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This project aims to understand the desires and needs of young women in relation to their work life, with a focus on achieving economic independence. Through research and targeted initiatives, the project intends to address issues such as gender disparities, career development, and work-life balance. The project includes online quizzes to educate and sensitize young women regarding the importance of economic independence and fair working conditions.
Structure Background of the project Goals of the project Target groups of the project Work packages
2. Background of the Project What do young women want regarding their work life? To stand on their own feet To earn plenty of money Red: Women Blue: Men To have a career Source: Allmendinger et al. (2013: 56).
Economic Independence in Comparison 2. Background of the Project Graphic: Shares of employees aged 25 to 60 years with a gross monthly income below economic independence in Germany (2010) Below long-term economic independence Below short-term economic independence Source: Own graphic based on Pimminger (2012).
2. Background of the Project Life Course • Arranging work and family life • Gender time gap • Structure of earnings / low-wage sector • Gender paygap • Continuityofemployment • Return toemployment after parental leave • Low-paid professions • Less professional development in companies & administration • Gender stereotypes Gender pension gap Choice of profession Poverty in old age • Early career planning • Career development & mentoring in companies & administration • Early negotiation processes within a relationship • Early planning of the return to employment • Childcare and long-term care Fiscaldisincentives Source: Own graphic.
Gap between the work volumes: women work more often in (often minor) part-time jobs andinterrupt their employment for longer periods than men. Gender differences in the labour market
Gender differences in the labour market Employment subject to social security contributions by sector, gender and working hours, in % in Germany, 06/2013 Horizontal segregation: • Women and men do different jobs. • Predominantly women work in the service industry. Women Men Total employees in millions. Part time Part time Full time Full time Agriculture Mining Manufacturing Construction Trading Transport Hospitality Communication Financial Management Services Public Services Education Health Care Other services In total 6
Gender differences in the labour market • Vertical segregation: • Women and men work in different positions. • Women attain management positions less often than men. Percentage of women in DAX boards
3. Goals of the project Fair Working Conditions
Online-Quiz: final rehearsal Tool to sentizise young women at the beginning of their employment history to the risk on the job market and the meaning of economic independency. Eleven questions about important life descisions. Depending on the answers the user is attributed to life type/ role: cirkus director, snake charmer, tightrope dancer, wizards assistant 20.10.2015, DGB-Projekt "Was verdient die Frau? Wirtschaftliche Unabhängigkeit!"
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