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From R&D to Commercialization “The Road Less Travelled”

From R&D to Commercialization “The Road Less Travelled”. Paritud Bhandhubanyong Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan) September 3, 2010, NSTDA. Contents. Introduction Full Research at AIST A view from private sector NSTDA and TISTR Comment from Industry To NSTDA with love….

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From R&D to Commercialization “The Road Less Travelled”

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  1. From R&D to Commercialization“The Road Less Travelled” Paritud Bhandhubanyong Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan) September 3, 2010, NSTDA

  2. Contents • Introduction • Full Research at AIST • A view from private sector • NSTDA and TISTR • Comment from Industry • To NSTDA with love….

  3. Invention and Discovery Basic, Generic and Infrastructural Research in Materials Science - Science (creativity) and Innovation (collaboration)- Incubating Zone Challenging High-Risk Zone Innovation Zone Commercialization Devil’s River Death Valley Darwin’s Sea Proto Type Product Mission I, III Mission II Basic and Generic and Infrastructural Research Dissemination 3

  4. R & D World Map Today and in 20 Years Today 1/3 of R&D in USA 1/3 in Europe 1/3 in Asia 20 years ¼ in USA ¼ in Europe ½ in Asia Robert L.Byer : Stanford University

  5. Full Research at AIST • Type 1 Basic Research …. Discovery/ Invention = Ideal, Dream Period … Academia • Type 2 Basic Research …..Nightmare Period • Development Research/ Product Realization Research/ Venture ….. Product Realization/ Industrialization = Reality Period … Industry • AIST covers the spectrum but emphasizes on the Type 2 Basic Research

  6. Product Development Commercialization Product Prototype Research by Corporate Plan and Production Concept Development Research by University % of investment By Corporate IP Benefit Sharing often becomes obstacle of R&D collaboration By University/Institute R&D Collaboration and Business Process

  7. R&D Collaboration – A Key Strategy to Achieve Innovation Project Life Progress Engineer Manufacture &Sale Develop Research Time Collaboration University & Research Institute Business Collaboration © SCG 2010

  8. R&D Collaboration Partner • Contribution from business sector • Business-driven problems • Market information and foresight • Alignment of R&D project following the future marketing or company strategy • Product/service specification • Engineering expertise in manufacturing © SCG 2010

  9. R&D Collaboration Partner Contribution from academic/institution • Scientific expertise • Pools of interdisciplinary networks • Access to technical information © SCG 2010

  10. Why Research University? Strengthening Thailand

  11. Critical Success Factors R&D People & Mind Set (1) - Knowledge - Capability - ความสามารถ - Competency - Behavior - สมรรถนะเชิงพฤติกรรม - Mind Set - Believe - กรอบความคิด/ความเชื่อ  ? ?

  12. R&D People & Mind Set (2) Competencies (สมรรถนะเชิงพฤติกรรม) (6 Clusters, 19 Competencies) Achievement Cluster Managerial Cluster 11. ร่วมมือและประสานการทำงานเป็นทีม 12. พัฒนาผู้อื่นตามความถนัดของแต่ละคน 13. นำทีม 14. มุ่งเน้นปฏิบัติงานเชิงยุทธศาสตร์ • มุ่งมั่นสู่ความสำเร็จ • ยึดมั่นต่อระเบียบและพิธีการ • ปฏิบัติการเชิงรุก • เชี่ยวชาญอย่างมืออาชีพ Helping/Service Cluster Cognitive Thinking Cluster 15. ขวนขวายหาข้อมูลข่าวสาร 16. คิดเชิงวิเคราะห์ 17. คิดเชิงหลักการ 5. เข้าใจคน 6. ตั้งมั่นบริการลูกค้า Influence Cluster Personal Effectiveness cluster • 7. สร้างผลกระทบและโน้มน้าวจิตใจผู้อื่น • 8. รอบรู้ในองค์กร • จัดการให้คนแสดงความรับผิดชอบในหน้าที่ • 10. นำการเปลี่ยนแปลงในองค์กร 18. เชื่อมั่นในตนเอง 19. มีความซื่อตรง

