrounding objects; sensation of stupidity (fourth and fifth days) @ • #102. CLARKE • Clinical. Debility. Diarrhoea. Dreams, annoying. Dysentery. Epistaxis. Haemorrhages. Headache. Mouth, ulcers in. • Rhus glabra, R. tryphina, and R. coriaria have acid fruit and astringent bark, which is used in tanning. Rh. g. is a deciduous shrub with stem 2 to 12 feet high, and has terminal flowers, and fruit clothed with acid crimson hairs, like the other nonpoisonous Rhoes. The tincture of the bark was proved by Dr. A. V. Marshall on himself with very substantial doses. • The symptoms of the Schema are his, and they bear out the traditional uses of the remedy. • One of these is, "profuse perspiration arising from debility" (Scudder); and Marshall had "profuse sweat during sleep" and such a degree of debility that he was obliged to leave off the proving. • Hale mentions that an infusion of the root has a popular repute in diarrhoea and dysentery, especially when the discharges are fetid; and that the berries are used for chronic cough, wheezing cough, and laryngeal asthma.
A tincture made of the whole pannicle ("Sumachbobs") cured a patient of his who had every spring an attack of laryngeal cough with dyspnoea and almost complete loss of voice. • Farmers place "bobs" in the mangers of horses who have "heaves." • Cooper observed an aggravation in a case of psoriasis : the patient felt irritable and despondent, and the skin became irritable. • In the proving there were dull, heavy headaches, >> by exercise. (Hale says it has cured occipital headaches.) There was < of stomach symptoms by either food or drink. < By touch (abdomen; ulcers in mouth). < After sleep. >> By movement. • Compare: Rh. a. and other Anacardiaceae, and the Xanthoxylaceae, which are an allied order. • 1. Mind. • Distaste for society. • Stupid; forgetful; indifferent to surrounding objects. @ • #103. BOERICKE • (Smooth Sumach) • Epistaxis and occipital headache. Fetid flatus. Ulceration of mouth. Dreams of flying through the air. [Sticta.] Profuse perspiration arising from debility. [China.] It is claimed that this remedy will so disinfect the bowels that the flatus and stools will be free from odor. It acts well in putrescent conditions with tendency to ulceration. • Mouth.-Scurvy; nursing sore mouth. [Veronica.] Aphthous stomatitis. • Relationship.-Said to be antidotal to the action of Mercury, and has been employed in the treatment of secondary syphilis after mercurialization. • Dose.-Tincture. Usually locally to soft, spongy gums, aphthae, pharyngitis, etc. Internally, first potency. @
***** Materia Medica Repertorial ***** • 1. MIND - DELUSIONS (= imaginations) ( bro1 ) 1 190 • 2. MIND - DELUSIONS - light - is light; he (= incorporeal) ( bro1 ) 1 26 • 3. MIND - DULLNESS (= sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending, torpor) ( a1 ) 1 329 • 4. MIND - FEAR - people; of (= anthropophobia) ( a1 ) 1 79 • 5. MIND - INDIFFERENCE, apathy ( a1 ) 1 246 • 6. MIND - INDOLENCE (= aversion to work, laziness) ( a1 ) 1 263 • 7. MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory ( a1 ) 1 278 • 8. MIND - RESTLESSNESS ( a1 ) 1 414 • 9. HEAD - PAIN - exertion - amel. ( k ) 1 8 • 10. SLEEP - DISTURBED ( a1 ) 1 77 • 11. SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by ( a1 ) 1 170 • 12. SLEEP - RESTLESS ( a1 ) 1 380 • 13. DREAMS - FLYING ( a1, bg2, kl, st ) 2 11 • 14. DREAMS - MANY ( a1 ) 1 260 • 15. DREAMS - VEXATIOUS ( a1 ) 1 122 • 16. GENERALS - EMACIATION, marasmus ( a1 ) 1 256 • 17. GENERALS - HEMORRHAGE ( c1 ) 1 211 • 18. GENERALS - WEAKNESS (= enervation) ( a1, c1 ) 1 658 • 19. GENERALS - WEAKNESS - evening ( k ) 1 112 • 20. GENERALS - WEAKNESS - lying - agg. ( a1 ) 1 20 • 21. GENERALS - WEAKNESS - rising - on ( a1 ) 1 28
patogenesia de Rhus glabra, a qual Sankaran se refere no Insight Into Plants, de