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主是我永遠的福分 Thou my everlasting portion 勝過朋友與生命 More than friend of life to me 在人生孤單旅程中 Al l along my pilgrim journey 我深願與主同行 Savior, let me walk with Thee. 靠近主 靠近主 C l ose to Thee, close to T hee 靠近主 靠近主 Close to Thee, close to Thee 在人生孤單旅程中 Al l along my pilgrim journey 我深願與主同行
主是我永遠的福分 Thoumyeverlastingportion 勝過朋友與生命 Morethanfriendoflifetome 在人生孤單旅程中 Allalongmypilgrimjourney 我深願與主同行 Savior,letmewalkwithThee
靠近主靠近主 ClosetoThee,closetoThee 靠近主靠近主 ClosetoThee,closetoThee 在人生孤單旅程中 Allalongmypilgrimjourney 我深願與主同行 Savior,letmewalkwithThee
我不求世界的享樂 Not for ease or worldly pleasure 也不求世界虛名 Nor for fame my prayer shall be 我願受任何的勞苦 Gladly will I toil and suffer 只願望與主同行 Only let me walk with Thee
靠近主靠近主 ClosetoThee,closetoThee 靠近主靠近主 ClosetoThee,closetoThee 我願受任何的勞苦 Gladly will I toil and suffer 只願望與主同行 Only let me walk with Thee
帶領我經黑暗幽谷 Lead me thro’ the vale of shadows 安然過海上暴風 Bear me o’er life’s fitful sea 當天上永生門大開 Then, the gate of life eternal 願與主同進天庭 May I enter, Lord, with Thee
靠近主靠近主 ClosetoThee,closetoThee 靠近主靠近主 ClosetoThee,closetoThee 當天上永生門大開 Then, the gate of life eternal 願與主同進天庭 May I enter, Lord, with Thee
我能勝過這世界 I have Jesus in my heart 因有耶穌在我心 I can take on anything 黑暗權勢已破碎 By the blood of my Savior 因耶穌基督寶血 Pow’r of darkness has to flee
若有我主耶穌來幫助 And if my Lord Savior is for us 還有誰能抵擋我 Who could ever stand against 我心相信我必能得勝 Victory is mine, by my faith in Christ
哈利路亞高舉主得勝旌旗 Hallelujah, let His banners lifted high 耶穌基督是萬王之王 Proclaim Jesus is King of all Kings 哈利路亞興起主大能教會 Hallelujah, by His Power church will rise 為主發光照亮黑暗的世界 Children of Light, let his Love light up the world
我有能力勝過這世界 By Lord Jesus I have victory 我有能力勝過這世界 Power of darkness has no hold on me
我在這是因祢恩典 I am here because of Your grace 我在這是因祢慈愛 I am here because of Your love 主耶穌我如此感恩 Lord Jesus I am so thankful 都因祢豐盛恩典 For Your grace abounds to me
感謝耶穌耶穌 Thank you Jesus, Jesus 耶穌感謝耶穌 Jesus, thank You Jesus 只因著祢恩典使我能為祢活 It’s only by Your grace that I could live today 我讚美祢直到永遠 Forever I will praise Your name