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M a v i e q u o t i d i e n n e. In 3 paragraphs , please describe what your daily life is like . Define the word routine/ its purpose Describe your daily routine: morning , school , after school and evening Is it different during the week vs on the weekend
Maviequotidienne In 3 paragraphs, pleasedescribewhatyourdaily life islike. • Define the word routine/itspurpose • Describeyourdaily routine: morning, school, afterschool and evening • Is itdifferentduring the weekvs on the weekend • Whatyoulike/don’tlike about a typicalday • Do youthinkyourdays are usually productive or not? Doesyour routine help you to be productive?
Choose a productrelated to yourdaily routine thatyou love and presentit to the class. Whatisitused for? Why do youlikeit? Bring a visualaid