Tumminello, existe a ilusão que é traído, vide delusions que copiei abaixo. • A Portrait of Abuse by Peter L. Tumminello Rhus glabra's immanent feeling of being abused is qualified by a unique compensation boldly and simply portrayed in the dream of the most sensitive prover as the 'death of a pope'. This translates into the death of the feeling of being an authority; at once spiritual and intellectual. - Peter Tumminello is a homoeopathic practitioner who has long been active in homoeopathy in Sydney, Australia. He is a co-founder and the principal of the Sydney College of Homoeopathic Medicine. He is a practitioner of personal action believing that a homoeopath's personal process of taking medicines is the key to his own healing and that of his clients. His practice of homoeopathy focuses on its transformational powers and includes the use of a range of vibrational medicines. Introduction A Portrait of Abuse by Peter L. Tumminello - Official Preparation Tincture of the bark or leaves. [3] Traditional Uses It has been used extensively in American Indian tribal medicine as a diuretic, gynaecological aid and dermatological aid. It was then inducted into Thomsonian herbal medicine as an anti-venereal, an antidote for poisons and for oral conditions. It is also a dependable source of vitamin C and has been widely used in the form of a winter drink. The tincture of the bark was proved by Dr. A. V. Marshall on himself with very substantial doses. The symptoms bear out the traditional uses of the remedy. One of these is, "profuse perspiration arising from debility" and Marshall had "profuse sweat during sleep" with such a degree of debility that he was obliged to leave off the proving.
4] Hale mentions that an infusion of the root is of popular repute in diarrhoea and dysentery, especially when the discharges are fetid, and that the berries are used for chronic cough, wheezing cough and laryngeal asthma. [4] A tincture made of the whole panicle, "Sumac-bobs", cured a patient of his who, every spring, had an attack of laryngeal cough with dyspnoea and almost complete loss of voice. Farmers place "bobs" in the mangers of horses who have "heaves". [4] Murphy states that Rhus glabra has an astrological affinity to the Moon. - The Methodology The proving medicine was chosen from a group of medicines which were either unproven or scantily proven. They were selected by an individual who is a homoeopath and who took no active role in the proving. No person who took part in the direction, supervision or proving had prior knowledge of the medicine. As such the proving was a double blind trial. The proving of Rhus glabra was undertaken in the same trial as Molybdenum metallicum. Of the twenty eight provers who took part fifteen took Molybdenum, eleven took Rhus glabra and two took placebo. Prover A was given Rhus glabra some time after the original group proving with the knowledge of the proving director (not double blind). All provers were allocated a supervisor during the proving process. All of the group provers made diary records for a month beforehand and had a comprehensive constitutional case recorded before the proving commenced, so a proper assessment of the proving symptoms could take place. Provers commenced taking the remedy in early May 1993. They were asked not to avoid any of the ordinary drugs to which they were accustomed (tobacco, coffee, alcohol etc.) and to maintain a regular life style. They were instructed however, not to engage in any unusually excessive activities during the proving. Even though Hahnemann insists that substances such as these should be avoided during a proving (footnote to aphorism 125), I decided that it would be best to allow these substances in moderation as they are often indicative of the characteristic of disease totalities as they present in practice.
