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Motivation Building: Theories, Strategies, Implications

Explore various views and theories of motivation, including achievement motivation and competitiveness. Learn strategies for building motivation and their implications for professional practice.

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Motivation Building: Theories, Strategies, Implications

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  1. chapter 3 Motivation

  2. Session Outline (continued) • What Is Motivation? • Views of Motivation • Five Guidelines for Building Motivation • Developing a Realistic View of Motivation • Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness (continued)

  3. Session Outline (continued) • Why Are Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness Important? • Theories of Achievement Motivation • Developing Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness • Implications for Professional Practice

  4. What Is Motivation? Motivation is the direction and intensity of effort. • Direction of effort refers to whether an individual seeks out, approaches, or is attracted to situations. • Intensity of effort refers to how much effort an individual puts forth in a situation. • Direction and intensity of effort are closely related.

  5. Views of Motivation Participant- or trait-centered view Situation-centered view Interactional view

  6. Views of Motivation Participant- or trait-centered view Motivated behavior is primarily a function of individual characteristics (e.g., needs, goals, personality).

  7. Views of Motivation Situation-centered view Motivated behavior is primarily determined by the situation.

  8. Views of Motivation Interactional-centered view Motivated behavior results from the interaction of participant factors and situational factors.

  9. Interactional View of Motivation

  10. Five Guidelinesfor Building Motivation Guideline 1 Both situations and traits motivate people.

  11. Five Guidelinesfor Building Motivation Guideline 2 People have multiple motives for involvement. Understand why people participate in physical activity. • People participate for more than one reason. • People may have competing motives for involvement. • People have both shared and unique motives. • Motives change over time. • Motives differ across cultures.

  12. How to Identify Participant Motives Observe participants. Talk informally to others. Ask participants directly.

  13. Major Motives for Sport Participants • Improving skills • Having fun • Being with friends • Experiencing thrills and excitement • Achieving success • Developing fitness

  14. Joining Health factors Weight loss Fitness Self-challenge Feeling better Continuing Enjoyment Liking instructor Liking type of activity Social factors Major Motivesfor Exercise Participants

  15. Five Guidelines for Building Motivation Guideline 3 Change the environment to enhance motivation. • Provide both competitive and recreational opportunities. • Provide for multiple motives and opportunities. • Adjust to individuals within groups.

  16. Five Guidelines for Building Motivation Guideline 4 Leaders influence motivation directly and indirectly.

  17. Five Guidelines for Building Motivation Guideline 5 Use behavior modification to change undesirable participant motives.

  18. Developing a Realistic Viewof Motivation • Motivation is a key variable in both learning and performance contexts. • Physical and psychological factors beyond motivation influence behavior and must be considered. • Some motivational factors are more easily influenced than others.

  19. Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness

  20. What Are Achievement Motivationand Competitiveness? Achievement motivation A person’s orientation to strive for task success, persist in the face of failure, and experience pride in accomplishments (Gill, 2000)

  21. What Are Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness? Competitiveness “A disposition to strive for satisfaction when making comparisons with some standard of excellence in the presence of evaluative others” (Martens, 1986)

  22. What Are Achievement Motivationand Competitiveness? Keys • Achievement motivation = self-comparison of achievement. • Competitiveness = social evaluation or comparison.

  23. Why Achievement MotivationIs Important Influences on achievement motivation Choice of activities Effort to pursue goals Intensity of effort Persistencein the face of failure

  24. Theories of Achievement Motivation Need achievement theory Attribution theory Achievement goal theory Competence motivation theory

  25. Need Achievement Theory

  26. Attribution Theory Attributions How people explain their successes and failures • Stability • Locus of causality • Locus of control

  27. Attribution Theory Weiner’s basic attribution categories

  28. Attributions andAchievement Motivation (See table 3.1 on p. 64 of text.)

  29. Achievement Goal Theory Achievement goals Outcome goal orientation (or competitive goal orientation) focuses on comparing performance with that of others and defeating others. Task goal orientation (or mastery goal orientation) focuses on improving relative to one’s own past performances. Social goal orientation focuses on judging competence in terms of affiliation with the group and recognition of being liked by others.

  30. Achievement Goal Theory

  31. Achievement Goal Theory Keys • Focus extra attention on task-oriented goals. • Foster mastery or task motivational climates.

  32. Competence Motivation Theory Keys • People are motivated to feel worthy or competent. • Feelings of competence and worth, as well as perceptions of control, determine motives.

  33. Competence Motivation Theory Adapted, by permission, from M. Weiss and N. Chaumeton, 1992, Motivational orientations in sport. In Advances in sport psychology, edited by T.S. Horn (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 90.

  34. What Theoriesof Achievement MotivationTell Us About High Achievers Motivational orientation • Highmotivation to achieve success • Lowmotivation to avoid failure • Focus on the pride of success

  35. What Theories ofAchievement MotivationTell Us About High Achievers Attributions • Ascribe success to stable and internal factors within their control • Ascribe failure to unstable and external factors outside their control • Usually adopt task goals

  36. What Theories ofAchievement MotivationTell Us About High Achievers Perceived competence and control: Have high perceived competence and feel that achievement is within their control Task choice: Seek out challenges, able competitors, and demanding tasks Performance: Perform well in evaluative conditions

  37. What Theories ofAchievement MotivationTell Us About Low Achievers Motivational orientation • Low motivation to achieve success • High motivation to avoid failure • Focus on shame and worry that may result from failure

  38. What Theories ofAchievement MotivationTell Us About Low Achievers Attributions • Ascribe success to unstable and external factors outside their control • Ascribe failure to stable and internal factors within their control Goals adopted: Usually adopt outcome goals

  39. What Theories ofAchievement MotivationTell Us About Low Achievers Perceived competence and control: Have low perceived competence and feel that achievement is outside their control Task choice: Avoid challenges, seek out very difficult or very easy tasks or competitors Performance: Perform poorly in evaluative conditions

  40. Developing Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness Stages • Autonomous competence stage • Social comparison stage • Integrated (self- and social comparison) stage

  41. Developing Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness

  42. Developing Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness Keys • Recognize stage of achievement motivation. • Ultimate goal is the integrated stage. • Motivational climate influences achievement motivation.

  43. Implications for Professional Practice (continued) • Recognize the interaction of personal and situational factors influencing achievement behavior. • Stage of achievement behavior • Goal orientation • Attributions • Situations approached or avoided (continued)

  44. Implications for Professional Practice (continued) • Emphasize mastery (task) goals and downplay outcome goals. Create a mastery motivational climate. • Monitor and alter attributional feedback. • Monitor and correct inappropriate attributions. • Determine when competitive goals are appropriate. • Enhance feelings of competence and control.

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