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Roddy Seekins

The Texas Hazard Mitigation Package (THMP): An Internet-based GIS Data Distribution Tool (available at www.thmp.info ). Texas Geographic Society. Roddy Seekins. SUMMARY DATA: Number of hazard occurrences (frequency) over reported period of time,

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Roddy Seekins

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  1. The Texas Hazard Mitigation Package (THMP):An Internet-based GIS Data Distribution Tool (available at www.thmp.info) Texas Geographic Society Roddy Seekins

  2. SUMMARY DATA: Number of hazard occurrences (frequency)over reported period of time, summarized by county – and mapped into 4 classes (5 counting “0”) • Summary data is provided for 10 different hazards: • Hurricanes & Tropical Storms • Tornadoes • Floods • Other Storms • Drought • Outdoor Fires • Extreme Temperatures • Earthquakes • Hazardous Materials • Subsidence

  3. Hurricanes: 1851 - 2001

  4. Floods: 1961 - 1999

  5. DETAIL DATA: Hazard occurrences by location of event (if available), hazard risk zones, and other significant data used in identification and quantification of hazard risk Detail data is provided for the same 10 hazard categories, separated into Weather-related and Non Weather-related: • Weather-related Hazards • Hurricanes & Tropical Storms • Tornadoes • Floods • Other Storms • Drought • Outdoor Fires • Extreme Temperatures • Non Weather-related Hazards • Earthquakes • Hazardous Materials • Subsidence

  6. Hurricane Tracks: 1851-2001

  7. Hurricane Risk Zones

  8. THMP 1.0 Data Layers Currently, there are 59 GIS data layers available to map online, download or stream into your own GIS/mapping system • Hazards: Weather-related • Hurricanes & Tropical Storms • Hurricanes: 1851-2001 • Tropical/Subtropical Storms: 1851-2001 • Hurricane Tracks: 1851-2001 • Tropical/Subtropical Storms: 1851-2001 • Hurricane Risk Zones • Hurricane Evacuation Routes • Tornadoes • Tornadoes (F3-F5): 1950-2003 • Tornadoes (F1-F5): 1950-2003 • Tornado Risk Zones • Tornado Events (F3-F5): 1950-2003 • Tornado Events (F1-F5): 1950-2003 • 3. Floods • Floods: 1961-1999 • Flood Events (Major): 1905-2001 • Flood Events: 1993-2003 • Flood Risk Zones • 4. Other Storms • Other Storms: 1955-2003 • Wind Risk Zones • Other Storm Events: 1994-2003 • Outdoor Fires • Outdoor Fires: 2000-2003 • Outdoor Fire Risk Zones • Drought • Drought (Months): 1976-2003 • Drought Events: 1996-2003 • Extreme Temperatures • Extreme Heat (Days): 1980-2003 • Extreme Cold (Days): 1980-2003

  9. Data Layer List …continued • Hazards: Non Weather-related • 8. Earthquakes • Earthquakes: 1882-1985 • Earthquake Epicenters: 1882-1985 • Earthquake Risk Zones • 9. Hazardous Materials • Hazardous Materials (All): 2004 • Hazardous Waste Sites: 2004 • Radioactive Waste Sites: 2004 • Superfund Sites: 2004 • Hazardous Cargo Routes • 10. Subsidence • Subsidence (Feet): 1918-1975 • Subsidence Risk Zones

  10. Data Layer List …continued • Base Maps • Administrative Boundaries • U.S. • Mexico • Council of Government Districts • Counties • Cities • GDEM Disaster Districts • Parks • Transportation • Interstate Highways • Major Highways • Hydrography • River Basins • Lakes & Reservoirs (Large-scale) • Lakes & Reservoirs (Small-scale) • Rivers and Streams • Major Aquifers • Minor Aquifers • 4. Landscape • Elevation • Soils • 5. Population • Population (County): 2000 • Population (Tract): 2000 • Population (Block Group): 2000 • Population (Block): 2000 • Population (County): 2005 Estimate • Population (County): 2010 Projection • 6. Weather-base data • Average Annual Precipitation • Average Annual Temperature

  11. Using THMP DataOutside of THMP Map Viewers Download (data layers) Shapefile (.shp)* format compatible with many Geographic Information Systems ZIP file includes Metadata, user notes and other valuable info Stream (data layers) Internet Server connection THMP-ArcGIS

  12. Texas Geographic Society Phase 2 of the Grant 1. Enhancing and expanding www.thmp.info Adding information on other Hazards Adding Population and Property Value vulnerability maps 2. Training Providing THMP and HAZUS courses around the state. 3. Coordination and Outreach Supporting key organizations Working through related organizations

  13. Additional/Updated Hazards: Flood Risk Zones: Completing statewide coverage 80 available Counties in THMP; 174 to go!

