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Creating Big Ass Levels. Zones, Portals and Anti-Portals and Volumes. Zones. Air-tight areas of your level that constitute different areas. Portals. These are the windows between your Zones You can either think of zones as airtight areas, or pretend to fill them with water.
Creating Big Ass Levels Zones, Portals and Anti-Portals and Volumes
Zones • Air-tight areas of your level that constitute different areas.
Portals • These are the windows between your Zones • You can either think of zones as airtight areas, or pretend to fill them with water
Occlusion Planes (Anti-Portals) • Either a plane, or a BSP brush • Terrain is Occluded in 16pixel Chunks • BSPs on a perPolygon Basis • Static Meshes on a Per-Mesh basis • If a player gets inside the Occlusion zone the Hall of Mirrors will come visiting http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/File:Legacy_antiportal-occlusion-diagram.png
RMODE 1 2 3 and 4 • This is your console friend to view zones and portals • Well not exactly.... • The BSP brushes are coloured using different colours for each zone. • You just have to guess where the portals are based on this • Demo: AS-Convoy
The benefits of Zones • Zone Specific Reverberation • Render Speed • Level Complexity
Bad Portals.... • There are two problems you are likely to encounter with poor portals • Zones not separating • You can check this with the Zone/Portal view in UnrealEd or RMODE 2 ingame. • The Hall of Mirrors • If your portal is recognized by the Engine, but players can see around it, they may look off towards infinity. • wm_textures.Editor.ZonePortal
Creating Portals • There are 2 tools required to create Portals • The Sheet Brush Tool • The Special Brush Builder • The smaller the portal, the faster the processing of it
Using your Portals In UT toadd specific properties to your zones, you needed to use ZoneInfoactors In UT2003+ Zoning has been detached from Volumes, so Zones are simply for Object Rendering (and skyzones still!)
Zone Specific Iterators ZoneActors (class<Actor> BaseClass, out ActorActor) Iterates through all actors in this zone. LinkToSkybox ( ) [simulated] ActorEntered (Actor Other) ActorLeaving (Actor Other)
Creating Anti Portals • This is the same as creating a Portal • Do NOT let the player see the Anti-Portal = BAD
Volumes • There are many uses of Volumes • The most common are Physics, Water, Blocking and Ladder Volumes • There are many more, but you can go for a code browsing journey to find out what they do
The End Almost.... And now for some console commands!!!
Useful Console Commands ADD BOTS [number] - Adds the specified number of botsBEHINDVIEW 0 -1 - Changes to - from third person view DISCONNECT - Disconnect from current serverEXIT or QUIT- Quits the gameKILLBOTS - Gets rid of all botsOPEN [IP address] - Connect to a specific server IPOPEN [mapname] - Opens specified mapRECONNECT - Reconnect to the current serverSWITCHLEVEL [mapname] - Switches to the specified levelSWITCHTEAM - Switch your player\'s teamSUICIDE - Kills yourselfPLAYERSONLY - Freezes \\ pauses the bots
Moving through the level fast / testing ALLAMMO - Gives full ammo for all weaponsALLWEAPONS - Gives you all weaponsFLY - You can fly aroundGHOST - Noclip through wallsGOD - God ModeLOADED - Gives all weapons, ammo, and 100 adrenalineWALK - You stop flying VIEWCLASS <class> SUMMON <class> KILLALL <class>
Statistics MEM STAT - Displays Windows memory usageSTAT ALL - Shows all statsSTAT AUDIO - Shows audio statsSTAT FPS - Displays your frames per secondSTAT GAME - Displays game statsSTAT HARDWARE - Shows hardware statsSTAT NET - Shows network game play statsSTAT RENDER - Displays rendering statistics STAT NONE - Turns off all stats
Demo Commands DEMOPLAY [demoname] - Plays the specified demoDEMOREC [demoname] - Records a demo using the demoname you typeSTOPDEMO - Stop recording a demo
More Commands BRIGHTNESS [number] - Changes the brightness level to the specified numberCONFIGHASH - Displays configuration infoCONTRAST [number] - Changes the contrast level to the specified numberDEBUG CRASH - Test crashes the game with an errorDEBUG EATMEM - Tests memory allocation until fullDEBUG GPF - Test crashes the game with a general protection fault errorDEBUG RECURSE - Test crashes the game by infinite recursionDUMPCACHE - Displays the memory gcache contentsEXEC [filename] - Executes a file in the UT2003 /system/ directory by defaultFLUSH - Flushes all caches and relightsFOV [number] - Changes the field of view to the specified numberGAMMA [number] - Changes the gamma level to the specified numberGETCURRENTCOLORDEPTHS - Displays your current color depthGETCURRENTRES - Displays your current resolutionGETCURRENTTICKRATE - Displays your current tick rateGETMAXTICKRATE - Displays the maximum allowed tick rate
OBJ CLASSES - Displays a list of object classesOBJ GARBAGE - Collects and purges objects no longer in useOBJ HASH - Displays object hashing statisticsOBJ LINKERS - Displays a list of active linkersPAUSESOUNDS - Pauses all soundsPREFERENCES - Opens advanced settingsRELAUNCH - Relaunches the engineREPORT - Copies a report of the current game to clipboardSET [class variable value] - Sets a specified class and specified variable with the specified valueSETRES [WxHxD] - Sets your screen resolution to the specified width, height, and color depthSLOMO <float> - Sets the speed of the game 1, .5, 2SOCKETS - Displays a list of sockets in useTOGGLEFULLSCREEN - Toggles fullscreen mode (alt-Enter)TYPE [text] - Displays the specified text on the consoleUNPAUSESOUNDS - Un-pauses all sounds
References • Game Design and Develoment, E. Adams & A. Rollings, 2007, Pearson Printice Hall • Game Level Design, Ed Byrne, 2005, Charles River Media • The Art of Game Design • All Console Commands: • http://unrealtournament2004.filefront.com/info/ConsoleCommands