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Strengthening Pani Panchayats for Sustainable Water Management in Odisha

Empowering community-based Pani Panchayats to address water stress, climate change, and food insecurity in Odisha through participatory water management. Working towards equitable water distribution and efficient resource usage.

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Strengthening Pani Panchayats for Sustainable Water Management in Odisha

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  1. Mr Pradeep Jena, IAS, Principal Secretary, Department of Water Resources (DoWR), Government of Odisha Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Empowering and Strengthening Pani Panchayats for Community Based Water Management Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  2. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Water stress and climate change • High monsoon variability, reduced no. of rainy days, recurrent drought and flood. Almost 46.8 % BPL population are chronically food insecure. • Odisha has AAR of 1482 mm from which 47 % is available for usage. • Ground water pumping scenario is expected to increase by 10-15 % per annum. • The number of families required to fetch drinking water has increased from 32.5 % (2001) to 38.5 % (2011) [Odisha Census 2001-11 Report]. By Mid Century: South Western Odisha Districts are likely to be highly water stressed/food insecure: Nuapada, Kandhamal, Kalahandi, Koraput, Rayagada, Gajapati, Malkangiri, Sambalpur, Bargarh, Bolangir, Boudh, Sonepur, Nabrangpur, Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  3. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha • Unified platform to reduce food and water sector vulnerability to build resilience • Agriculture and horticulture • Fishery • Animal Husbandry • Participatory Research • Development • Partners (local and INGOs, bi-multilateral agencies) • Co-management • Public-private community partnership What is a Pani Panchayat Participatory irrigation management (PIM) was introduced in 1995 under the banner of Farmers Organization. PIM activities success led to its extension to all commands. In 2000 water user association has been renamed as Pani Panchayat. • It is a community of water users owning land within a hydrologically delineated portion of the Irrigation command area • Key objective is equitable distribution of irrigation water to all stakeholders • Key focus: • Equity • Efficiency • Sustainability • Self governance Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  4. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Why farmers led water management? Before • Gap in IPC & IPU is large - about 20-24% • Irrigation System maintenance poor due to resource crunch/ manpower shortages in Government • Over use of water leading to water shortages for the tail end farmers • Lack of ownership of water resources both by Government Engineers & Farmers • Stakeholders involvement in other sectors significantly improved governance and management of resources & programmes After Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  5. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Objective • To create a feeling of unity and brotherhood among fellow farmers and also to visualize the created irrigation potentials as their own rather than that of Govt. • Diversified cropping programme in order to get better returns of their investments with reduced risks. • Higher cropping intensity by economical use of water. • Help members in getting credit, agriculture inputs like seeds, fertiliser, plant protection chemicals etc. Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  6. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Odisha PP Act has been amended to make it more inclusive Before 2002 2002 2003 2008 Odisha PP act was promulgated in Nov 2002 Legal Framework Now PPs are being formed by conducting election through a democratic process Oct-2016 - 24458 PPs formed in Major , Medium, Minor & Lift Irrigation projects. Will start taking into account crop-water productivity and co management principles Rules for the PP Act were framed and implemented in Apr 2003 PPs used to be registered under society registration act of 1860 Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  7. Structure of Farmer Organizations - Odisha Major Medium Minor L.I STATE LEVEL COMMITTEE PC PC PC CC : Chak CommitteePP: Pani PanchayatDC: Distributary Committee PC: Project Committee DC PP PP PP PP Conserving Now, Preserving Future CC CC CC

