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Google Web Speech API Implementation

Google Web Speech API Implementation. Case Study: English Skill Online Practice. Prajaks Jitngernmadan Faculty of Informatics, Burapha University. A genda. Objectives Introduction Technologies System Design System Implementation Conclusion References. Objectives.

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Google Web Speech API Implementation

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  1. Google Web Speech API Implementation Case Study: English Skill Online Practice PrajaksJitngernmadan Faculty of Informatics, Burapha University

  2. Agenda • Objectives • Introduction • Technologies • System Design • System Implementation • Conclusion • References Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  3. Objectives • To design an automatic free-text answer correcting system architecture • To apply Google Web Speech API for speech recognition • To design and develop a simple online English training system prototype Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  4. Introduction • Language is one of the key successful factors. • Multi-cultural society. • Common Language  English • AEC in 2015 • Most of Thais lack of English speaking and listening skill. Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  5. Introduction • Thai Characters • Shy • Modest •  especially when it comes to English Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  6. Introduction • The online English training system has to be • Supporting the users to practice translating and speaking skill with real-time feedback. • Easy to access  web-based. • Encouraging the users interactively. • Providing necessary information. Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  7. Technologies • How to correct the answer • Text comparison method • Similar Text Algorithm Input Answer :: user similar_text() % similarity Given key :: admin Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  8. Technologies • How to recognize the speech • Web Speech API • <input lang=”en” x-webkit-speech> • Google Chrome version 25+ Google Web Speech API Input Speech :: user Output Text Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  9. System Design • Translating Practice Structure Compared bySimilar Text select the best result Solve-1 Calculate Input Highest Score Solve-2 answer user Solve-3 Threshold >= 80%? yes no wrong correct Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  10. System Design • Speaking Practice Structure speak Web browser Chrome Google Server Web Speech API (over Internet) user Convert to text Text from voice Translating Process Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  11. System Design • Overall System Structure Internet user Google Chrome 25+ Application Server Database admin Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  12. System Design • Database Design Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  13. System Implementation • First Prototype Approach Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  14. System Implementation • First Prototype Approach Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  15. Conclusion • Hands-on English system (English Skill Online Practice) • Web-based application • Designed and developed under the conceptual interaction and didactics • System gives the responses within a minute • for speaking, the response time depends on the Internet connection speed Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  16. Conclusion • Future Works • Improve the answer correcting method • Redesign the user interface for more interactive and user-friendly • Test and collect data of learning improvement for statistical analysis • Acknowledgment • Faculty of Informatics at BuraphaUniversity • Computer Graphics and Multimedia Research Laboratory Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  17. References • Similar text, (2013). PHP Manuals, http://php.net/manual/en/function.similar-text.php. Last Accessed: December 15, 2013. • Web Speech API, (2013). https://dvcs.w3. org/hg/speech-api/raw-file/tip/ speechapi.html. Last Accessed: December 15, 2013 • jQuery, (2013). http://jquery.com/. Last Accessed: December 15, 2013. • ภาษาอังกฤษ, (2013). http://th.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ภาษาอังกฤษ Last Accessed: Dec 15, 2013 • EF EPI Country Rankings, (2013) . http://www.ef.co.th/epi/ Last Accessed Dec 15, 2013 • Google Web Speech API, (2013). http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/io-2013/presentations/ 4057%20Web%20Speech%20API%20creates%20Interactive%20Experiences%20-%20Google%20I-O%202013%20Codelab.pdf, Last Accessed Dec 15, 2013 • Michael F. McTear, (2002). Spoken dialogue technology: enabling the conversational user interface, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) Volume 34 Issue 1, pp 90-169. • Araki, M. and Takegoshi, D. (2012). Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMP SAC), pp 195 - 202. Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

  18. Thank you for your attention! Google Web Speech API Implementation :: Prajaks Jitngernmadan :: BUU

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