Consequently, any action of a proving drug on these desires is of clear relevance in the remedy 'making' process. It is interesting to note that Hahnemann did not include his beloved tobacco in his footnote. The medicine was taken in thirtieth potency, one pill daily for up to seven days, with the direction to stop on appearance of proving symptoms. Diary entries were made for at least four weeks after taking the medicine. Selection of all proving symptoms from diaries was double checked to ensure accuracy. - List of Provers Prover no. 4 Female Prover no. 5 Female Prover no. 8 Female Prover no. 10 Female Prover no. 18 Male Prover no. 25 Female Prover no. 27 Female Prover no. 31 Female Prover no. 33 Male Prover no. 36 Female Prover no. 46 Female Prover no. A Male - References for Introduction 1. Clarke, J.H., Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, New Delhi, 1985 2. Allen, T.F., Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica, B.Jain, New Delhi, 1982 3. Hale, R., Materia Medica and Therapeutics of New Remedies (2 Vols.), B.Jain, New Delhi. 4. Murphy, Robyn., ND., Lotus Materia Medica, Homeopathic and Spagyric Medicines, Lotus Star Academy, USA, 1995. 5. Blackwood, A.L., Materia Medica, B.Jain, New Delhi 6. Boericke, W., Homoeopathic Materia Medica, B.Jain, New Delhi, 1983
PROVING SYMPTOMS Key for Bracketed Codes The first number in the bracket indicates the prover number The second number indicates the day of the proving on which the symptom was experienced. The third set of components are letters which follow Jeremy Sherr's codes. They indicate the following: CS: cured symptom NS: new symptom OS: old symptom (which has returned) AS: altered symptoms (which was previously experienced but reappeared during the proving with a different character). When this component is absent from the bracket, it can be assumed that the symptom is a 'new' proving symptom. The final component indicates the relevant potency. MIND A deep sad feeling of lost love lifted when I put the remedy in my pocket. My mood lifted and I was able to be active. [04;01;CS;30C] Feeling low and quiet. [05;01;NS;30C] I have to go and do this stupid job tomorrow. Wasting my time. [05;01;NS;30C] I go to pick up my son who wasn't ready. Normally I would be angry, but felt no reaction. [05;02;CS;30C] Feel good in myself; clear and content. [05;05;NS;30C] Feelings seem to be flitting by so fast, one moment this the next that. I don't know what's mine or what's remedy induced. [10;05;NS;30C] The world seems difficult and potentially dangerous, threatening maybe. [10;05;NS;30C] Sense of time is weird, the days seem long. I feel like it's so long ago since yesterday.
[10;05;NS;30C] I really want peace and quiet. [10;05;NS;30C] I just want one or two people around, with whom I can completely relax. [10;05;NS;30C] Anxious. [10;05;NS;30C] Panicky. [10;05;NS;30C] It feels like a momentum is picking up. [10;05;30C] Feelings are unfamiliar. [10;05;30C] Feeling I'll get stabbed. When I see a knife I feel the world is dangerous and someone could grab the knife and stab me. [10;06;30C] Things change very quickly within me, but go so slowly externally. [10;06;30C] I feel very sensitive, weepy and withdrawn. [10;06;30C] In the world I feel potential danger. [10;06;30C] I need to hold myself in check. [10;06;30C] I felt consumed by the unrelenting pain. [10;36-38;30C] Surprised my condition appeared so suddenly. [10;36;30C] Felt emotionally vulnerable, weepy, scared as there was nothing to relate my condition to. [10;37;30C] With my condition getting worse and worse and worse, I don't know how to combat it. I want to do anything to stop it. I must move very very slowly. Sudden movement causes very sharp pain. [10;37;30C] Felt there was a war going on inside me (Stramonium given antidotes this). [10;39;30C] I feel hard hearted, as if my heart is like a rock.
