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Credit System and Student Mobility Support at UCTM, Sofia, Bulgaria

Learn how UCTM in Sofia, Bulgaria, implements ECTS, supports student mobility, and manages credit transfer and grading. Find out more about the institution's administration structure and alignment with the Bologna Process.

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Credit System and Student Mobility Support at UCTM, Sofia, Bulgaria

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Presentation Transcript

  1. City: SOFIA • Country: BULGARIA

  2. CONTENT • Credit system used at the institution • Alignment (or lack of) with the Bologna Process • Use (or lack of) ECTS • Administration structure supporting student mobility • Student mobility process • Credit transfer process • Grade conversion process

  3. Credit system used at the institution • The European system for credit accumulation and transfer (ECTS) was developed and implemented at UCTM, Sofia after the issuing of Ordinance for accumulation and transfer of credits of Higher Education published in the State Gazette No89 form 12 October 2004 . The system is based on the work load of students for any kind of studying activity. The system flexibility provides opportunities for including elective courses in study curricula as well as for joint recognition of different study periods outside of the University of the formal firs registration. • UCTM , Sofia organized and implemented ECTS system for the first time in 2005/2006 academic year.

  4. Alignment with the Bologna Process • Bologna process standards are fully implemented at UCTM. • First cycle ( EQF level 6) - 4 years ( 8 semesters) , total score of 240 ECTS credits for acquiring an engineering degree; • Second cycle (EQF level 7) - from 3 to 4 semesters depending on the Bachelor degree; ECTS allocated for different curricula – not less than 60 • Direct Master (EQF level 7) – for the state regulated profession - Civil Engineering and Architecture, Medicine, Lawyers - at least 5 years (over 300 ECTS credits) . Applied at UCTM for ChimieIndustrielle curriculum taught in French and accredited in France. • Third cycle (EQF level 8) – research based study with a short curriculum of 3-4- subject. Completing is after a successful defense of PhD thesis.No credits ( how to allocate credits for research????)

  5. Use (or lack of) ECTS • There was not any credit system in Bulgarian HE before ECTS; • The student workload was measured by the contact hours at the University ( lectures, seminars, laboratory works) • ECTS credit allocation needed analysis of the student workload; • System for identifying specific student tasks depending on the curriculum was developed; • Feedback information from the departments was collected; • Proposed ECTS for every curriculum element ( subjects, projects, seminars, industrial practices, diploma thesis) were formally approved by the Faculty Boards.

  6. Administration structure supporting student mobility • Student mobility can be : - national or international; - horizontal ( within the same level of education) or vertical ( from a lower to an upper level • National mobility is administrated by Dean’s offices. Every Faculty has ECTS expert . A special board is appointed by a Rector’s order for getting a final decision about the regonition of ECTS credit obtained outside of UCTM. • International mobility - mobility is administrated by the Department of International Academic Mobility and Education - for transfer students ECTS credits are recognized jointly by the Department of International Academic Mobility and Education and corresponding study Departments; – for degree seeking students by Dean’s offices • Horizontal and vertical mobility is administrated only by Dean’ s offices.

  7. Student mobility process • Distribution of information about available budget and places • Departments select students and propose a list of mobility participants ( students are arranged according to their study results) • University commission appointed by the Rector make the final selection • Selected students go for Language proficiency test ( centrally provided by Erasmus+ programme) • Students prepared all necessary documents ( Learning agreements are prepared at the sending Departments) • Students sign a grant contract and receive the grant; • After returning they report the results of their mobility; • They provide the mobility administration with all documents proving the completion of contracted mobility.

  8. Credit transfer process • Every student who needs of credit transfer should have a formal Transcript of records; • If the transcript contents ECTS credits they are recognized by the corresponding Departments. • If the transcript does not contain ECTS the documents go to the Dean’s office. The Dean could ask some additional information ( lecture course description, project or diploma thesis prepared and decides about the recognition.

  9. Grade conversion process • UCTM issues transcript of records with ECTS grades • The National Grading system is from 2 to 6 and the conversion is shown on the table below

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