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How Can Cold-Pressed Olive Oil Be Used?

The major benefit of using cold-pressing to produce any kind of oil is that no use of heat or chemicals is there. This makes the already healthy olive oil, healthier still. This is why cold-pressed olive oil has become much sought after. Here are a few things you need to know about it now.

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How Can Cold-Pressed Olive Oil Be Used?

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  1. How Can Cold-Pressed Olive Oil Be Used? Let us first figure out what the cold-pressing method is all about, and why there is such a hullabaloo about it in the first place. Of the major olive oil products available in the market, cold-pressed olive oil has gained a huge fan following. Of course, there is a great reason behind it and that is precisely what we will be looking at today. Cold-pressing olive oil involves crushing olives into a paste and then, using a mechanical press to separate the oil from the pulp. During this process, according to European food standards, the temperatures are not allowed to go over 27°C. This is essentially the basis of what cold-pressing is all about. So what and how exactly does cold-pressing helpolive oil products available in the market? Here are the top 3 benefits and uses of cold-pressed olive oil. 1. High in Nutrient Composition Let us first get one thing straight. Olive oil is essentially all fat, making even cold- pressed extra light olive oil high in calories. The good thing, however, is that the fats themselves; unsaturated fat, are incredibly healthy.

  2. A diet, that is high in saturated fat when compared to a diet that is high in unsaturated fat is considered healthier as it is associated with a reduced risk of heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and many other chronic diseases. Because olive oil, even olive pomace oil, boasts of containing vitamins like Vitamin E and Vitamin K, it helps the body stay healthy. Vitamin E, being a powerful antioxidant, helps better the immune function of the body. On the other hand, Vitamin K helps with the blood clotting and bone health aspect of the body. Thanks to the cold-pressing method, olive oil products end up containing at least 30 beneficial compounds. Out of these, a majority work as brilliant antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory effects as well. 2.Full of Healthy Fats As has been established earlier, cold-pressed olive oil is basically filled with mostly all fat, out of which close to 71% are unsaturated fats. This kind of fat is known as oleic acid. It was found via many studies, that oleic acid and other unsaturated fats help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels to a great extent. This extent expands when saturated fats are replaced with unsaturated fats. Apart from this, an additional 11% of the unsaturated fat in cold-pressed olive oil is derived from both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Both these together help in assisting some of the major bodily processes. These include regulation of blood pressure, clotting of blood, and bettering the body’s immune response. Of course, apart from the unsaturated fat, virgin olive oil India produces also contains 2 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon (15 ml). However, this very easily

  3. falls within the 13–22-gram daily recommended saturated fat intake. So there is no reason to worry. 3. Full of Antioxidants Another brilliant benefit of cold-pressed olive oil is that the whole process of cold- pressing helps retain more antioxidants. This holds especially true when compared to lower-grade olive oils since cold-pressed olive oil is not treated to any kind of heat. The main job of antioxidants is to defend your body against free radicals. Due to the restriction of the entry of free radicals in the body, one is able to steer clear of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. The Bottom Line: Olive oils that are available in the market, like Leonardo olive oil, will make sure that, at the end of the day, every possible health aspect is covered by the oil itself. This is precisely why the option of cold-pressed olive oil productscan do wonders for your health, in the best way possible.

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