[18;01;30C] I called my teacher 'sweetheart' and she was hard back at me. I felt very sad. I try to be nice to people and they stab me in the back. [18;01;CS;200C] How could I let these people do things to me. I always go out of my way to please others. [18; 01;CS; 200C] Sadness, worse on waking until midday, and then better. [18;01;CS; 200C] Whatever you do to people you cant please them. Maybe I should hurt them to please them. [18; 01;CS; 200C] I'm seeing events from the past where I was rejected, hurt and disappointed. [18; 01;CS; 200C] I feel that if someone screams at me, I will cry like a child. [18; 01;CS; 200C] I've tried with everyone and everyone has hurt me. I've been stabbed in the back. Why don't people treat you like you treat them. [18; 01;CS; 200C] I feel I've been used for most of my life. [18; 01;CS; 200C] I fear people. [18;01; CS; 200C] Fear of being attacked and hurt. [18;01;CS; 200C] I feel a lot of power spiritually, mentally and emotionally and physically. [18; 01-08; 30C] I am ready to forget a deep hurt and betrayal which has been with me for two years. [18; 01;CS; 200C] I feel a healing power come through me. [18; 01-08; 30C] I feel this death of the Pope dream relates to the death of my feeling of being an authority in my work. (Refer to Dreams section)[18; 03; 30C] Since the dream (of death of the Pope), I understand my work is not a power game. [18; 03-08;CS; 30C] I feel all the hurt and anger come back worse 1-2 am. Hurt and anger are aggravated by walking in the open air. Hurt and anger also comes back from 3-4 pm. [18;01;CS; M] Worried if I said things wrong, if I gave the wrong impression. [18;01;CS; M] I think of all the people who borrowed from me and didn't pay it back. [18;01;CS; M] I felt abused and I feel hatred for the people who hurt me. [18;01;CS; M] A desire to kill my father in law who abused me or at least bash him up and tell him what I think of him. [18;01;CS; M] Mental symptoms are worse from 3-6 pm. [18;01;CS; M] I see the image of a butterfly come over me. [18;01;CS; M] Feel that when I take the remedy, it acts on my cowardice, hurt and feeling of being used and detested. [18;01;CS; M] I have the sense of a cobra sitting inside me coiled in my stomach and with his head in my throat, ready to attack. I feel he is protecting me. [18;01-06;200C] I feel very centred, strong and courageous. [18;02-06; 200C] I should seek justice and make the man who stabbed me in the back look as small as he is, in front of people. [18;02;CS;M] There is a core feeling of cowardice. I cant communicate because I'm hurt and I don't trust anyone any more. [18;01;CS;M] I feel my spiritual and physical being connected more. [18;01-06; 200C] Desire to slap around the man who betrayed me. [18;01;CS; M] Feel more detached like I am judging a situation without jumping into it emotionally. [18; 01; M] Very content. [18;03;M] I wake feeling strange with a strong sensation of light in my whole abdominal region. [18;03;M] Thinking of bashing and hitting my father in law, he's a thief, he tricked us. [18;01;CS;10M] Thinking of people who were my friends and whom I helped, and who turned around and used me, cheated me, and hurt me. [18;01;CS;10M] Feeling like I want to curl up and die. [18;01;CS;10M] A lot of anger and violence about people who hurt me throughout my life. [18;01;CS;10M] I keep seeing the spirit of an old Jedi Knight pointing his staff at me and saying "Its time to learn wisdom after the resolution of the issue of courage, the death of the Pope and the thought of being an authority in homoeopathy. [18;01;10M] A mad man stops in the street and stares at me. I feel I am always going to meet him or that he wants to fight me. When I look at him he looked away. [18;03-06;CS;10M] Thinking all the time that I did not take a firm stand in life on many occasions because of cowardice. [18;03;M] Taking the remedy erases the past hurts and abuse from my memory, to the point of no relation with them whatsoever