  13. R&D People & Mind Set (3) Mind Sets • คนไทยเก่ง • ทำแล้วคุ้ม • เราทำได้ • ไม่ทำไม่ได้ • ทำได้ทุกคน /ทุกคนต้องทำ • We are smart people • R&D does pay off • We-can-do believe • R&D or die • Everyone for R&D / • R&D for everyone

  14. Commercialization in TISTR

  15. Commercialization in NSTDA • 2001 C 37 P 12 • 2002 C 51 P 2 • 2003 C 38 P 17 • 2004 C 58 P 109 • 2006 C 29 • 2007 C 53 P 22 • 2008 C 26 • 2009 C 36 • 2010 C 26 (Q 2)

  16. From R&D to Commercialization : Comment from Industry • Constant state of hunger led to successful commercialization ….. • Hunger, passion, and drive …. Three important ingredients for success… • Are there people with such characteristics in Thailand? In MoST? in NSTDA? In TISTR? In NIA? In TRF? In NRCT? • ….your guess is as good as mine….!!!!

  17. Essential Requirements .. at the pre-commercialization stage • It has to be wanted …. Preferably desired… • It must be affordable • It must be capable of being supplied (in both quantity and quality) • It has to be profitable to ensure sustainable • It doesn’t have to be new • It doesn’t need to be leading edge • It doesn’t need to be the best… but it does help!!

  18. Back one step to the end of successful development… vehicles for commercialization (I) • Business Plan • Patenting and other forms of IP protection • Formal agreements (e.g. SHA, licenses, etc.) • Recruitment, training, etc. …. Contracts • Creation of necessary commercial, tecncal and financial infrastructure • Securing of new (or expansion of existing) premises, leases, mortgages

  19. Back one step to the end of successful development… vehicles for commercialization (ii) • Supply chain, qualification- contracts • Establishment of quality system • Distribution, selling … sales contracts • Permits • Setting up production facilities, installation and commissioning of P&M, securing utilities • …..need timely services support and sources of fund……VC? Business Angels? Government Grant?

  20. Moving Back to R & D • Commercial appraisal + technical evaluation • Patenting, SHA, licenses, permits? • Sufficient research funding? • Gobble up of good research ideas … commercialisable but lower rewards… • Blue sky research… to do or not to do…?

  21. Additional Notes on Commercialization of R & D • Harnessing the talent and fostering networking of scholarship students … R&D preparation • Funding support and streamlining of process • Review panel and review process… stage-gage? Who should be on the panel? • Quality of R & D ….

  22. To NSTDA with love….(1) • Reason to exist … of any organization, is an ability to continuously satisfy customer needs ….. Konosuke Matsushita …. “100 years plan” • Insanity : Doing the same thing, the same way, and expect difference…. Michael Milliken, USA • R&D output that could be fully opened should be published… for partially opened should be filed for patent… for non-opened should be made into product, the most difficult task among the three … Kozou Ishizaki, CEO and Professor of Nagaoka UT

  23. To NSTDA with love…. (2) • Role of CPMO • Accessible data base for R and D project • Focus, focus, and focus ….. What are the things that we must not do!! • Separation of funding and implementation • Effective marketing and legal units … Account Executives ….the best way to link with industry • Central Service Laboratory • Engineering team …. DfM – Design for Manufacturing

  24. Acknowledgment • Thank you for the information and presentation materials from • Dr.Sutiporn, Deputy Governor, TISTR • Prof.Dr.Kishi, Former President of NIMS • Khun Karn, President of SCG • Dr.Pailin, CEO of IRPC • Dr.Chatchalee, NSTDA • Dr.Ron Henson, CEO, HCL, UK

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