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Dog Breed List . By Amy Stilley. Afghan Hound. ORIGIN: Afghanistan; ancient times ORIGINAL USE: Coursing hare and gazelle. TODAY'S USE: L ure coursing FUN FACT: Other name, tazi , Baluchi hound Group: Hound. Beagle. ORIGIN: England; 1300s
Dog Breed List By Amy Stilley
Afghan Hound • ORIGIN: Afghanistan; ancient times • ORIGINAL USE: Coursing hare and gazelle. TODAY'S USE: Lure coursing • FUN FACT: Other name, tazi, Baluchi hound • Group: Hound
Beagle • ORIGIN: England; 1300s • ORIGINAL USE: Trailing rabbits. TODAY'S USE: Trailing rabbits, field trials, contraband detection, beagle field trial • FUN FACT: Beagles appeared in funny animal comic strips & animated cartoons from the 1950s with the Peanuts character Snoopy "the world's most famous Beagle" • GROUP: Hound Dog
Chow Chow • ORIGIN: China; ancient times • ORIGINAL USE: Guardian, cart puller, food source. TODAY'S USE: Companion • FUN FACT: President Calvin Coolidge and his wife owned a black Chow Chow named Timmy. • GROUP: Non-Sporting Dog
Dalmatian • ORIGIN: Yugoslavia; ancient times • ORIGINAL USE: Carriage dog. TODAY'S USE: Companion • FUN FACT: The Dalmatian serves as a firehouse mascot, but in the days of horse-drawn fire carts, They would run alongside the horses, nipping at their heels to get them to run faster. • GROUP: Non-Sporting Dog
English Springer Spaniel • ORIGIN: England; 1800s • ORIGINAL USE: Bird flushing and retrieving. TODAY'S USE: Bird flushing and retrieving, spaniel field trials. • FUN FACT: Less than a century ago, springers and cockers would come from the same litter. • GROUP: Sporting Dog
French Bulldog • ORIGIN: France; 1800s • ORIGINAL USE: Lap dog. TODAY'S USE: Companion • FUN FACT: On Modern Family, Jay and Gloria's dog Stella is a French bulldog. • GROUP: Non-Sporting Dog
Glen of Imaal Terrier • ORIGIN: Ireland; Indigenous • ORIGINAL USE: All-around farm dog, vermin hunting, turnspit dog. TODAY'S USE: Companion, earthdog, farm dog • FUN FACT: Other name isIrish Glen of Imaal Terrier • GROUP: Terrier Dog
Harrier • ORIGIN: Great Britain; Middle Ages • ORIGINAL USE: Trailing hares. TODAY'S USE: Trailing hare and fox • FUN FACT: The breed has existed in America since the Colonial times. • GROUP: Hound Dog
Irish Wolfhound • ORIGIN: Ireland; ancient times • ORIGINAL USE: Coursing wolves and elk. TODAY'S USE: Lure coursing • FUN FACT: The domestic dogs in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim are modeled after the Irish Wolfhound. • GROUP: Hound
Japanese Chin • ORIGIN: Japan; ancient times • ORIGINAL USE: Lap dog. TODAY'S USE: Companion • FUN FACT: Another name is Japanese spaniel • GROUP: Toy Dog
Komondor • ORIGIN: Hungary; ancient times • ORIGINAL USE: Sheep guardian. TODAY'S USE: Sheep guardian • FUN FACT: Sometimes referred to as 'mop dogs' • GROUP: Working
Lakeland Terrier • ORIGIN: England; 1700s • ORIGINAL USE: Vermin hunting. TODAY'S USE: Earthdog trials • FUN FACT: Hypo-allergenic (non shedding) • GROUP: Terrier
Maltese • ORIGIN: Malta; ancient times • ORIGINAL USE: Lap dog. TODAY'S USE: Companion • FUN FACT: Other name is bichon Maltiase • GROUP: Toy
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever • ORIGIN: Nova Scotia; 1800s • ORIGINAL USE: Duck tolling and retrieving. TODAY'S USE: Duck tolling and retrieving • FUN FACT: Other name is Little River Duck Dog • GROUP: Sporting
Otterhound • ORIGIN: England; ancient times • ORIGINAL USE: Hunting otters. TODAY'S USE: Companion • FUN FACT: Recognisedby the Kennel Club as a Vulnerable Native Breed. • GROUP: Hound
Pembroke Welsh Corgi • ORIGIN: Wales; 1110s • ORIGINAL USE: Cattle driving. TODAY'S USE: Cattle driving, herding trials • FUN FACT: Ranked at #11 in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs. • GROUP: Herding
Rhodesian Ridgeback • ORIGIN: South Africa; 1800s • ORIGINAL USE: Large game (including lion) hunting, guardian. TODAY'S USE: Lure coursing • FUN FACT: Another name is African lion hound • GROUP: Hound
Schipperke • ORIGIN: Belgium; 1600s • ORIGINAL USE: Barge dog, watchdog, ratter. TODAY'S USE: Companion • FUN FACT: ‘Schipperke’ means "little boatman" • GROUP: Non-Sporting
Toy Fox Terrier • ORIGIN: United States; 1900s • ORIGINAL USE: Vermin control. TODAY'S USE: Companion • FUN FACT: Other names are American Toy Terrier& Amertoy • GROUP: Toy
Vizula • ORIGIN: Hungary; Middle Ages • ORIGINAL USE: Pointing, falconry, trailing. TODAY'S USE: Pointing, pointing field trials • FUN FACT: Other names are Hungarian vizsla, Magyar vizsla, Hungarian pointer& DrotszoruMagyar vizsla • GROUP: Sporting
West Highland White Terrier • ORIGIN: Scotland; 1800s • ORIGINAL USE: Fox, badger, and vermin hunting. TODAY'S USE: Earthdog trials • FUN FACT: Other name is Poltallochterrier • GROUP: Terrier
Xoloitzcuintli • ORIGIN: Native to Mexico. • USE: Home and hunting companions, and today they are still very popular companion dogs • FUN FACT: The national dog of Mexico • GROUP: Non-sporting
Yorkshire Terrier • ORIGIN: England; 1800s • ORIGINAL USE: Small vermin-hunting. TODAY'S USE: Companion • FUN FACT: Pasha, Tricia Nixon Cox's pet Yorkie, lived in the White House during the Richard Nixon presidency • GROUP: Toy Dog