[18;03;CS;10M] Feeling arise about my father-in-law in the afternoon. Hatred of him and anger with myself. How could I have allowed him to do this to me. [18;01;CS;10M] Felt very timid, intoxicated and head stuffed up between 7.30 pm and 10 pm. [18;01;CS;10M]. I couldn't think from very low self confidence. [18;01;CS;10M] Fear of examination. I go blank in my head. [18;01;CS;10M] The medicine makes me feel very centred. I had scattered energy going round and round and now I feel it has knitted it into one whole. I sense it brings this energy anticlockwise. [18;01;10M]. I feel happy, loving and giving, but not diffusing my energy. I am very centred. [18;01;10M] The remedy has taken away my sense of haughtiness and abusiveness. [18;01;CS;10M] I feel serious and courageous. The effect of the remedy fills up the hole I had in the chest. [18;01;10M] I feel calm and sure of myself. [18;01;10M] Vague, slightly confused, hurried, indecisive, lots of laughter arising from feeling so vague. I am vague and it is hard to entertain thoughts for too long. Feeling of wanting to sit in open meadows and enjoy nature. Heightened sensuality. [25;01;30C] Vague feeling for three hours after taking remedy, lasting two hours. Difficulty keeping thoughts for too long except in a superficial way. [25;02;30C] A 'stoned sensation' (as if he had taken marijuana). [25;02;30C] I had a tantrum. I ended up laughing until I cried. [27;02;30C] Boisterous, out going. [27;05;30C] Not as rigid with diet, more relaxed about eating, no guilt. [27;05;CS;30C] More ability to relax out of the home environment. More at ease with myself. I find myself reading in a cafe which is normally unheard of. [27;06;CS;30C] Urge to clean everything. It was a great feeling to get the place in order (during menses). [31;06;30C] Felt tired, irritable, like crying from sundown. [31;16;30C] Emotions are good, surprisingly. I am usually feeling down, melancholy, before menses. [31;28;30C;CS] I hadn't wiped my anus properly after the toilet and forgot to wash fully in the shower. I am usually more thorough than that. [33;04;30C] I allowed my car to close in extremely close to another. It is unusual for me to take rather than avoid a risk. It didn't perturb me at all, as if all was well under control from my viewpoint. If the other driver wants to cultivate ulcers that way I'll co-operate with him. [33;05;30C] Decreased references to sense of well being. [33;08;30C] Writing more detail about dreams. [33;08;30C] Feeling irritable in the morning. [36;01;30C] Adverse to making phone calls. [36;01;30C] Irritable towards other's chatter in the morning. [36;02;30C] Irritable, impatient in traffic. [36;03;30C] Melancholy. [36;07;30C] Irritability with others at work. [36;07;30C] Melancholy when thinking of my father this afternoon, worse in company. [36;08;30C] Irritated by noise and chatter in the office and by long winded conversation.
[36;09;30C] Moody, sarcastic and short tempered in the afternoon. [36;09;30C] Irritable in traffic, impatient. Irritated by having to meet time commitments. [36;12;30C] Sad when thinking of my father, better for talking about it and for company. [36;12;30C] Weeping easily. [36;12;30C] I want sympathy and hugs. [36;16;30C] Irritated by others flippancy, especially regarding work. [36;17;30C] Feeling overloaded and tired. [36;17;30C] Have been feeling content and happy in myself. [46;03;30C] Feeling happy and content with myself. [46;04;30C] During meditation I felt I was floating, as if