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Fasching in Germany. Social Relationships Sophia Gammerler 10-23-2012 P. 7. Origin of Fasching. The origin of Fasching started after Winter was ended to celebrate the upcoming good days of spring. For the celebration they had a spring festival.
Fasching in Germany Social Relationships Sophia Gammerler 10-23-2012 P. 7
Origin of Fasching • The origin of Fasching started after Winter was ended to celebrate the upcoming good days of spring. • For the celebration they had a spring festival. • This celebration was to scare away the bad ghosts of Winter with loud noises and scary masks. • It then turned into a celebration of just happiness and joy. • They now have colorful costumes and fun events to start off Spring with happiness.
When is Fasching? • The event planning for Fasching starts on November 11th at 11:11 am. • For every Fasching there is a different Fasching King and Queen. • Carnivals and parties are held to celebrate Fasching till Ash Wednesday. • Other events are Weiberfastnacht, Rosenmontag, and Fastnacht. • In some places the Fasching Carnival begins on January 6th.
Activities for Fasching • For Fasching Germans get dressend up and go out on the streets to celebrate. • The main events are the Carnivals and Fasching parties that are held in February during the Fastnacht week. • Weiberfastnacht is the first party that week which is where women cut off the men's ties as a joke. • It then goes on to Rosenmontag where there are Fasching parades in the cities. • Ashermittwoch or ash Wednesday is the last day and after that the lent season beginns.
Questions: • 1. When does the planning start? • January 6th • November 11th • Ash Wednesday • 2. When is the last day of Fasching? • Rosenmontag • Ash Wednesday • Weiberfastnacht
Answers: • 1. b) November 11th • 2. b) Ash Wednesday
Sources: • http://www.schulferien.org/Feiertage/Fasching/Fasching.html • http://www.alumniportal-deutschland.org/deutsche-sprache/deutsch-auf-die-schnelle/artikel/online-deutsch-lernen-uebungen-karneval.html • https://dokuwiki.noctrl.edu/doku.php?id=ger:101:2010:fall:holly_crowe • http://atelierallemand.unblog.fr/2012/02/20/fasching/ • http://www.google.de/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=685&tbm=isch&tbnid=7fsPQmbEL-iqlM:&imgrefurl=http://www.travellingbazaar.com/freiburg%25202.html&docid=1c22xkvsBcksLM&imgurl=http://www.travellingbazaar.com/images/Fasching%252520Freiburg/freiburg%252520fasching%252520parade.jpg&w=471&h=310&ei=vc2GUJqzBo-k8gTJzIGQAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=188&vpy=158&dur=679&hovh=182&hovw=277&tx=198&ty=102&sig=108510057890506429103&page=4&tbnh=130&tbnw=212&start=76&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:73,s:20,i:353 • http://www.shimnacollege.org.uk/Default.aspx?tabid=1374&EntryID=455 • http://kv-bielstein.de/joomlakvb/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=25%3Ader-verein&id=55%3Awoher&Itemid=90