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Horizon2020 – HPH Joint Research Project "Dedicated Magnet Systems for polarized Targets"

Horizon2020 – HPH Joint Research Project "Dedicated Magnet Systems for polarized Targets". Brainstorming Meeting Physikalisches Institut Rheinische Friedrich- Wilhelms - Universität Bonn (UBO) 21.01.2014.

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Horizon2020 – HPH Joint Research Project "Dedicated Magnet Systems for polarized Targets"

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  1. Horizon2020 – HPH Joint Research Project"Dedicated Magnet Systems for polarized Targets" Brainstorming Meeting PhysikalischesInstitut Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (UBO) 21.01.2014

  2. Horizon2020 – HPH Joint Research Project"Dedicated Magnet Systems for polarized Targets" Agenda: 10:00 “Welcome“ 10:05 Werner Meyer (Bochum)“HP3 WP17:DNPMag, status and perspectives for HPH2020 ” 10:20 Andreas Thomas (Mainz)“Recent developments on active polarized targets and magnet technology at Mainz ” 10:40 Frank Maas (Mainz)“Development of a superconducting shield for a transversely polarized target for the PANDA-Experiment” 11:00 Coffee break 11:20 J. Koivuniemi (CERN/Bochum)“Preparation for the Drell-Yan run in COMPASS” 11:40 M. Bornstein (Bonn)“Internal magnet developments for polarized targets at Bonn” 12:00 G. Reicherz (Bochum)„Recent results on target material developments  and new NMR techniques at Bochum” 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Discussion

  3. Horizon2020 – HPH Joint Research Project"Dedicated Magnet Systems for polarized Targets" • Discussion: • Active participants:Mainz (A. Thomas, H.J. Arends, F. Maas) A. ThomasBochum (W. Meyer, G. Reicherz) G. ReicherzPrag (M. Finger) Saclay (N. D’Hose, A. Ferrero) A. FerreroBonn (H. Dutz, S. Goertz) H. DutzZagreb (I. Supek) • Objectives:Cryogenic detection of recoil particlesLow and high temperature superconducting materials for field generation and shielding- used in experiments at – FAIR (PANDA) MAMI (A2) ELSA (Crystal Barrel) CERN (COMPASS) • CryPTA: Cryogenic Polarized Target Application

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