leaving my body, I had the sensation of being weightless and felt a bit sick with it. [A;01;200C] After each dose of the remedy, I want to hurry up as if I have no time and a lot to do. This is strong after each dose but after the third repetition of the remedy there is no desire to hurry. Instead, a peaceful feeling as if waiting for something to happen appears. [A;01-03;200C] Desire to cut my close friendships so as there is no cause to get angry again. I didn't want insignificant arguments. [A;01-02;200C] - Estas são as rubricas de ilusões sugeridas por Tumminello para o repertório - veja a delusion betrayed: Mind Abusive Activity, mental, fatigue during Ailments, betrayal, from Ailments, friendship, from deceived Ailments, love, disappointed, from Ailments, mortification, from Anger, 1hr-2hr Anger, 15hr-16hr Anger, himself, with Anger, over past events Anger, when he has to wait Anxiety Anxiety, conscience of, eating habits, about her Anxiety, paroxysms of Anxiety, wrong, he has said, things Anxious, home, away from Aversion, telephone calls, to making Boisterous, out going Calm Centred, feels Cheerful Communicate, cannot Company, desires, of those with whom she can relax Confidence, want of self Confused Confusion, symptoms, as to what are hers and what are induced by the medicine Consumed, pain by Content Courage, want of Courageous Cowardice Death, desires Delusion, abused, he has been Delusion, authority in his work, he is an Delusion, betrayed Delusion, butterfly comes over him Delusion, cheated he has been Delusion, cobra is coiled in his stomach Delusion, dangerous, that the world is Delusion, despised Delusion, floating in the air Delusion, hole in his chest there is a Delusion, injured him, everyone has Delusion, light, abdomen is full of Delusion, robbed he has been Delusion, rock, heart is like a Delusion, scattered, his energy is Delusion, separated, soul is separated from body Delusion, stabbed in the back Delusion, stabbed, he will be, on seeing a knife Delusion, tricked, he has been Delusion, war going on inside her Delusion, whole, he is knitted into one Delusion, work is a game of power Delusion, wrong impression, he has given Desperate, pain, to stop the pain Detached feeling Dullness, intoxicated as if Dwells, past disagreeable disturbances, on Dwells past abuses, on Dwells, on past, recalls old grievances Embraced, desires to be Fear of examination Fear, injured, of being Fear, people, of Fearful, does not understand her condition Feelings, quickly flit by Forgetful, clean himself thoroughly, to Friendship, desire to end his, to avoid becoming angry Hatred, for those who offended him Hatred, of those who abused him Hatred, revenge and Haughty Healing power, feels, come through him Hurried Hurry, desire to Hurt others,
desire to, in order to please them Impatient Industrious, clean, desires to Industrious, menses during Insane person in the street, attracts Irritable Irritable, afternoon, in Irritable, morning, in Irritable, noise, from Irritable, sunset after Irritable, talk of others, from Irritable, time, meeting a set Irritable, wait, when he must Irritated, by flippancy of others Justice, desire for Kill, desire to Kill, desire to, offended him, those who Laughing, anger after, until he cries Loving Marijuana, sensation as if he had taken Mental symptoms, 3-6 pm agg. Mind, desires to speak his Mocking, sarcasm Momentum, a sense of Mood, variable Mortification Mortification, 3-4 pm Nature, desire to enjoy Peace and quiet, desires Peaceful feeling Please others, desire to Power, feeling of Protected, feeling he is Quickly, things change in her, but slowly externally Quiet disposition Sadness Sadness, company amel. Sadness, conversation amel. Sadness, father, when