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Welcome to Mr. Rickert’s 3 rd Grade Classroom. Mr. Rickert- Third Grade. Oakfield Elementary School 200 White St. Oakfield, WI 53065 E-Mail: crickert @oakfield.k12.wi.us School Phone: (920) 583-3146 ext. 3018 Cell Phone: (920) 212-0427 - Texting is fine. Communication
Mr. Rickert-Third Grade Oakfield Elementary School 200 White St. Oakfield, WI 53065 E-Mail: crickert@oakfield.k12.wi.us School Phone: (920) 583-3146 ext. 3018 Cell Phone: (920) 212-0427 - Texting is fine
Communication • A vital part of a successful year is open and consistent communication between home and school. • Feel free to send notes or comments in your child’s assignment notebook. • You may call me at school or on my cell phone. • I respond to texts and e mails extremely quickly. Ten Pocket Folder • This folder is brought home each night and contains all homework and any notes being sent home. • Use this folder to send back homework, permission slips, or any notes. • Please look through the folder each night with your child and empty the pockets with items that remain home to help ensure that important papers are received. • Please keep Homework Calendars in the folder so I can monitor student progress
Assignment Notebook • This is a tool to keep students organized and responsible for their homework. It is NOT the parent’s job to locate the assignment notebook each night. Your child should bring their notebook to you. • Assignment notebooks are filled out together every day. • A parent or person responsible for the child needs to look the homework over, check the “done” box, and sign the bottom of the page. • If the “done” box is already checked this means that the student completed the assignment at school and did not bring it home. • Also check the notebook for notes written from Mr. Rickert or notes stapled to the page. This is where missed assignment cards and behavior cards are also stapled. • I stamp the notebook every night to make sure it is accurate and in the morning I stamp the notebook if there is a signature.
Thursday Folder • Your child’s graded work will be handed back to him/her on Thursdays. They will bring it home in the Thursday Folder section of the ten pocket folder. This folder will keep you updated on your child’s grades. • Look through the folder with your child to discuss their progress, then sign the Thursday Folder sheet which lets me know that you have gone through the work with your child. • Please keep the corrected papers and newsletter at home and return the folder to school the next day. • This folder also contains our class newsletter. This is my way of letting you know what is happening in our classroom each week by posting important dates and curriculum being covered in class. Please take some time to read the newsletter and discuss it with your child. Feel free to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have after reading the newsletter.
Academic ProgressReports • Progress reports will be sent home in the fifth week of each quarter. • Report cards will be sent home at the end of each quarter (nine weeks). • Please review the report with your child, sign and return to school.
Homework • All homework will come home in the Homework section of the 10 pocket folder. • Homework should take no more than 30 minutes each night plus 15 minutes to read and 5 minutes to practice math facts. • Class time will usually be given to at least start most assignments. • If there is a problem getting homework done because of family obligations, please write me a note in your child’s assignment notebook and your child will finish the work at recess. • Students will be required to fill out a Missed Assignment Card for any late work unless a parent note is sent to school. The missed assignment will then be excused.
Homework Calendars • Each month students will be required to complete a Reading and Math Calendar. • The goal of the calendar is to keep students reading and practicing basic math skills throughout the year. • Please fill in the dates and information accurately. • Classroom reading assignments can count for reading calendar time as well. • Reading Calendar • Student should read for 15 minutes per night for 15 nights. • Math Calendar • Students should practice math facts for 5 minutes per night for 15 nights. This could be flashcards or online math games or students are free to take Rocket Math sheets home to practice or any fun or unique activity that you think of that will help your child learn his/her math facts.
Expectations • Students are expected to do their very best work at all times. • Students are expected to complete work on time and ask for help when needed. • Students are expected to show respect at all times.
100 = A+ 93-99 = A 90-92 = A- 87-89 = B+ 83-86 = B 80-82 = B- 77-79 = C+ 73-76 = C 70-72 = C- 67-69 = D+ 63-66 = D 60-62 = D- 0-59 = F Correction Policy First Semester • Corrections will need to be made on assignments receiving grades of 70% or below. • Corrections will be done at recess time or if not completed at recess students will finish the corrections at home. • Corrections will bring the grade up to a 70% (C-). Correcting ensures understanding. Second Semester • Corrections will be made, however in order to prepare for fourth grade, the score on the assignment will remain the original grade. Grading Scale
Accelerated Reader • The purpose of the reading program is to test students reading comprehension. • Students will be required to earn at least 6 points in the first quarter, the goals will go up throughout the year. • AR books are sometimes read as a whole class or during Guided Reading time. • AR points allow students to earn prizes in the classroom for their hard work. • AR printouts will be sent home with progress reports and report cards.
Discipline Plan • My behavior plan is based on a traffic light system. • Each child has a slot in the front of the classroom to hold their behavior card Green – “Go!” You’re doing a great job! Yellow – “Warning!” Slow down and think about your behavior. Behavior card is sent home Red – “Stop!” Get your behavior under control Lose recess time and a behavior card is set home Black – “You’re out of here!” The student is sent to the office to “cool down”. Parents are called to discuss the behavior. • Behavior Calendars are kept in student’s 10 pocket folders for them to keep track of their behavior. Please check it periodically. • Behavior cards are kept on file along with calendars and are reviewed during report card time. .
Class Events Rickert Market Quarterly Auctions Roller Skating Rocket Math Student of the Week Behavior Calendar Rewards Rewards for “all class” behavior Accelerated Reader Rewards
School Information • Students may come to school and sit and read at their locker prior to 8:00. • Lunch money may be brought in at any time and deposited into your child’s account • Jackets, boots, snow pants, etc. should be labeled with student’s name. • Absent students need to report to office with note from parents upon returning for an admit slip. • Please call as early as possible for changes in your child’s schedule.
General Information Class website NWEA Testing in Fall, Winter, and Spring WKCE Testing in November RAZ Kids IXL Math Daily 5 Student birthdays Field Trip-Ye Olde Schoolhouse in March Recess snack Early Dismissal Wall of Fame program Differentiated Instruction
Fundraising • Book Orders • Scrip • Market Day – Third Grade’s month is during the month of November. Please use this month to stock up on items or try the program for the first time. December 6th will be third grade Market Day pick-up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. • Book Fairs • PTO Activities
Thank you for coming tonight! I hope you and your child enjoy this school year with me! We all want what’s best for your child! Communicate, communicate, communicate!!!