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SMOS Level3 and Level 4 Research Products Provided by the Barcelona Expert Center

SMOS Level3 and Level 4 Research Products Provided by the Barcelona Expert Center. Jordi Font and BEC team SMOS Barcelona Expert Centre Pg. Marítim de la Barceloneta 37-49, Barcelona SPAIN E-mail: email@icm.csic.es URL: www.smos-bec.icm.csic.es.

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SMOS Level3 and Level 4 Research Products Provided by the Barcelona Expert Center

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  1. SMOS Level3 and Level 4 Research Products Provided by the Barcelona Expert Center Jordi Font and BEC team SMOS Barcelona Expert Centre Pg. Marítim de la Barceloneta 37-49, Barcelona SPAIN E-mail: email@icm.csic.es URL: www.smos-bec.icm.csic.es

  2. New webpage, new blog, new products, new times! (http://cp34-bec.cmima.csic.es/) • Experimental Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) and Soil Moisture (SM) maps are being developed and distributed at the SMOS Barcelona Expert Center (SMOS-BEC) to take the most out of SMOS observations.

  3. Data distribution and general description (http://cp34-bec.cmima.csic.es/) • Data is distributed in NetCDF format using THREDDS and maps are served through a Web Map Service (ncWMS) at the SMOS-BEC distribution data website. • Products are generated separately using ascending, descending or both orbit types • For ocean products, both absolute SSS value and its anomaly (differences between value and climatology data (WOA 2009)) are included • For land products, both absolute SM value and its quality index (DQX) are included Note: this is current or coming soon (for some aspects) situation

  4. BEC L3-L4 products server (http://cp34-bec.cmima.csic.es/) netCDF files Animations Transects MAP VISUALIZATION TOOLS Temporal evolution

  5. Ocean products (http://cp34-bec.cmima.csic.es/) • For ocean applications the following products are served at a regular grid of 1º: • Spatio-temporal weighted averaging of the level 2 SSS, averaging 3 and 9 days, every 3 days. Monthly and annual maps are also provided.

  6. Ocean products (http://cp34-bec.cmima.csic.es/) • For ocean applications the following products are served at a regular grid of 1º: • Level 3 maps from optimal interpolation of level 2 SSS data. Nine-day averaged maps are produced every 3 days, as well as monthly, seasonal and annual maps.

  7. Ocean products (http://cp34-bec.cmima.csic.es/) • For ocean applications the following products are served at a regular grid of 1º: • L4 SMOS SSS fused with SST. The temporal resolution are 9 days, monthly and annual.

  8. Ocean products (http://cp34-bec.cmima.csic.es/) • For ocean applications the following products are served at a regular grid of 0.25º: • Singularity Exponents product obtained applying singularity analysis on SST from OSTIA (<hhtp://www.myocean.eu>)

  9. Land products (http://cp34-bec.cmima.csic.es/NRT) • For land applications, a downscaling algorithm that combines SMOS radiometric estimates with MODIS VIS/IR data has been implemented to distribute 1 km SM maps. • SM maps at 1 km spatial resolution over the Iberian Peninsula are distributed through the SMOS-BEC data distribution service: delayed-mode and near real-time (delay < 12h)

  10. Additional contents (http://cp34-bec.cmima.csic.es/) • The web site also includes: • Description of all available products • Blog with recent news on SMOS products and research activities

  11. Future contents… (http://cp34-bec.cmima.csic.es/) • New Level 3 land products will be available shortly: • Daily product with SM, vegetation optical depth, soil roughness and dielectric constant in ISEA4h9 • Daily SM product on a 0.25º regular grid • Daily SM product obtained with a 3-day moving window on a 0.25º regular grid. • 10-day product on a 0.25º regular grid. • Monthly SM and vegetation optical depth product on a 0.25º regular grid (natural months are considered) • Yearly SM and vegetation optical depth product on a 0.25º regular grid (natural years are considered) • New ocean products at 0.25º will be available shortly STAY TUNED FOR LATEST RESEARCH RESULTS AND NEW PRODUCTS!

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