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Bridges & Culverts

Bridges & Culverts . Usage Codes and Validation Annual FIMS Comprehensive Training March 27, 2014. DOE Inventory & Requirements. * 8 structures subject to NBI reporting requirements 13 property records titled “Roads (incl. Bridges & Culverts) ”.

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Bridges & Culverts

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  1. Bridges & Culverts Usage Codes and Validation Annual FIMS Comprehensive Training March 27, 2014

  2. DOE Inventory & Requirements Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes • * 8 structures subject to NBI reporting requirements • 13 property records titled “Roads (incl. Bridges & Culverts)”

  3. Usage Code 1768 - Public AccessBridges (Vehicular) A structure including supports erected over a depression or an obstruction, such as water, highway or railway, and having a passageway for carrying traffic or other moving loads. A traveler could traverse the structure without ever passing thru a staffed entry point or presenting identification. Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes

  4. Usage Code 2629 - Culvert A structure or series of multiple pipes constructed to convey water or utilities under a road or railway, or through an embankment. Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes

  5. Bridge or Culvert? • Based on Structure Length • Depends on number, size and spacing of openings • Depends on skew with the roadway Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes

  6. During the Validation • Confirm Safety Inspection Date is current based on: • Required inspection frequency and standard • Operational status • Source Data: Bridge Inspection Report Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes

  7. Actionable Items • Segregate bridges from road records • Ensure each bridge has a unique property record in FIMS • Identify culverts • Confirm Usage Code selection • For each bridge subject to NBI, build the bridge data file Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes

  8. National Highway Performance Program • Program Purpose • Supports the condition and performance of the National Highway System (NHS) • Funds construction of new facilities on the NHS • Ensure progress toward the achievement of performance targets for the NHS • Program Features • Expands the National Highway System • Advances risk-based, performance-based asset management planning • Seeks to establish minimum pavement and bridge conditions standards • Seeks to establish performance goals for bridge and pavement management systems Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes Reference: 23 USC 109 SEC 1106

  9. National Highway Performance Program • The Secretary of Transportation is required to - • Inventory bridges and tunnels on public roads • Submit annual inventory updates and reports • Update National Bridge and Tunnel Inspection Standards • Methods • Frequency • Training and Qualifications for inspectors • Establish procedures to annually review compliance with Standards • Maintain a training program for bridge and tunnel inspectors Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes “The Committee expects the Federal Highway Administration to make more significant progress in improving its oversight of bridge conditions and safety ...”--Conference Report (H.R. 112-557) on the FY2010 Appropriations Act Reference: 23 USC 144 SEC 1111

  10. National Bridge Inspection Program Compliance Assessment • Conducted by the Federal Highway Administration for Federal Agencies on 3-year cycle • 23 Individual Metrics • Bridge Inspection Organization and Procedures • Personnel Qualifications • Inspection Frequency, Criteria and Procedures • Record Keeping and Inventory Reporting • 3 Levels of Assessment • Minimum • Intermediate • In-Depth • 4 Levels of Compliance • Compliance • Substantial Compliance • Non-Compliance • Conditional Compliance Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes

  11. National Bridge Inspection Program Compliance Assessment • 2014 DOE Assessment • Submit DOE policies, data submission requirements and data verification processes - Complete • Submit local procedures and bridge files – Complete • FHWA completes document review – mid-April • FHWA QA Site Visit – late April (tent) • Current target completion date - May 20th • Follow-up Actions • Planned in consultation with Programs Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes

  12. Questions? Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes • Cindy Hunt, PE, PMP, CCE, CFM, LEED AP • Facilities Engineer • U.S. Department of Energy • Office of Acquisition and Project Management • Office of Property Management (MA-65) • 1000 Independence Ave, SW Washington DC 20585 • 202.586.4539 • CIndy.Hunt@hq.doe.gov

  13. On the Horizon DOE Active Tunnel Inventory Bridge and Culvert Usage Codes

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