  14. Hazard Risk Zone B. Asset Vulnerability: Vulnerability = Exposure / Hazard Risk Zone Vulnerable areas are displayed and classified by census geography (Block or Census Tract) where Hazard Risk Zones intersect Exposed Assets (Population, Property Value) Exposure (ex. Population) THMP Data Layers: • Population Vulnerability (Total Pop, Total Pop Density) • Property Value Vulnerability (Total Property Value, Total Property Value Density) …for 5 Hazards [Hurricane, Floods, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Subsidence]

  15. Population Vulnerability to Hurricanes Risk Zone 1 Risk Zone 2 Risk Zone 3 Several vulnerable areas; None-to-Low vulnerability in downtown area

  16. Population Vulnerability to Floods Overview: Austin area

  17. Population Vulnerability to Floods vulnerable area! …may need further investigation

  18. THMP to HAZUS • THMP Provides easy-to-use, online application (free) to: • Identify historical hazard occurrences • actual hazard event locations • summarized by county • Identify hazard risk areas • Determine relative vulnerability (population and property value) • HAZUS Provides a complex, desktop application to: • Quantify the impact of a specified hazard event • Perform damage assessment and loss estimation analysis …Study case may be identified in HAZUS, pre-determined by local experts and related information or by vulnerable areas previously determined in THMP

  19. Applications in Mitigation Planning & Emergency Management Emergency Preparedness Response & Recovery HAZUS-MH Loss Reduction (Mitigation)

  20. HAZUS Applications:Emergency Preparedness • Develop emergency response plans • Temporary housing • Debris removal • Emergency power and water • Emergency medical services • Evacuation/emergency route clearance • Organize response exercises

  21. HAZUS Applications:Response and Recovery • Post-disaster damage assessment and ground-truthing • Response planning for critical transportation outages • Identify critical infrastructure • Recovery action planning • Long-term economic recovery planning

  22. HAZUS Applications:Mitigation • Mitigation Assessment • Identify ‘at-risk’ communities • Mitigation Measures • Strengthen existing structures • Strengthen window/door openings and siding • Mitigation Programs • Adopt and enforce hazard-resistant building codes • Land use planning

  23. 2. Training Training courses in 2005, include: THMP HAZUS-MH Custom & FEMA standardized Intro to GIS for THMP & HAZUS Users …Other FEMA-based courses (coming soon) Methods of delivery include: Instructor-led, Computer-based training Online Tutorials Demonstrations / Presentations Note: When appropriate, courses will coincide with other related conferences and training programs

  24. 3. Coordination Working with Hazard-related communities: Texas Mitigation Planners Group Texas Association of Regional Council Texas HAZUS Users Group Emergency Managers Association Floodplain Managers Association Texas association of Counties Association of Contingency Planners American Red Cross

  25. Provide Emergency Response Services - Possible Follow-on Activity 1. TXGS would provide dedicated Internet servers to meet the needs for hazard and emergency response-related data for American Red Cross (ARC) and other emergency response vehicles and emergency strike teams (starting with the Central Texas Chapter of ARC and growing into statewide service); 2. Vehicles would be equipped with remote communications, mapping and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) capabilities enabling them to download information they need (including information of evolving situations) to help them deploy safely and efficiently; 3. Central dispatch/control facilities would have access to all of the above information and therefore be able to better respond to evolving situations and balance resources on-the-fly.

  26. Texas Geographic Society Executive Director Roddy Seekins 512-507-8515 roddy@texasgs.org Education Coordinator Craig Eissler 512-912-9695 craig@texasgs.org Technical Support (at TNRIS) Miguel Pavón 512-463-8399 miguel.pavon@twdb.state.tx.us

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