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Empowering Energy Policies: City Roles in Transitioning to Renewable Sources

Explore the European energy framework, citizen participation, city debates, and strategies for shifting to renewable energy sources. Discuss key aspects like decentralized energy systems, eradicating energy poverty, and democratizing energy governance. Dive into national energy plans aligned with Paris Agreement goals, highlighting commitments from various countries towards sustainable energy transition. Learn about innovative city initiatives, stakeholder engagement, and the shift towards renewable energy sources by 2050. #Conama2018

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Empowering Energy Policies: City Roles in Transitioning to Renewable Sources

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  1. Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente Madrid del 26 al 29 de noviembre de 2018 Governanca de las políticas energéticas: el papel de las ciudades Claire Roumet ST2 #conama2018

  2. Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente. #Conama2018 Índice de contenidos 01 02 03 • El marco europeo • Participation ciudadana , o mas ? • Debate • Energy cities- Europeannetwork of cities in Energy transition • Paris compatible >2050 net zero EU Long term strategy (to be published on 28 November 2018) • > Declined into clear sectorial roadmaps (when will the phase out happen) • > To have clear objectives of reduction of energy demand and measures to reach them • > Decentralised, to allow for energy conservation, RES deployment, citizens participation • > Energy poverty to be eradicated > support to remunicipalisation of energy, and new energy communities models > a definition included into the Energy Union governance directive • We want the energy system to be • > 100% renewable > Renewable energy directive and LTS • > Open to small and medium size actors > Market design directive • > Democratic > Energy union governance regulation

  3. 14º Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente. #Conama2018 01 El marco Europeo

  4. Whatisit ? • By the end of 2018, Member States shoulddrafttheir National Energy and Climate strategies (2021-2030) including description on how theyinvolvedstakeholders; Commission assesses and recommends by June; final plans by December 2019 • Commission checks if the plans are alignedwith a Paris pathway (consideringthat EU collectivelyshouldreduce by 40% GhG by 2030) • Links to the UNFCCC process, post Paris Article 10a of the regulation « MultilevelClimate and Energy Dialogue » Member States shall establish a Multilevel Climate and Energy Dialogue pursuant to national rules where local authorities, civil society organisations, business community, investors and other relevant stakeholders and the general public can actively engage and discuss the different scenarios envisaged for energy and climate policies, including for the long term, and review progress, unless they have already a structure which serves the same purpose. Integrated national energy and climate plans could be discussed within the framework of such a dialogue.

  5. Somestricking national commitments • « Out of gaz » government agreement in the Netherlands by 2040 • Phasing out coal in Germany: currentlyunder discussion by the special round table: 2038 ? • Net zeroeconomy by 2045 in Finland ; out of coal and reduction of 50% of fossil fuel by 2030 Source: Netherlandgovernment; 120 millions support to 27 district to get out of gaz

  6. NL Climate agreement in a nutshell

  7. 14º Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente. #Conama2018 02 Participation ciudadana

  8. Nantes 2030 • 15 big ambitions and 33 commitments

  9. 14º Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente. #Conama2018 Grenoble, plan climat 2030 Título para la imagen. Letra Calibri 18 negrita, justificado izquierda.

  10. Climate change Board Manchester

  11. 14º Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente ¡Gracias! #conama2018

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