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LEADER WP3 Conceptual Design Status

LEADER WP3 Conceptual Design Status. Ansaldo Nucleare , Genova , 9-10 May 2013. Luigi Mansani Luigi.mansani@ann.ansaldo.it. WP3 Tasks. Task 3.1 - Reference plant configuration of a LFR ( ANSALDO , CIRTEN, EA, JRC-IE, SRS)

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LEADER WP3 Conceptual Design Status

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  1. LEADER WP3 Conceptual Design Status AnsaldoNucleare, Genova, 9-10 May 2013 Luigi Mansani Luigi.mansani@ann.ansaldo.it

  2. WP3 Tasks Task 3.1 - Reference plant configuration of a LFR (ANSALDO, CIRTEN, EA, JRC-IE, SRS) Task 3.2 - SG damping pressure waves system design (MERIVUS, CIRTEN, ENEA) Task 3.3 - Primary system conceptual design of the ETDR (SCK•CEN, ANSALDO, EA, SRS) Task 3.4 - Secondary system conceptual design of the ETDR (EA, ANSALDO) Task 3.5 - DHR system conceptual design of the ETDR (ANSALDO, SCK•CEN) Task 3.6 - Plant layout of the ETDR (EA, ANSALDO) Task 3.7 - Feasibility study of the flat-spiral-tube bundle steam generator with integrated primary pump (MERIVUS)

  3. Task 3.1 Status Task Accomplished Design changes of the ELSY configuration identified ELFR configuration defined and used as a reference for ALFRED Contractual deliverable D03 “Review and justification of the main design options of the LFR reference plant” issued The following Mechanical Drawings have been issued: LEADER 31 DMBX 024 Rev. 0 Reactor Block General Assembly LEADER 31 DMBX 025 Rev. 0 Fuel assembly outline LEADER 31 DMBX 026 Rev. 0 Inner vessel outline LEADER 31 DMBX 008 Rev. 0 Core lower grid outline LEADER 31 DMBX 009 Rev. 0 Core upper grid outline LEADER 31 DMBX 027 Rev. 0 Reactor vessel outline LEADER 31 DMBX 028 Rev. 0 Reactor cover outline LEADER 31 DMBX 029 Rev. 0 Steam generator outline LEADER 31 DMBX 030Rev. 0 Vessel support outline LEADER 31 DMBX 023 Rev. 0 DHR deep cooler outline Technical DOC T51 has been included and merged in D03 Contractual deliverable D31 “ELFR Summary Report” has been issued

  4. Task 3.1: ELFR - Reactor Configuration

  5. Task3.2: Status of the activity • Task Accomplished • Technical DOC T52 “Conceptual design of the SG damping pressure wave system and test mock-up” has been issued

  6. Task 3.3: Status Design changes of the ELSY configuration identified ALFRED configuration (300 MWth) defined The following Mechanical Drawings have been issued: LEADER 33 DMBX 013 Rev 0 Reactor Block General Assembly LEADER 33 DMMX 014 Rev 0 Fuel assembly outline LEADER 33 DMMX 015 Rev 0 Inner vessel outline LEADER 33 DMMX 016 Rev 0 Core lower grid outline LEADER 33 DMMX 017 Rev 0 Core upper grid outline LEADER 33 DMMX 018 Rev 0 Reactor vessel outline LEADER 33 DMMX 019 Rev 0 Reactor cover outline LEADER 33 DMMX 020_001 Rev 0 Steam generator outline LEADER 33 DMMX 020_002 Rev 0 Steam generator outline LEADER 33 DMMX 021 Rev 0 Vessel support outline LEADER 35 DMBX 036 Rev 0 Isolation Condenser outline Technical DOC T57“Description, functional sizing and drawings of the main components of ETDR (ALFRED)” has been issued Contractual deliverable D32 (Summary Report) and Technical document T66 (Main components thermo-mechanical sizing) to be issued

  7. Task 3.3: ALFRED - Reactor Configuration

  8. Task 3.4: Status of the activity • Task Accomplished • Contractual deliverable D09“Secondary cooling concepts & feasibility study of heat recovery of the ETDR” has been issued

  9. Task Accomplished Contractual deliverable D10 “Conceptual design of the DHR system of the ETDR (ALFRED)” has been issued Task 3.5: Status of the activity

  10. Technical document T53 “Seismic Response Spectra of the Reactor building of the ETDR (ALFRED)” has been issued Contractual deliverable D13 “Plant layout and description of the containment system of the ETDR (ALFRED)” to be issued Task 3.6: Status of the activity

  11. Contractual deliverable D39 “Feasibility study of the flat-spiral-tube bundle steam generator with integrated primary pump” to be issued Task 3.7: Status of the activity • Spiral-tube steam generator with the primary pump installed inside the inner shell need a careful study to confirm the feasibility and shop manufacturability of the assembly especially challenging due to the specific request of no intermediate tube-welding • Objective of the activity about the variable-speed electrical motor driven pump is the feasibility and installation with support bearings located in the cover gas above the free level of the coolant • The study will include the mechanical inertia necessary to maintain adequate coolant flow rate during pumpcoastdown • Considering the novelty of the steam generator bundle, the Steam Generator main fabrication sequence along with the equipment needed for construction will be identified in order to confirm the feasibility and to provide feedback to the design • The study will indicate also the main on site assembly sequence and a preliminary cost estimate The activity is in progress for remaining economic evaluation. Issue of D39: june2013 Number of SG: 8; Weight of one SG: 41 t; Total weight: 328 t; Total cost: 40 M€* (Note: evaluation with contribution of MangiarottiS.p.A)

  12. LEADER Project “Feasibility study of the STSG with integrated primary pump” Genova May 9-10/2013 Economic evaluation of the STSG of ELSY Number of SG: 8 Weight of one SG: 41 t Total weight: 328 t Total cost: 40 M€* Note: evaluation with contribution of Mangiarotti S.p.A 12

  13. A mock up of Spiral-Tube Steam Generator (STSG) has been designed by M.E.Rivus and manufactured by Tecnomec (a shareholder of M.E.Rivus) (out of scope of the LEADER task).. • Scale criteria: • Tube OD and minimum diameter of the • innerspiralscaled-down by factor 2 respect to a SG for • a 100MWe LFR*. • Scale 1:1 (prototye) of a SG for heatrecovery from exhaust gases of motors of 500 kWebiomass plants. • Note*: ratio of tube OD to minimum diameter of the innerspirallargerthan for ELFR: increaseddifficulty 13

  14. Important feed-back information on the feasibility of the STSG have been obtained from the mock up Water Collector Steam Collector Spiral bending of the tubes (No major difficulty) The main difficulty has been the arrangement of the tubes on the small-diameter cylindrical collectors, especially the steam collector. Proposedmodification of the design of the water collector and steamcollector of ELFR SG mock up ready for testing with high temperature (600°C) exhaust gas ( from an oil burner) at the ENEA labs of Saluggia. 14

  15. WP3 Deliverables & Technical Documents

  16. WP3 Milestone & Planning Completed Completed Completed Completed April 2013

  17. Thank you for your attention

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