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Trade Needs Assessment in Kazakhstan: Findings & Recommendations

Explore regulatory and procedural barriers to trade in Kazakhstan based on enterprise surveys on NTMs. Discover major findings and key recommendations for addressing trade impediments.

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Trade Needs Assessment in Kazakhstan: Findings & Recommendations

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  1. UNECE Committee on Trade 5th SessionJoint ITC-UNECE trade-needs-assessment study on Kazakhstan: major findings and key recommendations Regulatory and procedural barriers to trade(based on the enterprise survey on NTMs) By: Olga Solleder-Skorobogatova, ITC Date: 18 June 2012, Geneva

  2. Plan • ITC enterprise surveys on non-tariffmeasures (NTMs) • and theirimplementation in Kazakhstan • Preliminarysurvey results • and their comparison to the results in other countries • Recommendations

  3. Country coverage of the NTM surveys

  4. ITC NTM programme Global methodology …based on large-scale company level surveys …representative by sector and company size …adjusted to country-specific requirements • Identify trade impediments faced by companies on product and partner country level. • Enable companies to voice their concerns and needs regarding the identified problems and create dialogue among national stakeholders. • Reinforce country capacity: survey and analysisimplemented in collaboration with local specialists, after intensive training.

  5. Project process Kazakhstan: timeline

  6. Survey methodology Kazakhstan: current coverage • NTM cases and procedural obstacles • 45 cases

  7. Exporting and importing companies report… “Uzbekistan introduced a new regulation requiring adding the details of Certificate of Origin into invoices, which should be done within one day. Before it was possible to have a single certificate for the entire shipment, currently it is necessary to do this for every part.” “Kazakhstan Government Resolution about temporary prohibition to export sunflower oil due to the domestic deficit is an issue for our company.” “While exporting beverages from Kazakhstan to partner country, Tajikistan, cargo is inspected in the transit country, Uzbekistan. The cargo is opened and some products are getting lost.” “Railroad transport: Insufficientrolling stock.” • …regulatory barriers in partner countries: • …regulatory barriers in Kazakhstan: • …regulatory and procedural barriers in transit countries: • … procedural barriers and problems with business environment at home and abroad:

  8. Survey coverage: Companies

  9. Survey coverage: Sectors

  10. International comparison

  11. Small companies are more affected in other countries. In Kazakhstan?

  12. Does Customs Union work?

  13. Most reported regulatory issues Partner countries on exports from Kazakhstan Inspections Quality control measures Anticompetitive measures Kazakhstan on imports Charges and taxes Conformity assessment Kazakhstan on exports Export certification Export prohibition and licensing

  14. Problems with business environment Top issues in Kazakhstan Limited transportation infrastructure Time delays Lack of human resources in agencies involved in export and import Lack of access to information Top issues in partner and transit countries Time delays Corruption Low security level for persons and goods Road blocks

  15. Preliminary reccommendations Potential response to most reported issues: Addressing transit issues Enforcing existing agreements More predictable and less stringent regulation of exports, e.g. reduced number of certificates Regularising customs valuation for imports Removing red tape, especially intentional time delays Betterrailroad infrastructure • Regulatory barriers in partner countries: • Proceduralbarriers in partner/transit countries: • Regulatory barriers in Kazakhstan: • Procedural barries in Kazakhstan:

  16. Thank you! For questions or comments please contact skorobogatova@intracen.org Non-tariff measures: ntm@intracen.org International Trade Centre (ITC) Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Fax: +41 (0)22 730 0577

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