thinking of Sadness, menses, before Sadness, waking, on, midday, after amel. Self assured Sensitive Sensuality, heightened Serious Sit, desires to, in open meadow Strike, desires to Strike, desires to, betrayed him, those who Strike, desires to, cheated him, those who Surprise, her condition appears so suddenly Sympathy, desire for Temerity Thoughts vanish, confidence, from want of self Thoughts vanish, during examination Time, feels he is wasting his, by going to his work Time, goes too slowly Time, long, the day seems Timid Unfamiliar, feelings are Unfeeling, hard hearted Vagueness Vagueness causing him to laugh Vagueness, thoughts, cannot entertain for too long Weep, feels he will, if someone shouts at him. Weeping, does not understand her condition Weeping, sunset after Weeping Weeping easily Weightless, sensation as if he is Withdrawn No Millenium existem apenas estas rubricas para Rhus-g em Mind: Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations (K20, SRI-229, G17) (489) * Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; floating in air (K26, K99, SRI-289, G21) (71) * Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; light, incorporeal, immaterial, he is (SRI-317) (38) * Mind; DREAMS; flying (K1240, SRIII-302, G1023) (24) ** Mind; DREAMS; many (K1241, SRIII-321, G1024) (272) * Mind; DREAMS; vexatious (K1244, SRIII-362, G1026) (126) * Mind; DULLNESS, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending (K37, SRI-416, G29) (461) * Mind; FEAR; general (K42, SRI-473, G33) (496) * Mind; FEAR; general; people, of, anthropophobia (K46, SRI-484, SRI-516, G37) (91) * Mind; INDIFFERENCE, apathy (K54, SRI-609, G43) (355) * Mind; INDOLENCE; aversion to work (K55, SRI-624, G44) (344) * Mind; MEMORY; weakness, loss of (K64, SRI-732, SRI-733, G51) (363) * Mind; MISANTHROPY (K66, SRI-744, G52) (48) * Mind; RESTLESSNESS, nervousness; general (K72, SRI-835, G57) (590) *
@rhus-g - 115 - Rubricas! ALEGRE alegria felicidade vivacidade hilaridade (cheerful, gay, mirth...) - [1pt 357r] AMOR_desapontado transtorno por - [1pt 61r] AMOR_natureza, pela (love for nature) (vh) - [1pt 13r] ANTECIPAÇÃO transtornos por = pressentimentos, augúrios (anticipation) - [1pt 165r] ANTECIPAÇÃO_exame, antes de (ansiedade/medo) (7) - [1pt 42r] CONSIGO_cólera - irritabilidade - [2pt 39r] CONTENTE (contented) (11) - [1pt 58r] CORAJOSO destemido audaz (courageous) - [1pt 71r] COVARDIA (cowardice) - [1pt 102r] DESEJO_agradar os outros (please others) - [1pt 16r] DESEJO_compassividade (sympathy) (7) - [1pt 32r] DESEJO_matar (homicida) - [1pt 60r] DESEJO_quieto estar (to be quiet - rest - repose) - [1pt 72r] DESENCORAJADO desanimado (discouraged) - [1pt 159r] EMBOTAMENTO lerdeza dificuldade de pensamento (dullness) - [1pt 414r] HUMOR alterações do, em geral (mood changes in general) (GH) (GN) - [1pt 239r] HUMOR_variável (changeable, variable) - [1pt 190r] IDENTIDADE_corporal (alteração ou confusão da) (gh) (GN) - [1pt 194r] IDENTIDADE_corporal_corpo_leve, incorpóreo (ilusão) (6) - [1pt 44r] ILUSÃO ilusões imaginações alucinações (delusions, imaginations) - [1pt 443r] ILUSÃO_ferimento_está sendo ferida - [1pt 16r] ILUSÃO_flutuando no ar (floating) - [1pt 104r] IMPACIÊNCIA (impatience) - [1pt 159r] INDIFERENÇA apatia (indifference, apathy - [1pt 339r] INDOLÊNCIA preguiça aversão a trabalhar (indolence) - [1pt 329r] INQUIETAÇÃO nervosismo (restlessness, nervousness) - [1pt 569r] INSEGURANÇA em geral (falta de confiança em si) (want of self-confidence) - [1pt 233r] INSEGURANÇA_confiança em si, falta de - [1pt 118r] INSEGURANÇA_exames, antes de (=antecipação , antes de) - [1pt 42r] INSEGURANÇA_sucesso (gh) (GN) - [1pt 117r] INSEGURANÇA_sucesso_exames, fracasso em - [1pt 42r]