  8. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha All farmers are members in PPs Equal Voting Rights irrespective of holding sizes Representation equally from upper, middle & lower (tail end) farming clusters 1/3rd women’s representation in PP Executive Body Non- landed, Fishers also represented in the Executive Body Government Engineers represented without Voting Right Equitable distribution of water for maximizing irrigation coverage with a view to maximizing income to maximum number of farmers All Women Pani Panchayat – Aunli Medium Scheme Key Guiding Principles Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  9. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Key Empowering Principles • No water intensive crops can be grown. Crops requiring too high quantity of water should not be grown. • Cropping patterns be decided by mutual consultation in the group & with Apex PP. • Water rights are not attached to land rights. They cannot be alienated. Fishers and other dependant stakeholders also have right including livestock for whom dead storage to be maintained. • Small lift irrigation schemes are built by joint efforts of farmers for common benefit. • Conjunctive use of surface & ground water to maximise irrigation efficiency. • PP to support Livelihoods of non-landed households as compensation/ trade off. Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  10. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Key empowering principles • Water taxes to be paid by all members in 2 instalments each year by the dates fixed by consensus failing which water supply will be cut off. • All equipment connected with the project be kept with the "Pani Panchayat". Money obtained from the taxes be deposited in an accountin the project's name and all claims on the project be paid by the "Pani Panchayat". • The "Pani Panchayat" has the right to appoint workers/stafffor the maintenance of the project and to decide on an honorarium payable to them. • A meeting of all the members be held twice a month. At these meeting problems faced by members in getting water be resolved by all the members in accordance with the rules also disciplinary issues to be discussed and conflicts will be resolved. • The operation and management of the project and distribution of water and monitoring of crops is the joint responsibility of the members. Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  11. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha How Was it Achieved? • Paradigm Shift from Handing Over of Irrigation Assets to Pani Panchayats to Taking overof assets by Pani Panchayats • Involving Pani Panchayats in all components - Tank System improvement, Institutional Strengthening, Agri-Horti- Fishery-Agri Marketing Support services and Project Management. • Engineering Saturation of structural works to minimize burden on Pani Panchayats in initial years ( Corpus is low) • Participatory Walk Through & Visioning workshops • Tank Level Trainings to Pani Panchayat representatives & farmers, multi disciplinary district and cluster teams, to hand hold Pani Panchayats in initial years • Capacity Building for Engineers for change in attitudes Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  12. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Support to Pani Panchayats • Construction of PP office building - Govt. is providing assistance of Rs.3.00 lakhs per PP for construction of office building to the best performing PPs annually. • Procurement of paddy - As per decision of Govt. PPs are involved in procurement of paddy & selling it to FCI • Training & Workshop - Training programmes for capacity building of PPs & Departmental officials have been conducted by WALMI for skill development on different aspects like: Water Management, PP Office Management , Conflict resolution & Record keeping. • Training-cum-Exposure visit - Training-cum-Exposure visits for office bearers & farmers to outside state have been organized to gather first hand information & observe best practices adopted by farmers/ farmer organisations of other states on different aspects. Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  13. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Support to Pani Panchayats • Training programme on climate change - Training programme on Climate Change have been organized through RKVY, PPSU for creating awareness of Pani Panchayat. • Pani Panchayat Fortnight Celebration in all Divisions, Districts & State Level every year from 15th January to 30th January. • Mass Awareness through Information, Education & Communication (IEC) Activities – In order to operationalise different concepts/ themes with a view to create mass awareness among the general public and farming community the following IEC activities have been taken up : • Advertisement & public message through News paper , Magazine & wall painting • Telecasting of panel discussion of Experts through Door Darshan • Broadcasting of Pani Panchayat Katha through All India Radio • Street play/Pala • Organization of Essay competitionamong the school & college students on water issue • Gramsat Programme • Publication of Pani Panchayat Samachar on quarterly basis & distributed to PPs • Publication ofIEC material (leaflets, broachers, news letters ) Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  14. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha ` Rabi 2016 - Sunei • Tail end irrigation first – decision taken by the Project committee • No Paddy cultivation only cash crops like pulses, oilseeds and vegetables • Drought like situation – saved water in last Kharif and achieved about 2500 ha Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  15. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Example of Change: Collective Marketing of Rabi Crops, Sunei Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  16. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Present Status of Pani Panchayats in Odisha Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  17. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Learnings • Recognise PPs as Co-Owners of Irrigation Assets for planning, management & operation • Account Support Organization to train PP functionaries in accounts management • Exposure visit to Auroville / other projects/ states • Standardized PP operators training on O&M • 314 PP delegated powers to collect and retain water tax Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  18. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha Future Direction • Elections through Independent Election Commission • Refining PP Act towards further empowerment of Pani Panchayats • Capacity building of PPs (50,000 farmers training, Apex PP Learning Centers, Strengthening WALMI, KVK, Continuous Coordination between PPs & Water Resources and Agriculture departments at field level) • Development of PPs as self reliant , Multi functional Business entities • De- mystifying and enforcing Water Use Efficiency ( Water Management Game) • Resilience to Climate Change • Basin Management • Social Engineering skill for Engineers • Decentralised Management of all Irrigation Assets through PPs Conserving Now, Preserving Future

  19. Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha ` Thank You Mr. Pradeep Kumar Jena Principal Secretary Department of Water Resources Government of Odisha Email—wrsec.or@nic.in Conserving Now, Preserving Future

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