INSULTA abusivo abusado afrontoso (abusive, insulting) - [1pt 101r] ISOLADO afastado distante (detached) (sy) - [1pt 30r] LIMPEZA mania de (for cleaness) - [1pt 13r] MEDO em geral - apreensão - temeroso (fear) - [1pt 500r] MEDO_acidentes (machucar-se etc.) (gh) (GN) - [1pt 76r] MEDO_acidentes_machucado (being injured) - [1pt 32r] MEDO_dizer algo errado - [1pt 3r] MEDO_machucado ferido traumatizado ser (of being injured) - [1pt 30r] MEDO_pessoas (anthropophobia) - [1pt 113r] MEMÓRIA em geral (memory) (gh) (GN) - [1pt 380r] MEMÓRIA_fraca (pobre) (weakness, poor) - [1pt 347r] MISANTROPIA (misanthropy) - [1pt 52r] MORTE_deseja - [1pt 90r] MORTIFICAÇÃO humilhação (mortification) (GN) - [1pt 134r] MORTIFICAÇÃO_transtorno por m. - humilhação - [1pt 74r] ORGULHO altivez arrogante egolatria (haughty, proud arrogant) - [1pt 135r] PASSADO em geral (temporalidade) (GN) (GH) - [1pt 100r] PASSADO_recorda_memórias desagradáveis - [1pt 23r] PASSADO_recorda_ofensas antigas - [2pt 5r] PASSADO_vive pensando ocorrencias desagradaveis (dwells) - [1pt 65r] PERSEGUIÇÃO_ferimento - dano físico - receberá / está sendo (ilusão) - [1pt 29r] PRESSA apressado (hurry; haste) - [1pt 167r] QUIETO disposição tranquila (quiet disposition) - [1pt 100r] SENSÍVEL supersensível (sensitive, oversensitive) - [1pt 408r] SENSÍVEL_injustiça (cannot support injustice (gh) (GN) - [1pt 85r] SONHOS_animais_cobras , serpentes - [1pt 58r] SONHOS_ansiosos - [1pt 266r] SONHOS_discos voadores (UFOs) (sy) - [1pt 2r] SONHOS_doença - [1pt 119r] SONHOS_doença_traumatismos - [1pt 16r] SONHOS_escuridão - [1pt 8r]
SONHOS_fantasmas (ghosts, spectres) - [1pt 49r] SONHOS_lutas (fights) - [1pt 73r] SONHOS_muitos (many) - [1pt 264r] SONHOS_país - regiões - paisagens (country) - [1pt 21r] SONHOS_país_natal (native country; fatherland) - [1pt 6r] SONHOS_vexatórios - [1pt 128r] SONHOS_voando (flying) - [2pt 36r] SUJEIRA tema (dirtness) (GN) - [1pt 83r] SUJEIRA_limpeza, mania de - [1pt 19r] TEMA_conceito_traição - traído (betrayal - betrayed) - [1pt 27r] TEMA_MIASMA_leproso (Sankaran) - [1pt 53r] TEMA_MIASMA_PSORA (Autores varios) - [1pt 373r] TEMA_MIASMA_SÍFILIS (Autores vários) - [1pt 182r] TEMA_reino vegetal (vegetal kingdom) - [3pt 940r] TEMA_reino vegetal_anacardiaceae - [1pt 12r] TRANQUILIDADE_paz celestial, sentimento de - [1pt 6r] ÊXTASE_paz celestial sensação (heavenly peace s. of) - [1pt 6r] ÓDIO (hatred) - [1pt 78r] ÓDIO_vingança e (hatred and revengeful) (3) - [2pt 40r] BEBIDA_amarga_desejo (bitter) - [1pt 15r] BEBIDA_café_desejo - [1pt 89r] BEBIDA_chá_desejo - [1pt 25r]
COMIDA_amarga_desejo - [1pt 15r] COMIDA_carne_desejo - [1pt 89r] COMIDA_cebola_desejo - [1pt 12r] COMIDA_chocolate_desejo - [1pt 76r] COMIDA_condimentada_desejo - [1pt 92r] COMIDA_doce_desejo - [1pt 171r] COMIDA_fria_desejo - [1pt 66r] COMIDA_ovos_desejo - [1pt 33r] COMIDA_pão_desejo - [1pt 72r] COMIDA_queijo_desejo - [1pt 47r] COMIDA_sal_desejo - [1pt 107r] COMIDA_ácida_desejo - [1pt 145r] DOR em geral (pain sensation) (gh) (GN) - [1pt 836r] DOR_abdome - [1pt 387r] DOR_cabeça = Cefaléia em geral (headache) - [1pt 581r] DOR_cabeça_esforço físico_am. - [1pt 8r] EMAGRECIMENTO marasmo (ematiation, marasmus) - [1pt 292r] FLATOS reto - [1pt 204r] FRAQUEZA (weaknes = enervation) - [1pt 744r] FRAQUEZA_levantar - [1pt 28r] HEMORRAGIA em geral + tendência a (hemorrhage) (GN) - [1pt 463r] PSORA - medicamentos antipsóricos - [1pt 373r] SEDE (rhirst) - [1pt 364r] SENSAÇÃO_flutuando , voando em geral (floating (gh) (GN) - [1pt 134r] SONO_inquieto - [2pt 386r] SONO_perturbado (disturbed) - [1pt 276r] SONO_perturbado_por_sonhos - [1pt 178r] SYPHILLIS - Sífilis - medicamentos antisifilíticos - [1pt 181r] TRANSPIRAÇÃO em geral (perspiration) - [1pt 475r] TRANSPIRAÇÃO_profusa (profuse) - [1pt 217r] URINAR_insatisfatório - [1pt 74r]